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Topic message about the birth of Jesus Christ

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Topic message about the birth of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ is a significant event in Christianity, as it marks the incarnation of the Son of God and the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament. However, the exact date of his birth is not recorded in the Bible or any other historical source. Most biblical scholars agree that Jesus was born sometime between 6 BC and 4 BC, during the reign of King Herod the Great¹³. The gospels of Matthew and Luke provide some details about the circumstances of his birth, such as the location (Bethlehem), the parents (Mary and Joseph), the angelic announcements, the shepherds, and the magi. However, they do not mention the season or the day of his birth¹².

The traditional date of December 25 for the celebration of Christmas was first established by Pope Julius I in 350 AD, but it is not based on any historical evidence. Some scholars suggest that this date was chosen to coincide with the pagan festivals of the winter solstice, such as Saturnalia and Sol Invictus, in order to facilitate the conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity¹⁴. Other scholars propose different dates based on various methods, such as the analysis of the astronomical events, the Jewish calendar, the Roman census, and the chronology of the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus¹. However, none of these methods can provide a definitive answer, and the date of birth of Jesus remains a matter of speculation and debate..
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/14/2023
(1) Date of birth of Jesus - Wikipedia.
(2) Chronology of Jesus - Wikipedia.
(3) Luke 2:1-20 NIV - The Birth of Jesus - In those days - Bible Gateway.
(4) Christmas | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History, & Facts.

What is the moral lesson of the birth of Jesus Christ?

The moral lesson of the birth of Jesus Christ is that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to save us from our sins and to show us the way to eternal life. Jesus came to this world not as a powerful king or a wealthy lord, but as a humble and poor baby, born in a stable and laid in a manger. He lived a life of obedience, service, and sacrifice, and died on the cross for our redemption. He rose again on the third day and ascended to heaven, where He intercedes for us and prepares a place for us. Jesus is the greatest gift that God has ever given to humanity, and we should receive Him with gratitude, faith, and love. We should also follow His example of humility, compassion, and generosity, and share His good news with others. Some of the web search results that I used to create this response are:

- [6 Lessons from the Birth of Jesus - Moms In Prayer International](^1^)
- [Lessons from the Birth of Jesus: Humility - SDARM](^2^)
- [Lessons Christians learn from the annunciation of birth of Jesus](^3^)
- [Birth of Jesus – Mission Bible Class](^4^)
- [The Birth of Jesus -](^5^)
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/14/2023
(1) 6 Lessons from the Birth of Jesus - Moms In Prayer International.
(2) Lessons from the Birth of Jesus: Humility - SDARM.
(3) Lessons Christians learn from the annunciation of birth of Jesus.
(4) Birth of Jesus – Mission Bible Class.
(5) The Birth of Jesus -

Who wrote the story of Jesus birth?

Who saw Jesus birth first?

Who is Virgin Mary?

Thank you for your questions. Here are some answers based on the web search results:
- Who wrote the story of Jesus birth? The story of Jesus birth is recorded in two of the four canonical Gospels: Matthew and Luke. These are anonymous works that were attributed to the apostles Matthew and Luke in the second century AD, but their actual authors and sources are unknown. ¹²
- Who saw Jesus birth first? According to the Gospel of Luke, the first people to see Jesus after his birth were the shepherds who were watching their flocks nearby. They were visited by an angel who announced the good news of the Savior's birth and directed them to Bethlehem. There they found Mary, Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. They then spread the word to others about what they had seen and heard. ³⁴
- Who is Virgin Mary? Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, who conceived him by the power of the Holy Spirit without sexual intercourse. She was betrothed to Joseph, a descendant of King David, but they did not have marital relations until after Jesus was born. She is revered as the mother of God and the model of faith, obedience, and humility in Christianity. She is also honored in Islam as the mother of the prophet Isa (Jesus). ²

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/14/2023
(1) Mary, Simeon or Anna: Who First Recognized Jesus as Messiah?.
(2) Virgin birth of Jesus - Wikipedia.
(3) Jesus Christ Biography - Early Life, Followers, Baptism and Genealogy.
(4) Jesus's Birth in the New Testament: One Event — Four Narratives.

God bless you.

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