umn ministry

15 Soul Soothing Bible Verses & Affirmations for Single Moms



15 Soul Soothing Bible Verses & Affirmations for Single Moms

The last six months have been very trying for me. I suffered a miscarriage,
my engagement ended and I lost my job of eight years. Needless to say, I
was facing many challenges. After shedding some much needed tears, I
concentrated on changing my thoughts. While I’ve never taken on the
victim role, I did ask the question: Why me? In some cases questions were
answered, but in others they were not. In either case, I didn’t let my
circumstances define me, I moved on. Positive thinking is a way for me to
conquer any fears or challenges that I encountered over the years. I became
my personal cheerleader.
I know first hand about being a single Mom. I am currently raising my five-
year-old son, Hamilton, by myself sans any financial support from his
father. Hamilton is the light of my life, he is my heart. Anyone who comes
into contact with him is immediately impressed by his huge personality. He
has such a bright future.
The landscape of today’s family has changed. Respect for mothers have
deteriorated to an alarmingly low level, as a result, many men are not taking
responsibility for their children. Women have been minimized to Baby
Mommas. Don’t let yourself be mislabeled, you are the mother of his child,
NOT his baby momma.
There are so many opportunities for comfort, some women rely on the Bible
for it or some find encouragement via other means. I would like to provide
some Bible verses and some real life words of wisdom that I created.
No matter how you became a single mom, whether through divorce, a
planned or unexpected pregnancy, we are all in the same boat, we are single
moms. While there are only a total of thirty verses and affirmations, I hope
that they provide a powerful impact and some comfort to you.

1. Drama with the father of my child:
Verse: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayers.
***Matthew 21-22
Affirmation: I will not succumb to his hatred, immaturity or ignorance. I am
strong, smart and a lady worthy of respect.
2. Financial woes:
Verse: The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those
who trust in him. ***Nahum 1-7
Affirmation: I am not a victim, I will work tirelessly until my dollars
multiply from my hard work!
3. Trusting myself:
Verse: Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have
never forsaken those who seek you. ***Psalm 9-10
Affirmation: I am blessed with a plethora of innate knowledge that I can
draw upon whenever I am faced with adversity allowing me to solve life’s
4. Finding time for myself:

Verse: I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me
dwell in safety. ***Psalm 4-8
Affirmation: There are twenty-four hours, one thousand four hundred forty
seconds, in a day, I deserve to luxuriate in one hundred twenty seconds
daily. And I will do it.
5. Loving myself:
Verse: I praise you, Lord, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
***Psalms 139-14
Affirmation: I am priceless. I love myself dearly for I am God’s child.
6. The joy of single motherhood:
Verse: The joy of the Lord is your strength. ***Nehemiah 8-10
Affirmation: Single motherhood is a journey on which only brave women
embark. I can deal with every bump and curve in the road, every dropped
and foul ball and the occasional tsunami, because I am a Mom and I love it.
7. Dating:
Verse: The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the
outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
***1 Samuel 16-7

Affirmation: Dating is a delightful adventure for which I come armed with
my common sense, sense of humor, and my intuitiveness to see through any
8. Finding my soul mate:
Verse: Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.
***1 Chronicles 22-19
Affirmation: Many people will come into my life, some worthy of being in
it and some not, but I am fortified with the knowledge that I can choose my
soul mate when he enters.
9. Living single:
Verse: Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in
Christ Jesus. ***1 Thessalonians 5-18
Affirmation: I am an exceptional lady and I love spending time by myself
learning about my unique qualities.
10. Recovering from a broken heart:
Verse: Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
***Psalm 63-3

Affirmation: My heart is fragile as crystal but my spirit is stronger than
titanium, so I will survive!
11. Losing my job:
Verse: In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his
steps. ***Proverbs 16-9
Affirmation: I am resilient and resourceful. I possess a suitcase filled with a
unique skill set that no one else has. I will find a new job!
12. Back-stabbing girlfriends:
Verse: The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit…is of great worth in
God’s sight. ***1Peter 3-4
Affirmation: I will not allow negativity to overwhelm my life.
13. My child:
Verse: How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should
be called children of God! And that is what we are!
***1John 3-1
Affirmation: My baby is a child of God, he is Heaven personified, thank
You for him.

14. Finding time to get everything done:
Verse: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within
me. ***Psalm 51-10
Affirmation: There are twenty-four hours, one thousand four hundred forty
seconds, in a day, I can only do so much and I forgive myself if the dishes
go unwashed or the laundry piles up.
15. Losing weight:
Verse: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of
love and self-discipline. ***2 Timothy 1-7
Affirmation: My body houses my soul and I will honor it with the respect it

Umn ministry 


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