umn ministry

Living Out Your Calling Daily


By: Jenifer Metzger

As Christian women, we desire to live in our God-given calling. Some are called to be pastors, some to be worship leaders, some to teach children, some to teach teens, some to write, some to be missionaries.

However, God has not called every Christian to a career of ministry. He also calls some to be mechanics, some to be school teachers, some insurance agents, some bankers, some construction workers, some nurses, some chefs, some retail works, some full time homemakers, the list goes on and on.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe everything
I have commanded you. And remember, I
am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

Just because God hasn't called you to a career of ministry doesn't mean you don't have a call on your life. Your calling, my calling, every single believer's calling is to go and make disciples. To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can, no matter what your career is, share the Gospel and make disciples. You can live out your God-given calling every single day.

If you are reading through the Bible with us this year, we are in 1 Kings. This week we've read how King Solomon is building the Temple of the Lord. This was literally the Lord's work! He didn't call on priests to build the temple. He called on those who knew how to do that particular job to do this kind of work for the Lord.

Then King Solomon drafted forced
laborers from all Israel; the labor
force numbered thirty thousand men.
1 Kings 5:13

Living Out Your Calling Daily #goandmakedisciples #yourcalling #sharethegospel

How can you living out your calling daily?

Pray. Pray for those you are with. Whether you are out in the workforce, attending school, or a stay at home mom, pray for those you are with. Pray, also, that God would lead you and give you open opportunities to share the Gospel. If you hear a need of someone, ask if you can pray for them. If they say yes, pray right then! Even if they say no, pray in private for them.

Be a living example. It has been said, "Share the Gospel at all times and use words when necessary." Live out the Gospel with the Fruits of the Spirit. Be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, and self-controlled {Galatians 5}. Let your words be sweet like honey {Proverbs 16}. Don't engage in gossip, dirty jokes, or other practices that are displeasing to God. Pray before your meals and carry a Bible with you. Let your life be your example.

Invite people to church. Invite co-workers and neighbors to church. Offer to take them to lunch after church. Invite them to a women's Bible study your church is having or a special event they're hosting. Always talk kind and positive about your church, never gossiping or criticizing your pastor -who would want to go to your church when they hear that!

If you're a stay at home mom, make sure your home reflects God. Play worship music throughout your home, let your children see you reading the Bible, pray with your children, read Bible stories to them, and teach them how to be a kind and loving neighbor.

You my friend, have a call on your life. A call to share the Gospel of Jesus. A call to make disciples of all nations. A call to reach the people around you. Are you ready to live out your calling daily?

1. Have you ever thought of your daily life as your God-given calling? Do you see it now?
2. What are other ways  you can live out your God-given calling daily?

from Woman to Woman
Umn ministry

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