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Bible N.T. Greek text with critical apparatus

3 minute read

Bible N.T. Greek text with critical apparatus

Certainly! A critical apparatus is a scholarly tool used to indicate variants in a text and provide information about the sources that support those variants.
If you're looking for a New Testament Greek text with a critical apparatus, one commonly used edition is the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (NA28). This edition is widely recognized as a standard critical text of the Greek New Testament and includes a comprehensive apparatus that documents the variant readings found in different manuscripts.

The NA28 is the latest edition of a series that has been in use since 1898. It is based on a careful analysis of numerous ancient manuscripts, including some of the oldest and most important manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, as well as early translations and patristic citations.

In addition to the NA28, there are other editions of the Greek New Testament that include critical apparatuses, such as the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (UBS5). Each edition has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to consult multiple editions and sources when studying the text of the New Testament in its original language.

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May 27, 2025