umn ministry

Way of the Cross


Way of the Cross 

let us now take the hymn create in me

g62 with joyful lips
create me a clean heart o god and renew
our right spirit in me greeting me
a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit in me
push me cleanse me fury find me make my
heart as white as me
a clean heart o god and renew our right
spirit in me
create in me a clean heart o god and renew

a right spirit in me
as we reflect on the 14 stations of thecross
let us feel jesus presence among us and try to experience his emotions jesus died on the cross for us to save us from sin because he loves us
let us walk with jesus on the mount of
calvary and experience the will of jesus
to fulfill his purpose

as we walk with jesus

may we call upon each of us
to reflect on our own life and find our purpose
the first station jesus is condemned to death

we adore your christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world
as we embrace

our own cross which is heavy with the
weight of our tribulations of the year gone by
let us bring before our eyes the humility and strength of christ to
accept his father's will

some of us accepted the difficult path
and drawed on some of us stand by complaining
jesus unwaveringly accepted the profound

suffering for each and every one of us
what are we ready to do for christ jesus
help us to carry our cross and walk with you
give us the strength and courage

to face all that is inevitable in our life and to do god's will
have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us
the second station

jesus is laden with the cross

we adore your christ and we bless you
because by the holy cross you have redeemed the world
do you think it was easy for jesus to carry the cross

for us it wasn't he was beaten he was flogged he was
ridiculed soldiers spat on him he was alone
but he quietly suffered unceasingly
and bore the massive burden to redeem us

from the clutches of sin he did all this because he loved us the
cross is a symbol of christ's immeasurable love for us
many things in life are not easy for us too

we are living with our own sufferings
and problems

but the power of christ is greater than
all sufferings and problems jesus
we ask your forgiveness because you had

to bear the cross for our sins
pour your mercy upon us lord and fill us with your grace that we may not sin
again have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us
the third station jesus falls for the

first time we adore your christ and we bless you because by a holy cross you have
redeemed the world on his way to calvary he moves on painfully dragging and
carrying across he is stone and weary with the agonizing

blows and wounds his strength fails him he falls to the ground under the weight
of his cross jesus we have gravely sinned and fallen
don't let me fall again

help me to remember your sacrifice for me and for all of us that we may keep
ourselves closer to you and remain far flung from sin have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us in me a clean heart o god and renew our right

spirit in me


created me o clean heart o god and renew the right spirit in me against you lord alone
me a clean heart oh god and renew our right spirit in me create me
a clean heart o god and the fourth station jesus meets his


mother we adore your christ and we bless you because by holy cross you have redeemed the world this must have been the most painful meeting of a mother and son she was aware of the purpose of his suffering but seeing her son suffer must have
devastated her wrenched her heart and his wounds piercing through a heart
mary was jesus's constant companion jesus

your love for your mother and your

compassionate heart is incomparable
mary our mother we pray to you for your protection and care be with us mary along the way

have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us
the fifth station simon of cyrene helps jesus to carry the


we adore your christ and we bless you
because by the holy cross you have redeemed the world simon of cyrene

promptly helped jesus to carry his cross
what a mighty privilege to help our savior
many people confide in us many ask for our help
we ourself see many people carrying their crosses every day have i offered my help

oh lord jesus

help us to lower the burden of all the
people who meet us
help me to assist those who are heavy laden with their crosses give us the willingness of simon of cyrene

may we find joy in helping others
mercy on us oh lord lord have mercy on
us the sixth station veronica wipes the face of jesus we adore your christ and we bless you

because by a holy cross you have
redeemed the world jesus face is covered with sweat

and blood

it is gashed
it is a heart-wrenching sight to see his agonizing appearance to see him sends a chill down the spine veronica is moved with absolute compassion for jesus

the only person in the crowd who dares
to go near him and wipes his face with a handkerchief jesus blesses her with a miracle and imprints his sacred continents on a

handkerchief jesus
as we contemplate your passion
melt our cold hearts and make us burn
with compassion for others may we love you more fervently and love
others with a compassionate heart may your countenance be indelibly on our minds

until we are transformed to be like you
have mercy on us oh lord mercy on us the seventh station jesus falls beneath his cross the second


we adore your christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world we cannot imagine

the heavy burden of the cross on the
frail human body of christ moving slowly in the scorching heat his body completely lacerated the soldiers won't let him stop

he continues to get flogged

every time he stops the body gets weaker
the cross gets heavier jesus falls to the ground for the second time jesus we are weak

make us strong when we fall be our strength so that we look up to you and rise again
help us to be string-willed to stay away from all the things because we can easily fall

