umn ministry

USA goes to Defcon


let's get this show on the road
not that it's a show but
it's an old saying

good to see everybody sorry i went a
little over on the introduction
time this morning

i put out this invitation
to the prayer session to uh
a large part of my email base
which is several thousand

and uh
here we are seven of us i wanted to make
sure that uh everybody had a chance to

get on

so everybody had their chance

so uh
i don't know to me that's very sad that

people seem to have other priorities
and prayer is not typically one of them
or coming together in fellowship

you know is seen as
something to do in the spare time when
everything else is done right

so it just goes to show that the
scriptures are accurate that you know in
the end times people's hearts will wax


they'll be lovers of self

their own

issues priorities

and we see that all around

so i think i think that's a good

indication that you know out of several

thousand invitations that went out

you know

we are the ones that

um are making this a priority

so let's uh let's take that for what it

is that uh that we can

look upon each other as those who are


and committed to the lord and for that

uh i thank you

not for my sake but for all of our sake

that uh in this time together we can

really come together and have some

prayer that that might be meaningful and

share the ideas and

and information that we need to have

okay so

anyway just some opening remarks there

and uh

yeah i don't see uh i don't see one new

name on our list


okay so uh if you would just give me a

a yes or no in the chat the email i sent

out yesterday


did you have the chance to see the video

from paul begley


the usa going on defcon

actually defcon 1. i said defcon 2.

