How Are Your Children Really Doing? Discover the Signs


  1. How Are Your Children Really Doing? Discover the Signs

How are your children?

We read in Psalm 127:3 that children are freedom from the Lord. It is the duty of parents to bring up the children that God has given them to be pleasing to God. First, the word of the Lord should be taught to the children. In Deuteronomy 6:7, the Lord commanded the children of Israel that you should teach them to your children and talk about them when you sit in your house, when you walk on the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.

About 15 years ago there were over 200 children in my church's Sunday school. But today not even one-fourth of those children attend Sunday school regularly. This is the case not only in my parish's Sunday school, but in most Sunday schools. Has the number of young children suddenly decreased in the country today? not at all. Parents are not concerned about their children going to Sunday school regularly. Even on Sundays, they sit in front of the television or computer and pass the time. When I was a Sunday school student, there was fierce competition in memorizing scriptures. Some have compared more than 3000 verses. But today the number of children who come to Sunday school, the number of verses read, and the number of verses recited, have dimmed like a chronic mirror.

At the beginning of the book of Judges, chapter 2 verse 10, we read that another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord and all that he had done for Israel. The reason there was such a generation in Israel was because their parents left their children without teaching the Word as God had commanded them. What is its effect? The same book of Judges ends with the final chapter, the final verse, in such a pitiful state. In those days Israel had no king; He was doing what he saw fit.

Even today, many Christian children lack proper character. The reason for this is that television, computers and special training classes in schools are occupying the time to read the scriptures. Scripture reading and prayer fellowship have declined. As a result, we read in newspapers that even young children are suffering from extreme stress and commit suicide. They dare to kill the teacher, make death threats, make bomb threats to schools, kidnap fellow students and stage a kidnapping drama. Everyone is doing according to their own vision.

Today, I have heard some people proudly say to others that we never beat their children, we will buy and give them whatever they want, and we bring them up very pampered. But what does the scriptures say? Proverbs 29:15 A rod and reproof give wisdom; A child left to its own devices brings shame to its mother. We read that. And lead him in the way that a child should walk; We read in Proverbs 22:6 that he will not let it go even in his old age. Where are your children in this?

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