umn ministry

Relation chapter 9 the bible study


Relation chapter 9 the bible study

Relation chapter 9 the bible study from christian living

Chapter 09

The Bible Study From Christian Living

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 9:1-14

1I know that, in Christ, you yourselves have not lost your own strength. 2Even though I am absent from you in body, I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ. 3And as you share in my sufferings, fill up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on my account, 4him[a] having become glorified.

5I am writing this by way of reminder, so that you won’t be wise in your own estimation. 6You need to bear with my word of admonition, because I am writing to you as an elder. 7I am giving you this charge: don’t be conceited, don’t be inflated, but test everything from God’s word, so that you can come to an accurate knowledge of God’s will. 8Don’t be superstitious in your religious duties: other people, don’t meddle with them, for God has called you to be holy. 9You shouldn’t get involved in religious controversy: don’t be jealous of each other.

10Don’t try to be important for God’s sake. Don’t compare yourself with others in a worldly sense. 11Be humble, thinking about how you can serve those in your church and how you can serve God, for God is our only Master and Lord. 12You must not get into legal disputes over your own opinions or into quarrels about food or drink. 13Don’t become an advocate for your neighbor, for you yourself might give a favorable opinion to God in your pride.

14Don’t show favoritism toward any of the believers, for you don’t know what sort of people they are, whether they will be trustworthy or not.

1Thessalonians 2:2

“Brothers and sisters, concerning our life in this world and how we ought to live in it, “It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality, impurity and sexual debauchery occurring among you, the ones leading others into it. 3You should know that “it is not for nothing that God’s word is proclaimed; it is so that it may be done away with in this age.” 4For “in the age to come, the one with the power of death, the one with authority over the life of the one slaughtered, will make proclamation to them that they could have no life in themselves and that by means of this the only one made alive among them will be killed by God.”

6This is how the mystery was made known to us, as we have already mentioned.

9The mystery was made known to us in this way: the creation itself of God in the past, as well as his rest and his subsequent domination in his creation, will be saved. 10This is how we know that the one who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to our mortal bodies through his Spirit who will be given to us.

11So we may boast about God among the one with whom we are in fellowship, and we will boast in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 2:3-13

3Therefore, what we speak is what we also practice, so that we may have the benefit of others’ faith and be seen by God. 4We are not like those who turn aside to their lusts, or who have no control over themselves, or who fit every word they speak with their deeds.

5For each one of us will bear the responsibility of the hope of our salvation with God, for which we are expecting, and our hearts are glad, and our hope is unquenchable, and will never be diminished, because we know the one who raised the Jesus, who is at the right hand of God and who also intercedes for us.

6In the same way, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings to us, and let us run the race that is set out before us, 2like children eager for the full-grown version of the good things God has promised, who, at the name of Jesus, will live by faith in him. 3For God says:

“I will take hold of the strength of my people,

and they will battle,

and I myself will hold their right hand;

I will guide them

and cause them to win victory.

4I will make them my first born,

a dynasty of kings,

the beloved of the Lord,

and their ruler,

even David’s son.”

I’m sure I’m going to get many letters saying that a child of God is not born again unless they are saved, and I have often said as much myself. The only reason I say that is because of Galatians 5:6. What I am trying to show you here is that Christ is our example in this letter. If Christ was saved before all others were saved, then he would not need us to be saved. If he was not saved, then he would not need us to be saved. If he has no need of us to be saved, then we cannot have a need of us to be saved. To not be saved we would have to not be born again. In order to be born again, we need to have this “life of faith.” To have this life, we must submit to the Lord and his Word. If Christ was not saved, it would be impossible for him to live the way he did. He lived for us.

7For Christ did not submit to the law of commands, for he came not to do the law of commands, but to do the law of love. 8We, then, know love by this: that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers and sisters. 9If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 10Don’t you know that whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God? 11Or do you believe that the scripture says in vain: “He who doesn’t love doesn’t know God, and he who doesn’t obey isn’t able to love him either”? 12Flee from idolatry!

13Because of this, “everyone who wants to live in the realm of heaven,” he must be a person’s slave. 14For the one who doesn’t possess God, nor to be under the law, won’t be able to inherit the life of God.

1 Corinthians 5:3-6

3And one of them, named Silas, a devout and righteous brother who fully trusted God with everything, was in the city where the apostles and elders were, as well as a number of people. 4And when he saw that Paul had been beaten by the Jews, he went down to the place where they were having their meeting and brought him up to the rulers. 5Then he asked them, “Men and brothers

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