could you just put that in the chat for

me so


let's see

because i might just play that for you

here today because it's very important

all right couple of you did

so we're very serious times right now

and uh

you know as they as they as the old

saying goes the shit's about to hit the


so uh

let me first start off

by sharing a

short seven-minute presentation from uh

one of my favorite channels as you know

love letters from jesus

and see if i can get that up

and that will put things into context

for what we'll discuss



jesus warns

america repent

your sins are endless and tragedy is at

the door



words from jesus through sister


spoken by jackie

elizabeth began my precious family the

lord has been very seriously asking us

to pray for our nation day after day

i have put together a prayer list for


the complete message with the prayer

list of sister elizabeth is available as

pdf the link to the pdf is below this

video and on the website

here now the message from jesus

jesus began there is one thing that will

hold back the very worst of what can

happen in america and that one thing is

repentance you and other prophets have

consistently called for repentance but

your cries have not reached the

president's ears

those cries are for him to lead national

repentance for the sins of your former

governments the sins of the people and

the sins of the military

long and hard i have cried out to

america to repent

much is being done to undo the

horrendous crimes against children and

humanity but i still need repentance on

a much grander scale

if it is not forthcoming what you have

seen will come to pass

it is not enough to announce make

america great again

i've asked you to make america repentant

again unless this repentance is modeled

on a national level unless it is modeled

on a personal level the plan still

remains to humble this nation

understand men in power

this nation has committed atrocities

beyond belief not only to its own

but to those countries that they wanted

to manipulate

the blood from these countries still

cries out to me and still i've not heard

the sounds of weeping and repentance for

these atrocities

the whole nation will suffer because of

them if you do not heed my call

what you have done to other countries

will fall back upon your own heads

unless there is true repentance

i'm asking you to institute a day of

national repentance a day of fasting

weeping and reparation for the sins of

your nation


i stand ready to show you mercy america

but i'm still waiting for you to

recognize and repent of the sins of your


in this moment only repentance on a

grand scale can change what is soon to

happen to you


the sins of hollywood that have gone

unchecked and have formed the minds and

consciousness of the young

promoting violence sexual immorality

divorce materialism

the sins of the educational system that

has introduced the antichrist agendas

sexual perversion promiscuity

exploitation of women without being


the sins of abortion that have been

allowed making my babies an item of food

like cattle

the sins of the elite who have set the

stage for arun america

the sins of the military that has

committed atrocities against mankind

the sins of the medical industry that

has profited off the sicknesses and even

created the sicknesses themselves in


all for profit

the sins of wall street and the wealthy

who have stolen from the poor the sins

of a society which has placed material

gain above parental guidance and left

their children to the state to raise

the sins of the agencies that have been


and betrayed children and families

turning over the compromised to

unscrupulous sex traders


the sins of the police and judicial

system that have been bought off so

these crimes could go by untouched by

the justice system

the sins of corporate entities that have

stolen poisoned and cheated the peoples

of the world in order to control and

reap gain of the poorest of the poor


america your sins go on and on without


only a massive wake-up call will turn

your heads around

even then those of you who will insist

that the truth is buried in the sand

while millions around you suffer from

anxious policies

how am i

to release you from your indebtedness to


how am i to overlook your crimes and

pass them off

how am i to excuse you of these things

when repentance is still a foreign

concept to you

in truth i cannot

judgement must come if only you would

have listened to me crying out to you to

repent of your ways mom and even years


do not say make america great again

rather say

make america repentant again and then i

will hear your prayers to forestall the

tragedy that is about to overtake you



how is that for an indictment

you know that list uh list of crimes and

sins is uh

just beyond the pal but it it serves us


to look at it you know in its in summary

and uh

as as the message said the list goes on

and on of course we're all aware of much

of that

but it just really kind of hits you

upside the head


when you look at it

in its totality


here we are

one thing that really struck me

was the comment about how

how we're making his babies

for food

and uh

that just brings

brings back a

uh reminder

of some of the stories we've heard you

know about what's going into our

processed food


and it's all part of a satanic plan to

ingest us

with these substances

um just horrific absolutely horrific

for that reason alone i stay away from

mcdonald's but you know who knows what

else is out there really

and that's a good reason why

we always have to pray over our food

before we eat

that the lord bless it

that it nourish our bodies

and that all


or evil substances be neutralized


you know that's

just kind of connecting the dots isn't


praying over our food and view of what

goes into it in many cases that we don't

even know




in view of what was being said here


i get the message that the repentance

must really come from the entire nation

coming from

the head

of government

i think that was fairly clear

you know must really kind of

be broad-based and come from the top

down from our leaders

have we seen that in our leaders

obviously not

