The Living Christ Series chpt.05-ChallengeofFaith
by John T. Coyle
Publication date 1951
Usage Public DomainCreative Commons Licensepublicdomain
Topics Biography, Drama
This 12 chapter series tells the story of the life and death of Jesus Christ
Contact Information
Addeddate 2009-12-15 17:16:13
Color color
Director John T. Coyle
Identifier TheLivingChristSeries
Run time 360 min.
Sound sound
Year 1951
Reviewer: SonYzeN - favoritefavoritefavorite - November 10, 2014
Subject: God Question for Anyone, Forum not Useful
I tried posting this in the forums but never got one answer so I was wondering if anyone knows of any clips or recordings that allow free commercial use ( from this site ) depicting the crucifixion of Jesus.
The film here was good but it causes trouble proving the source being available in the Public Domain if split into several parts, all listed to a single license, on one page.
Reviewer: Apeism is Stupid - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - May 20, 2014
Subject: Thank you for the upload...
This is such a promising series. I watched only a little bit of it, and it looks great. When I have more time, I'll watch it 2 consecutive nights. Planning on 3 hours each night should do it. I was glad to see that the wise men didn't worship Jesus on the night He was born, as when the shepherds worshiped Him... but later, just as the Bible says. The Bible also teaches, that the wise men visited Jesus when He was no longer a baby, but a little child, which this movie still had Him as a baby. There always seems to be things that these movies miss, or don't fit with what the Bible says, but, this is still a great looking series.
Reviewer: sarracene - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 18, 2012
Subject: preferred Jesus movie of all time
growing up as a pastor's kid I was familiar with all kinds of movies trying to portray Jesus' life as gathered from the gospels.
After many years of not watching it much since a lad until now, it's like watching it again for the 1st time.
It was after my youth that I got reason for thinking such.
The person portraying Jesus spent @ 1 year preparing for that role; inwardly & outward.
At the time when the movie was made, long hair & facial one was not looked upon with good eyes at formal work, & as he started to take on this look he was called on to the supervisor's presence. Usually, one wouldn't ask a person to explain themselves & would just be told to be let go for braking policy, but being he was such a faithful worker, they had him state his reason.
Upon learning of it, the powers that be not only let him keep his job, but also gave him the rest of the time off as paid leave, so as to more adequately prepare for the task at hand.
At least to me, he's the acting of Jesus that has come the closest to the description of our Lord written about in the book the Library of Congress has called the best written biography of Jesus. the book is titled The Desire of Ages (can also be read free online), authored by ellen gould white.
God bless you all!
Reviewer: cosmico - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 2, 2011
Subject: Nicely Done
And much appreciated.
Reviewer: Pleonic - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 31, 2009
Subject: A Good Re-telling of the Story of Christ
This earnest little film series actually does a good job of telling the story of Jesus. It has some good acting, particularly by the people portraying St. Peter, King Herod, and Pontius Pilate. Robert Wilson plays Christ with unaffected dignity and kindness, although his delivery gets a bit sing-songy after a while.
You can tell they put a good deal of effort into production values. It's not a big-time Hollywood film but the sets and effects are convincing, although there are few spectacular miracle shots. The script is more into Christ's teaching and personality. One thing I was particularly impressed with was their effort to show Christ's Jewishness.
The one thing that disappointed me was the resurrection. After 11 1/2 episodes of painting a pious, traditional portrait of Christ I'm not sure what they tried to do at the end. After the resurrection you barely see him; all they show are weird shadows and, finally, a brief, fuzzy, glowing, almost unrecognizable picture of him. I couldn't tell if the producers were trying to say the resurrection was a hallucination or if this was their way of portraying his supernatural glory. Either way, the effect was to portray the resurrection as creepy.
But overall I liked this film quite a bit and would recommend