umn ministry

What are the 5 steps to Bible study?


What are the 5 steps to Bible study?

1. Read the Word
 The first step to Bible study is reading the word. You need to read the whole book at least once before you begin studying. If you don't have time to read the entire Bible, then pick out a few chapters to start with. Make sure you understand what the author was trying to say.
 2. Study the Word
 Once you've read the entire book, you'll want to go back over it again. Look for words that seem unfamiliar to you. These are probably the verses that you should spend some extra time studying.
 3. Ask Questions
 When you're done reading the Bible, ask yourself questions about it. What does it mean? Why did God write this? How do I apply these principles to my life?
 4. Share Your Thoughts
 After you've asked questions and studied the Bible, share your thoughts with others. Tell them how you feel about what you learned.
 5. Be Disciplined
 Finally, make sure you continue to study the Bible regularly. Don't let it fall to the wayside.

1. Read the Word
 Read the Bible regularly. If you have a daily devotional time, then make sure you read at least once per day. You should also read the Bible before bedtime.
 2. Study the Word
 Study the Bible thoroughly. Make notes about what you learn and how it applies to your life.
 3. Share the Word
 Share the Word with others. Talk about what you learned and how it impacted you.
 4. Pray
 Pray for God's guidance and direction. Ask Him to help you understand His word and apply it to your life.
 5. Repeat Steps 1-4
 Repeat these steps until they become second nature to you.

Umn ministry 

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