they just continue with their lies

their crimes

crimes against the people




so that should give us cause for concern

since we're not seeing that

from the leadership



pretty much a foregone conclusion

that the repentance has not been


and that the judgment is coming

there are numerous messages on this

channel love letters from jesus

talking about

and the scriptures also talk about


raining down from the heavens

in the last days in the tribulations

and that could be interpreted different



that in combination with um

several messages that are available on

that channel

do talk about specifically

uh nuclear weapons


and so


i combine that with other messages on

the same channel that i've seen say hey


get right with god clean your house

because you're not guaranteed another


death is coming

and you don't know when that time is

death is coming

and it could be by by any means you know

it could be by natural causes it could

be by nuclear annihilation

all right

either way if we are

prepared and walking with jesus christ

we should not be concerned and we should

not have fear


because it's going to be the entry entry

way the doorway

to our uh

eternity in glory with

our father in heaven


let me uh segue from that as a basis


take a look at uh

pastor paul begley's uh message

that i shared yesterday

a couple of you have not seen it so we

want to do that make sure you get the


and uh for those that have seen it um a

second time might be uh worthwhile


let's see here

it's not responding give me just a


can't guarantee that he will be but this

is it'd be really be good if he was

okay here we go

let's just see if maybe he is

give me one second here

one second

let's see this will be very important if

he is it'd be great if he is

agent x

hello i'm looking for agent x

okay thank you

all right are you there

i am how are you i'm doing great great

agent x great to have you i am live

right now recording

a video that's going to be on patreon

as we speak

and i wanted to talk about what we

discussed about an hour ago


where we're at on this uh

information you

tell us at 11 38 a.m what information

that you found out about

okay 11 38 this morning uh i'm in

constant contact with

with various

contacts within various agencies just

put it that way

and we post that work or we've worked


and folks this was yesterday just for


timing contacts was

this all happened yesterday

for many many years

served down range together many many

times and basically watch each other's


uh got notified that 11 38 this morning

the united states started receiving a

series of

attacks and uh it was clearly indicated

they were from the

uh from russia and they were doing

malware attacks uh cyber worms

fishing attacks dial of service


and different things that

at all levels within the government

they're primarily focusing on

infrastructure in some areas

uh the agent that i spoke to good friend

of mine uh works within the department

of energy

and he said the department of energy was


and they were told that they were having

to do a lot of what we call air gapping

between networks to keep networks uh

you know up and running efficiently

because uh

of the number the sheer number of

attacks across the entire spectrum

now the cia i just issued about a few

hours ago they just used a warning that


that um

pretty much a checklist for all

government agencies you start adhering

to it looks like that

cyber attacks were going to continue or

actually be uh escalated

so uh and uh it is well well known that

russia does have the capability to

attack our infrastructure ie power grid


water pumping stations

uh substations and what we basically

call scada data which is basically the

machine language that operates a lot of

our pumping stations and uh sewage


uh and the big threat here of course is

pumping stations for nuclear power


so that started around 11 30 and i just

got off uh

a secure contact with him and i asked

for about a half hour ago

it's still still ongoing it's been going

on for

several hours uh

several hours now you know so uh it's

pretty pretty serious

but uh

that's just one thing that he

got in contact from another

that he let us know that there was a you

know convoy of triple m

that had been moved out of moscow on the

way to ukraine that's a big threat big

threat is a big concern

so a lot of things going on right now

theater okay now while this is going on

these big fish attacks

uh warning to all government agencies

these things that are happening

also i have reports now that we have

gone to defcon 1

defcon 1. actually seen the memo that

was sent to me leaked to me from an

individual that's in the federal



if that's the case

you you are we're sharing with me that

uh vladimir putin has at least four


uh four topo m

uh intercontinental ballistic missiles

on a convoy on the move to get in


uh right uh it was reported uh to uh an

agency friend of mine who notified me to

say hey make sure you're you're good and

prepped and good to go because this

thing's getting you know hot

around let's see that would be around

2 30

east coast time east of the east coast

time you're you're east coast right

you're easter time he's about 2 30 east

coast time he was reported

that a convoy of total limbs which is

now tropical limbs or you know

a very large scale elastic beam about

one megaton

uh these are not tactical nodes these

are big boomers

uh uh at least four maybe up to six

had been seen and uh reported going

through moscow

uh on their way south to be a place in


of eucharist now uh

of course there's all sorts of support

vehicles and there's actually a whole uh

i think this brigade size

uh security uh team that goes with this

so it's a quite a big entourage

and uh the thing about it is you know

they're doing this you know so

and obviously our satellites

can see this movement

and as soon as they see movement like

that and if you see the threat increase

what that does to u.s forces

it immediately takes them above that

front three

to uh

two then possibly one if the threat is

real enough

if the threat is valid they go to what

they call [ __ ] pistol that's the highest

level of readiness

