umn ministry

How to do with Jesus Christ



How to do with Jesus Christ 

1. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow we die.

 2. Be contented with what you have; rejoice in the present time.

 3. When you pray, do not babble like children.

 4. Live simply so others may simply live.

 5. Give thanks in everything.

 6. Love your enemies.

 7. Pray without ceasing.

 8. Take no thought for anything, but only think of Him who is at hand.

 9. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt.

 10. Never give place to anger.

 11. Keep yourself pure.

 12. Always speak the truth.

 13. Guard your tongue.

 14. Do not lie.

1. Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 2. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we could understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

 3. If someone asks you for something, give them credit by giving them what they want. Don't try to get even with them. 4. Be kind to others, especially those who are weaker than you. 5. Give thanks to God for everything, including the bad things that happen to you. 6. Don't take revenge; leave room for God to work his plan. 7. Don't argue with people. Instead, show them how much you love them by being patient and understanding. 8. Don't let anyone steal your joy. 9. Don't become upset if someone treats you badly. 10. Don't hold grudges. 11. Don't gossip. 12. Don't envy people who have money or power. 13. Don't be jealous of others' success. 14. Don't be proud or boastful. 15. Don't act unkindly toward anyone. 16. Don't hate others just because they disagree with you. 17. Don't be resentful. 18. Don't be quick to speak evil of others. 19. Don't be lazy. 20. Don't lie to others. 21. Don't cheat others. 22. Don't be greedy. 23. Don't keep secrets. 24. Don't drink alcohol. 25. Don't use drugs. 26. Don't be sexually immoral. 27. Don't be angry at others. 28. Don't look down on others. 29. Don't be overly concerned about the future. 30. Don't be anxious about anything, because nothing else matters. 31. Don't be proud. 32. Don't be rude. 33. Don't be self-righteous. 34. Don't be envious of others. 35. Don't be arrogant. 36. Don't brag about yourself. 37. Don't be a bully. 38. Don't be selfish. 39. Don't be a hypocrite. 40. Don't be a fool. 41. Don't be lazy in your work. 42. Don't be stingy. 43. Don't be a big spender. 44. Don't be a miser. 45. Don't be a liar. 46. Don't be a thief. 47. Don't be a backbiter. 48. Don't be a hothead. 49. Don't be a coward. 50. Don't be a troublemaker. 51. Don't be a busybody. 52. Don't be a wise guy. 53. Don't be a religious fanatic. 54. Don't be a bigot. 55. Don't be a racist. 56. Don't be a sexist. 57. Don't be a xenophobe. 58. Don't be a terrorist. 59. Don't be a tyrant. 60. Don't be a dictator. 61. Don't be a murderer. 62. Don't be a criminal. 63. Don't be a drug addict. 64. Don't be a gambler. 65. Don't be a pornographer. 66. Don't be a drunkard. 67. Don't be a slacker. 68. Don't be a whiner. 69. Don't be a complainer. 70. Don't be a quitter. 71. Don't be a pessimist. 72. Don't be a dreamer. 73. Don't be a cynic. 74. Don

Umn ministry 


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