thc false prophet and the prophet be known.
Q And every prophet that appoiiitetli a table in the spirit shall not eat thereof, otherwise he is a false prophet. i o And if any prophet that teacheth the truth doeth not the th ings that he teaclietli lie is a false prophet. i i And any prophet approved and true, that doeth things for a worldly mystery of the church but teaclieth not men to do as he himself doeth, lie shall not be judged among you : for he hath his judgment with God. For in like manner did also the prophets of old time. i 2 But
whosoever shall say in the spirit, 6ive me moneys or any other things, ye shall not hearken unto him , b ut if he bid ) ou give concerning others that are in need let no
man judge him.
EN“ everyone that cometh in the name of thc Lord be received , and then after ye have tested him ye
Acts xviii. j , xx. 3}.
shall know him , for ye shall havc understanding of right and left. z If he that cometh is a wayfarer, give him aid as much as ye are able , but lie shall not abide with you save for t w'o or three days if need be. 3 nt if he be
wi1li• s to settle ainong you as being a craftsman let him
labour and eat ; d but if he have no craft, provide accord- ing to your discretion that he shall not live idle amongst
you as a Christia-n 5 But if he will not do thus lie is a
t aPicker in Christ : of such men beware.
UT every prophet that is willing to settle among you is worthy of his food. z In like manner a true teacher
is himself also worthy even as the labourer, of his food.
3 All the first-fruits then of the produce of wine fat and
thrcsliing floor, oxen and sheep, slialt thou take and give,
Lev. xxii i, Num. xviii. even the fii st-fruits, unto tlic propliets, for they are your high priests , 4 But if ) e have no prophet, give them unto the poor. 5 If thou makest a baking. of loaves, take the first-fruits and give according to the command-
ment ; and in li1:e manner when thou opencst a jar of wine or oil, tame the first-fruits and give unto the prophets.
2 And of money and raiinent and every possession take the first-fruits atid give as secmetli good unto thee according to ttie commandment.
ND on the Lord’s day of the Lord assemble your- Rev. i. i o.
selves together and break bread ; and give thanks after
having confessed also your transgressions, that
sacrifice may be pure. 2 And let not any man that is nt variance with his fellow come together with you until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice be not polluted. 3 F’or this † is that which was spoken of by the Lord :
In every place and time offer un to me a pure sacrifice,
for I am a great King, saitli the Loi d , and My Name is wonderful among the Gentiles.
ELECT therefore for yours•Ives bishops and deacons } or overseers Cf, Acta
worthy of the Lord .
men that are meek, and not lovers of money, and true and approved, For they themselves also minister unto }ou the ministry of prophets and teachers, 2 therefore disregard them not ; for it is they that are the 1ionoure‹l ones among ygu with the prophets and teachers.
3 And reprove one ano:her, not in wrath but iii peace, as ye have it iii the Gospel , and to any man that wrongs lits neigh- bour, let no one speak, neither lct him hear aught from you until he repent. 4 And )'our prayers, and your alms, and all your actions, so perform ye them as ye have it in the Go e1 of our Lord.
LATCH for your life. Let not your lamps be Luke xii. j5.
quenched, and let not your loins be ungirded ; but
be ye reudy, for ye know not the hour in which our Lord Matt, xxiv. z,