within u.s forces and that pretty much

means everything is on alert


a long time ago people have been caught

back from leave uh everyone is ready for

deployment missiles are put on alert

bombers are put on alert uh looking

glass the nuclear icbm command control

planes are put up uh sometimes they call

doomsday planes are put into the air

uh ships are you know sent out to sea


safeties are taken off of things i mean

there's all sorts of steps that's taken

uh if that's the case

and uh

that's that's scary stuff there pastor i

mean uh if putin is ratcheting it up if

he's just trying to scare the ukrainians

uh this should be scared anyone who's

listening to this broadcast because

there are there are no winners in a

nuclear war if he would drop uh topo

limbs and uh


ukraine at mass deaths radiation fallout

uh and you know

economic catastrophe worldwide and uh we

just don't know what what would be our

current response do you take out moscow

and then you know i mean it's been

reported and i have

resources that tell me that you know

there are still

multiple sightings as of around three

o'clock eastern time

this afternoon another uh russian


boomer or a nuclear submarine

nuclear ballistic missile submarine


brought off the coast of virginia


showed its tubes

and went back down so basically what

putin is saying is that guys you know

i'm off your coast i can take out any of

your cities within

six to ten minutes

so uh

so stand by so don't jump into this


so that could be the psychological

warfare message that putin is sending


like if you escalate this or you move

troops from poland into ukraine

uh i'll go nuclear and uh

you can't second guess putin he's uh

he's he's a hardliner in utility you do

you don't you can't get in his head so

that's where we're at right now pastor

all right

all right agent x i appreciate this

update this is very important and we're

uh going to post this now on patreon and

i thank you for this information folks

be in prayer

be in prayer thank you so much

definitely uh and i also learned from

another special forces uh

contact that uh

franco is going out and a lot of special

forces units are being moved into poland

uh as well some for as well as some

airborne division therefore airborne

personnel out of fort bragg

are on the move as well so uh

sadly it looks like both sides are

ratcheting up


the numbers of troops and the more

sophisticated weapons are being brought

into play

and you just don't know where this

thing's going to go you really don't

and i'm also getting reports from an

obscure person i cannot validate it

that uh russia fired on a on a ship

in the black sea today so uh


there's all sorts of stuff happening

on multiple fronts

but uh all indicators are that if the

russian forces

don't take ukraine on the timetable

that that putin wants that he may

bluff or he may really go nuclear it's

just unknown at this point

all right agent x thank you so much for

this report and uh we'll we'll be back

in touch with you thank you so much okay


it's agent x folks so uh

be in prayer okay

uh these are people who really really

really know


there we go


in fact there were three ships that were

fired on in the baltics black sea

and those were grain ships

ukraine is is a huge grain producer

i was there just a couple years ago i i

did a conference in kiev and i also

went spent some time down in odessa

and i remember flying over the country

seeing nothing but wheat fields

so the message is in firing upon those

three grain ships

that there's not going to be any

transport in

the black sea

and think of what that's going to do to

the prices of wheat




ukraine uh in that area

uh exports about 30

of the world's world's wheat and grains

so think about how that's going to

affect things okay of course that's all

you know secondary compared to the uh

the threat to life

now i wouldn't be concerned about this

at all if if i had full faith and

confidence in the

the professionalism and the rationality

and the judgment


the leaders that we have at this point

in time however


what kind of a lunatic would have

confidence in the people that are in

leadership right now

i mean these people are just blooming


uh you know they're more concerned about

uh gender-neutral bathrooms than they

are you know national defense it seems

you know they're all woke and uh i saw a

promotional ad

in a video

put out by nato

and the whole point of the ad

was to say

our strength is our diversity

you know and they had uh brief comments

from people of all you know different


nationalities and

genders and who knows what so our

strength is our diversity and that's

you know they're putting out stuff like

that when they should be focused on on

defense and strategic planning


you know i don't want to get into uh you

know political discussion but uh the

point is

is that we're in a very dangerous

situation right now

because we've got idiots for leaders and

all it takes is one blunder


countries nuclear


are sitting on the edge of their chairs

all right

with itchy fingers

watching each other

all it takes is one blunder from one


to set the whole thing off

all right


that's that's entirely possible

you tie that in with

not only in terms of um

probabilities you know what's what are

the odds of that happening


much higher i'm sure that we'd like to


but you know add that to to

the fact that so many prophecies


predicted this moment and predicted a


then um

you know it's time to pay attention

folks it's time for us to uh

really be paying attention and uh

perhaps re-establish our priorities


let me uh let me

go back to the newsletter that i sent

out yesterday

and uh this article here

uh you really need to see it if you

haven't because this this

talks about these very things about the

the grid system going down

you heard uh

agent x talking with

pastor begley

about how

the russians have the capability to

interfere with the


and how they can shut down water pumps

to nuclear power generation plants

well you think about that

if they can do that

they don't need to deliver a nuclear


all they need to do is shut down the

water pumps

