umn ministry

Iron Sharpens Iron..

5 minute read

By: Jenifer Metzger

Our walk with God is a very personal decision and consistent Bible reading and prayer is a spiritual discipline. It is something that we have to determine is important and decide that we want to spend time with God and we want to grow in our walk with Him.

Even after we make the decision that we want to grow as women of the Word and we want to be consistent in our Bible reading and prayer life, it doesn't mean it is going to come easy every day. Life gets busy. Life gets messy. Our seasons change. Sometimes we lack desire or discipline. And sometimes we need a push.

Iron Sharpens Iron #accountability
Iron sharpens iron, and
one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17 CSB

This is where our sisterhood comes in. God did not intend for us to live a life alone. He did not intend for us to never have support. We need each other. We need sisters in Christ to travel our faith journey with. When life gets busy, we need a sister to remind us to be in the Word. When life gets hard and we are facing a difficult season, we need a sister to ask if we've been in the Word. I'll say it again, we need each other.

Christian accountability is vital. We often find it easier to workout when we have a buddy. Knowing someone is waiting on us to show up at the gym is the push we need to get out of bed and get going. Likewise, having accountability in our faith journey is often the push we need. Then, if we fall down -whether that means we fall to busyness, to sickness, or to sin- our sister can lift us up.

Two are better than one because they have
a good reward for their efforts. For if either
falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity
the one who falls without another to lift him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Accountability can come in different forms. Maybe you have one sister in Christ that you meet with for coffee once a week and talk about what you are reading in God's Word or what God is teaching you. Maybe you have one sister you text every morning to tell her you are up and reading the Bible for the day. Or maybe you have a group of women you communicate with. There are many ways to do it, it just matters that you do.

At Woman to Woman, we know the importance of accountability and we know how having a sisterhood can encourage your walk with God and help to keep you on track. That is why we have Daily Reflections of Hope. Daily Reflections is a sisterhood of likeminded women seeking to stay in the Word of God through accountability.

Daily Reflections is a private group on Facebook where women can go to share their daily Bible and prayer reflections, read the reflections of other women for encouragement, share prayer requests and praise reports, and pray for others.
We want the Woman to Woman Daily Reflections of Hope group to be about accountability, encouragement, prayer partners, and building relationships. We want for you ladies to make lasting friendships in these group as you are encouraged in your walk with God.

If you are reading to become a woman of the Word and you desire sisterhood and accountability, check out Daily Reflections of Hope. Click HERE.

1. Do you have an accountability partner for your Bible reading?
2. Do you have better success with an accountability partner to help push you along?

Introducing our 2024 Bible Reading Plan...

At Woman to Woman we offer a one year Bible reading plan. This is a free resource that you can print out and keep in your Bible or download to your phone. Monday through Saturday we read the Bible and on Sundays we have a Reflection Day.

Reflection Day is not a day to just skip reading. Instead, it is a day where you can look back over what you read throughout the week, pray over what you learned or what God spoke to you, spend extra time in prayer, work on Scripture memorization, and/or reflect on what your pastor preached about that day.

In 2024, we are going through both the Old and New Testaments simultaneously. Each day you will read 2-3 chapters in the Old Testament, then jump into the New Testament and read 1 chapter (there are only 260 chapters in the New Testament, so there will be a few days that do not have New Testament reading).

You can complete all of the reading in one sitting, read the Old Testament in the morning and the New Testament at bedtime, or whatever works for you. All that matters is that you are in the Word, remember, we committed to becoming women of the Word!

We would love to have you join us in 2024 as we read through the Bible together. To access the free download of the 2024 Bible Reading Plan, click HERE.

Over the next few weeks, I will be back on Wednesdays sharing encouragement and tips for getting into the Word. Join me!

from Woman to Woman
Umn ministry

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May 27, 2025