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Corona virus cause many death in the world

  Corona virus cause many death in the world 

Covid-19 is also called a corona virus. In the present day that corona virus travels in the whole world. How can this corona enter in the human body ? Yes, any one of the place that corona virus stay example, the virus stayed in the chair.

The chair is an unliving thing in that chair corona virus not had a life when one man touch the chair that corona virus cause into that man now, corona virus had a life. Corona virus started multiply into the man.

That man got some symptoms. He don't care of that fever, cough, etc,.... he didn't take treatment that corona virus multiply easily so, that corona virus causes the man to death. In the present day every world in that corona hand.

So, beware of corona virus . Safe inside, when you go outside wear mask. Somany problems are in the we should safe. In the countries many death causes by the corona virus .

we take care of our health. how ? we wash our hand twenty seconds and healthy food. now, we see our Doctors ,police, nurse, many of them etc,.... In this critical situation they work for our people. we respect them. they have a lot of pressure and they also affected by corona virus.

Un advantages of corona virus in the world had a economics problems . the countries people had the somany loss of their business. In the countries poor people didn't had the one slice of bread they had poverty in the corona situation. they didn't have a work. so, the people had poverty . credit: third party image reference


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