and we've got our own chernobyls with

nuclear power plants melting down across

the country

so they wouldn't need to deliver a

single warhead

just hack into the infrastructure shut

down those water pumps for the cooling

on the nuclear reactors

so there's so many scenarios that can

develop here and i don't say this to to

spread fear i i i'm covering this

so that we can recognize the urgency of

the situation and how important it is

for us to share this with others

and get people to come to christ

because again

we're not guaranteed one more day

and if this whole thing

unfolds tomorrow

and we're gone tomorrow

there is no second chance to get right

with christ


there is no second chance

once once your time has expired that's

it your fate is sealed



important it's very important

and and that's that's the message today

it's not so important that we could go

up in uh you know nuclear vapor

tomorrow that's not so important what's

important is that we're prepared

for our last day on earth however that

might unfold


and and so that's the urgency that we

have to get out to people to say hey

you know this is where we're at have you

accepted christ into your life



so that's where we're at

so with that


let me just ask if anybody has any any


uh or questions on any of that if you'd

like to discuss any of that or you have

any additional insights

i did i did actually see a video someone

took in russia as they were traveling

down the highway they they took a video

of these huge uh intercontinental

ballistic missiles going down the road

and uh

i recognize those because when i was in

moscow just couple years ago

i bought a souvenir coffee cup with

putin and one of those on it so

kind of ironic huh

all right

uh comments or questions

everyone is stunned them

so that's our reality that's where we're

at folks


so let's go ahead and

start a prayer session on

on this and


as other issues as they may come up so

if you will join with me

heavenly father we come to you with

thanks and praise

all glory to your name yahshua


in the name of jesus yahshua

hamashiach the anointed one

we give thanks and praise for the glory

of your creation for your love your


for all the blessings that you've

bestowed upon us throughout our lives

we owe our very existence to you

we owe our lives to you we submit our

will to you that your will be done in

our lives

heavenly father

we repent

of our own sins

we don't want to sin against you in any

way we ask that the holy spirit help us

turn away from our sinful ways

and we also repent

for the sins

of our nation

and the abominations that have occurred

over the years

largely without our knowledge or consent

yet we have

been duped

into supporting it

through fraud and deceit in so many ways

the lies that have been

hurled at us


gain our consent

through lack of full disclosure

lord we repent


these national sins against humanity

against you

against your word

against your kingdom

and we ask

for your

ever-loving kindness mercy and grace

to instill in us

the power and the strength

to live according to your word to live

strong in the face of adversity

to stand strong in the face of death

that we shall be lights in this dark

world proclaiming the glory of your


in the name of jesus we pray amen amen

and amen

all right folks

i hope the message is loud and clear

that's what i had for us uh today

i'll give you one last shot if you want


add anything to the conversation

go back to that email and watch that

second presentation if you haven't done


it'll just add to your awareness

and really kind of chime in here

with the overall theme

okay i think you all have the email

so uh

dana i see you've unmuted yourself you

want to throw something in

yeah yeah

i watched anna von writes his webinar

um monday

and i was rather

blown away to say the very least of all

the things that she had to say

and bringing forward the information

that she brought forward and i just

think that everybody should

sit down and grab some popcorn and spend

about two hours watching that because uh

there is some absolutely mind-blowing

stuff in that webinar it's over the top

and it's off the chain it's off the hook

it's just



so i just uh think everybody should get

a look at that that's on the american

states assembly and go to the webinars

and go to the one that she did on monday

and you'll be able to find it and uh she

talks about

martians we'll just uh leave it at that

i don't want to get too into it because

it was her her story not mine

they have uh they're here on our planet

and uh

there really are lizard people

she confirmed it

and i had no idea about this they all

were refugees and

she wants them all to go back where they

came from hopefully they will they're

causing a lot of problems here for


because they're nothing but evil they

have no feelings and i think

by the sounds of it

that's who's running our planet


it sure sounds like it

i mean how else can you explain the evil

that's going on with these people in our


i mean from the dog


it's clear to see they're not human i

mean these are not human beings that

have any sense of uh

humanity and empathy

you know

so it's very clear very clear in my mind


now i don't understand a really a damn

thing about

any of that stuff

but one thing that i have gathered and

looking at scriptures and prophetic

voices and things like that

one thing i have gathered is that this

is all part of the grand deception

is that uh the world is going to be

looking at uh


uh in one way or another oh you just

broke up

and so so

the world is going to be looking at them

it's a grand deception that these are

not more than than uh

demonic beings

being a part of a grand deception


so i'm not going to go into it because i

don't understand it very well but uh

just just be aware of that in light of

uh scriptural um enlightenment


that for you know if it weren't if it

weren't for god's saving the what is the

the scripture saving the elect a few of

the elect


in the last days you know everyone would

would be would perish you know for lack

of knowledge

so i'm not i'm not quoting that very

well but i think you understand what i'm

referring to

