umn ministry

12 Leaders Evangelicals Lost in 2020


Remembering missionary pilot Joyce Lin, theologian J.I. Packer, author Luci Swindoll, and others.

Luci Swindoll said God’s grace was so powerful that it allowed her to be who she truly was, transforming not only her life, but also her death. “When I’m with the Lord face to face,” she said, “it is my own life that I lay down and not the prefabrication of one who always tried to be somebody else.”

For many reasons, 2020 was a hard year. But we drew strength from the individual lives and powerful testimonies of many who went to meet their savior. Here are a dozen men and women whom evangelicals lost, in alphabetical order.

Check out the rest of our 2020 year-end lists here.

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from Christianity Today Magazine

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