umn ministry

Find Your Tribe


By: Jenifer Metzger

In Exodus chapter 17 we see the story of the Israelites in battle with the Amalekites. While they battled, Moses stood at the top of the hill. Verse 11 tells us that when Moses raised his hands up, the Israelites were winning. However when his arms grew weary and he put them down, they began losing the battle. Thankfully, Moses had a tribe. Friends that stood by his side and held his arms up when he grew tired. Aaron and Hur held Moses arms up to let him rest so that the Israelites would continue to win the battle.

Do you ever grow tired? Feel alone? Feel like you need someone to come along side you and hold you up? My friend, it is time to find your tribe.

Find someone who will be there to call on when you are struggling. Someone you trust to lift you in prayer. Someone you trust to keep things between the two of you. And someone you can trust to speak truth and life into you, even when it hurts.

Find Your Tribe #friendship #friends #relationship

We know that we should always go to God first. He wants us to call on Him in times of trouble, He also wants us to come to Him in times of joy, and even just to sit in His presence. But we can also know, from His Word, that He wants us to call on others too. God didn't create us to do this life alone.

Iron sharpens iron, and
one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Two are better than one because they
have a good reward for their efforts.
For if either falls, his companion can
lift him up; but pity the one who falls
without another to lift him up. Also, if
two lie down together, they can keep
warm; but how can one person alone
keep warm? And if someone overpowers
one person, two can resist him. A cord
of three strands is not easily broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

So how do we find our tribe and what should we expect?


Begin to pray and ask God to help you find a woman, or a few women, who can be your tribe. God wants this, therefore He will honor your prayer and lead you to someone. Be open, who God has for you may not be who you thought. Listen to His leading and be open.

Look around for a woman.

Are you in a women's Bible study? This is a great place to get a tribe! My Bible study group at church is incredible! These women are definitely part of my tribe. You can also talk to your Pastor's wife, she may have a few women you could approach.

Be honest.

Transparency is important. Your tribe will not know how to pray for you and how to help you if you are not completely open and honest, even when it may be embarrassing or hard.

Don't get offended.

A good tribe will not only pray for you and be available to you, but will also speak truth into your life. They may say things like, "Have you talked to God about this yet?" or "Are you in the Word?" or "Why haven't you been in church?" They don't say these things to hurt or offend you, but to help you and encourage you.

We don't need to walk through this life alone. We need our tribe to hold us up. If you have a tribe, praise God for them and pray for them. If you don't have a tribe, I am praying for you today that God would lead you to finding your tribe.

1. Do you have a tribe already? Share a way that having a tribe by your side has helped you.
2. If you so not have a tribe, what are some ideas for finding one?

from Woman to Woman
Umn ministry

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