sure i always thought that when the

rapture does come

what was the name of that

it's at the american states

that's the website

and uh you go to the


i guess the the title the

the title or the menu there and um

you can push on it and it tells you

webinars and the webinar was monday um

which would have been

the 21st of february so that's the one

you want to watch

um it's absolutely mind-boggling all of

the information that she brought out in



was there a name of the woman that spoke

her name is anna von writes


all right thanks dana

sure interesting information

so let's go to uh ian hi ian

been a long time how are you

go ahead and unmute yourself



in the name of jesus

just want to say shabbat shalom to


i just want to uh encourage my brothers

and sisters that our god is greater

and that god has not given unto us the

spirit of fear

but of power

love and of a sound mind

uh the enemy might have some power but

our god has all power

uh and we are and we are we are as his

sons and daughters amen he has given us

that same power

he says the same spirit that raised

christ from our dead

dwells in us

uh we understand and see what's

happening uh bible prophecy is been

fulfilled but we

we're not hopeless

amen uh

we are fearless so uh we just got to



as sons and daughters and like you said

mark uh this is a ample time to proclaim

the glorious news that jesus saves

jesus heals and jesus delivers

and and that jesus he is the head


all principalities all powers no uh

what is putin what is yes there's a lot

of evil in the world but the body of

christ is still here jesus made us a

promise he says upon this rock the


uh uh

i uh believing that jesus is the christ

the son of the living god he says upon

this rock i'll build my church he says

and the very gates of hell

shall not prevail against us so we are

winning and we'll winning big no we just

have to keep praying that god will wake

up the sleep and giant

and and uh the body of christ is

is is being awakened and thank god for

the work that you're doing mark

amen to that

amen to uh

faith and not fear


that's it all right thank you very much


you're welcome

appreciate that

and uh yeah we've talked about that on a

number of occasions

if we've got faith there's no room for


that's it and uh

you know the the day of our demise

however that's going to happen is going

to be a glorious day because that is the

day that we will stand in the glory of


we should be looking forward to that

praise god

right and also keeping the words of um

revelation and they overcame him

by the word amen by the blood of the


and by the words of our testimony

and we and we love not our lives not

even unto death so uh yeah fear have no

place in us

that's right


that is very true

that is very true




still know that

many many people stand to suffer


do not


jesus yet



you know that is what we've got to be


right that's our mission




god's timing when

all this is

going to happen



enemy of

mankind is trying to push it out of

out of god's hands and into their hands


i believe that we need to

pray that

you know that

uh the fear of god comes upon all of

these leaders because

people suffer because of what

leaders do most

most people are either

you know like dumbed down or

too busy or whatever to

pay attention to what's going on


i mean it

that's really really sad but we can't be

mad at

at the people it's the

principalities that have

you uh just dumb down people and

you know there's been

so much mind control that has


into society that


you know and it comes in by

you know that

illustration of the

frog in the boiling water

you know it's been



dumbing down america and

ruining family life and etc etc bringing

drugs in and

you know all of that stuff that

um it's part of the




you know to dumb people down to get rid

of religion and

but it's

all of these evil entities

that have um you know whether you call

it fascism or

communism or


you know

the illuminati

i mean

you know

they're all being um

you know

nazism was

part of that spirit and

you know it it goes back to the garden

when satan


got a hold of eve yeah that's been going

on for a long time there's no doubt

about that yeah incrementally and that's

that's the perfect example you know the

the frog boiling in the plot one a pot

one one degree at a time

so uh so yeah it's been uh accumulation


accumulative effect and here we are at

seeing the end game being played out

right now

so uh

all right thank you karen for that

appreciate it

so uh yeah well

i guess uh

be interesting to see the webinar on

ana's website american states

so we'll take a look at that this

weekend and be sure you see that other

link in the email i sent you

that'll tie in very well to kind of give

a clear vision

we have we have

a page on our website called urgent


and the top

message on there is

for those who have not yet accepted



do just that now the only problem is

we've had several


attack our website

we finally got the blog page working


but now the formatting of the pages on

the website

is askew

and in trying to rebuild the website

something went wrong there so so you're

not going to see it properly right now

but just make a note

on the website world missions

with an s on the end dot world

is the url

and in the menu menu you will see urgent


and uh hopefully they'll get that fixed

shortly i don't have any idea how long

it will take

but just be aware that's a link you can

share with folks to help bring them to


all right it's on the web page and you

know there's many other sources you

might already have but

that's available to you to help spread

the word help bring folks to jesus um

when the time is right

all right so

so let's end it there folks thank you

very much for uh

participating today for being a part of

this for praying with us

and uh let's go forward in constant and

fervent prayer

to bring souls to christ as we reach

this climactic period in

earth's history

all right

so whether it be uh uh russians or

martians we need to uh be prepared

all right take care and god bless


Umn ministry Chennai 

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