not get drowned in our sins have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us created me
a clean heart oh god and renew our right
spirited me created me

a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit in you've me
rejoice my tongue shall sing your praise again created me

a clean heart o god and renew
our right spirit with me created me a clean heart oh god the 8th station

jesus consoles the women of jerusalem
we adore your christ and we bless you
because by the holy cross you have
redeemed the world

the blessed women in the crowd lament at the suffering of christ
they weep as they see jesus suffering
before their eyes they are helpless

jesus is string willed to save us from sin
he says to the weeping woman
daughters of jerusalem weep for yourselves and for your children


we weep over our sins and all the
undeserving pain that you suffered for
us help us lord to turn away from sin
and help others to do so forgive our sins merciful father

have mercy on us o lord lord the ninth station jesus falls beneath his cross the third
time we adore your christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have

redeemed the world
jesus had almost arrived at the summit
of calvary but before he reaches the spot where he

is to be crucified
his strength fails him again and he falls to the ground the third time
jesus each time we gaze upon the cross
may we reflect on your boundless love

so that
when we are weak and downtrodden
we may hold ourselves from falling into the trap of sin
maybe through your divine intervention
live a life so blessed that we will
never let you fall again

have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy
on us the 10th station
jesus is stripped of his garments
we adore your christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world

jesus reached kolgotha the place where they will mercilessly nail him to the cross jesus is mocked by inhuman mortals

he is stripped of his garments he suffered all the shame because he loved us jesus
make us humble like you clothe us with your holiness kindness and compassion

may we never strip others with our
vicious words and actions
but be considerate and merciful towards
them have mercy on us o lord lord have
mercy on us

create me
a clean heart oh god and renew right spirit with me greeted me o clean heart o god
and renew our right with me use my sacrifice  to you a humble o god created me
a clean heart o god and renew our right

spirit in me
the 11th station jesus is nailed to the cross
we adore you o christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have
redeemed the world

jesus is laid upon the cross his hands and feet are brutally nailed to the cross
how much did jesus love us

he stretched out his arms and died
how much more can someone love you
jesus was madly in love with us jesus
help me to deepen my relationship with you that i may love you more and more each day
in the cross be my glory ever

have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us the 12th station
jesus dies on the cross we adore your
christ and we bless you because by holy
cross you have redeemed the world let us
kneel for a little while

jesus remained nailed to the cross suffering
excruciating pain for three hours even as he suffered on the cross he asked god to forgive us saying that

we do not know what we do
he forgave us all he bowed his head and died
he took the cross and taught us
above all to do the will of the father he fulfill his mission what is our mission jesus

may we never forget that you died on the cross so that we may have eternal life
we hail your cross and lovingly accept our own thank you jesus for all that you do for us let my life be a life of service to you and to others have mercy on us o lord lord and mercy on us
the 13th station jesus is taken down from the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you
because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world at calvary everyone leaves
the beloved disciples of jesus and the holy women

with mary the mother of jesus
jesus has paid the price for our sins joseph of aramatia and nicodemus take down the body of jesus from the cross
and place him in the arms of his aggravated mother mary our mother your grief was so great

being a helpless witness to the passion of christ by his death and resurrection
we have become your children in jesus
help us by your intercession to be
like your son jesus christ have mercy on us our lord

the 14th station
jesus is laid in the holy sepulchre we adore your christ and we bless you because because by the holy cross you have redeemed the world

the disciples take the body of the beloved son jesus from his mother and place it in the tomb the tomb is closed and it and in it lies
the lifeless body which remains until the hour of its glorious resurrection jesus
you triumphed over the cross you conquered and redeemed us from all sin and evil
we give ourselves to you and surrender ourselves to your holy will lord we love you
may your kingdom come may your will be done

have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us create me a clean heart o god and renew
our right spirit in me created me a clean heart to god and renew her right in me for

me cleans me purify me make my heart as wide as created me a clean heart oh god and when you alright spirit in me created me

o clean heart o god and renew alright spirit in me concluding prayer heavenly father
a merciful god we have reflected on the passion of your

son jesus christ we are assured of his endless love for us we accept our way of the cross
may we be resurrected with christ our savior let us pray for the intention of the
holy father our father
who art in heaven hallowed be thy name
as we forgive those who trespass against
us and lead leaders not into temptation
but deliver us from evil hail mary full
of praise the lord

glory be to the father unto the son and
to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and never shall be world without end amen created me a clean heart o god and renew our right spirit in thee

we me
a clean heart o god and renew a right
spirit in me

God bless you 

Umn ministry 

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