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The book of Revelation Chapter 6


The book of Revelation Chapter 6

The book of Revelation Chapter 6 is about Satan's great fall.

 If he had not rebelled he would have been God. He has been judged. Judgment does not always mean punishment. 

It can just mean being stripped of something and suffering, being excluded from a certain kind of good. In this chapter, the great and powerful God says that he is going to excommunicate him from heaven.

 He is going to take him out of heaven and he will be cast down to earth. Satan had rebelled against God and he has been judged. This is why he had to go to the earth, to the kingdom of darkness. Before this he had dominion and glory over the creation. Now he is going to lose that great status, but he will not go into the abyss. 

He will be thrown out of heaven and will be cast down on earth. This is the reason that he is in the great city of Babylon. This is the same city that is the capital city of the kingdom of Babylon. Satan will live in this city and will reign over the kings of the earth. He will be exalted.

 He will be the most powerful demon of the day. All the evil spirits will look to him and will have to bow before him and worship him. Satan is stripped of all power. He will go out of the kingdom of God.

 In this verse Satan rebelled against God, he was judged and now he is going to live in the kingdom of darkness. It was also prophesied that he would rule in Babylon and that no man could have dominion over him (revelation chapter 16). Now he is going to rule over the kings and nations of the world.

I Corinthians 5:5 says, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is outside the body; but he that commits fornication sins against his own body." This is because his soul and body go to hell together. They go to the same place together and all your suffering and your punishment will come as well. You will have to suffer what they suffer. 

They will go to hell and they will be destroyed. You cannot escape this, not even if you think you are already saved and going to heaven. You are only going to see him when you die, but they will see him when he punishes them. You are going to share in their punishment. You are going to be with them all. Satan and his demons are being punished as they go to hell.

The great city of Babylon is described as a great whore. It is going to be filled with sin and corruption. There will be no one that will be pure in this city. Everyone will be wicked and wickedness will abound in the streets. What will happen is that a man that will be very wicked will have great power. He will have the power to get things done. You will not have freedom in this city.

There is going to be no one to be your judge, no one that will judge you. You are all going to be left alone. You are going to be alone, even in your church. God is going to let the evil spirits run free. Your children will be wicked, they will be deceived, they will be misled, they will be brainwashed and the world is going to be run by their leadership.

 I know that some will try to come and tell you to stop rebelling against God, but I can assure you that you are already rebelling. Your parents tried to bring you to church, but all they are doing is making sure that you know nothing about the Bible. They will stop you from listening to it. You will hear their wicked voices, but God says that he is going to send you an angel to stop you from hearing these wicked voices.

It is clear that the bible tells us that there is going to be an end of times, there is going to be a great battle between God and Satan. When this happens you are going to have to stand before God. At this point you will not have salvation. He will have to judge you. 

When he is judging you and all the sinful people, he is going to see that all your sins are as great as all the sins of this whole world. Satan is going to be judged with all the wicked men. God is going to judge all the sin in this city. That is why in verse 19, "the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the mighty men, every slave and every free man in Babylon."

They will see all the sins of the great city and God is going to judge all of them. Those that are not saved are not going to be the ones who are saved. When you are judged before God, he will say to you what Jesus said in John 15:18. He said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God." He will say to you what Jesus said in John 3:18. He said, "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." 

Those who are not saved are going to go to hell. Satan and his demons will go to hell. You will go to hell if you are not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are not a true believer you will go to hell. There will be people who want to be saved. They want to go to heaven when they die. They want to go to paradise and they want to have eternal life. They are deceiving themselves. This is the way they are deceiving themselves. All of them are going to hell when they die, no matter what they are doing. If they do not know what the bible teaches they are going to go to hell. The bible teaches us that those who do not know God cannot see the kingdom of God and they cannot enter the kingdom of God. Those who do not know God are the ones who are going to go to hell.

There are a lot of preachers that don't know the bible. They can preach a lot of wonderful sermons, but they do not know the bible. They do not know that the bible says what it says and they do not know that if you are not born again, God is going to send you to hell. They will never save your soul, they are going to give you a false hope.

In Jeremiah 9:1 it says, "Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." This is the one that will die on the cross and be crucified. If your heart does not depart from the Lord, you are going to be saved.

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