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According to traditional Christian theology, the 3 main stages of Revelation are: According to the Bible, some of the first stages of God's revelation include:This verse reveals several key truths about God

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According to traditional Christian theology, the 3 main stages of Revelation are:According to the Bible, some of the first stages of God's revelation include:This verse reveals several key truths about God:

 According to traditional Christian theology, the 3 main stages of Revelation are:

1. General Revelation - God reveals basic information about His existence and attributes through nature, human conscience, and moral law. This is available to all people.

2. Special Revelation - God reveals more specific information about Himself, His redemptive plan, and His will through supernatural means that are recorded in the Bible. This requires God's initiative to communicate. 

3. Illuminating Revelation - God enables people to understand and properly interpret the meaning of both general and special revelation through the inner working of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit makes the word of God come alive and have personal relevance.
The idea is that God makes Himself and His truth known through a variety of means at different levels, with the most clear and authoritative revelation coming through the inspired Scripture texts. However, all 3 types of revelation require God's grace to be properly understood by limited human minds.

 According to the Bible, some of the first stages of God's revelation include:

1. Revelation through Creation: The Bible teaches that God's existence, power, and attributes can be clearly perceived in nature and creation (Romans 1:20). Creation testifies to an all-powerful Creator. This is the most basic level of God's self-disclosure.

2. Revelation to the Patriarchs: God directly spoke to many of the early patriarchs and prophets like Adam, Eve, Cain, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others. He gave them specific revelations, promises, commandments, and covenants. These accounts are recorded in the early chapters of Genesis.
3. Revelation through Visions and Dreams: God often revealed His plans, promises, and warnings to people in the Bible through unique visions and dreams. Examples include Jacob's ladder, Joseph's dreams, Ezekiel's wheels, Daniel's beasts, and others. These visions communicated theological truths. 

4. The Giving of the Moral and Mosaic Law: Through Moses, God revealed an codified system of moral laws to govern human behavior (Ten Commandments and other laws). He also issued many specific commands and expectations for worshipping Him rightly according to His standards.

So in summary - some of God's initial revelations focused on revealing His power and expectations in creation, the patriarchs, dreams/visions, and formal divine laws and codes. These laid a foundation for even fuller revelation of Himself and His redemptive plan over time.

 The first revelation of God in the Bible is in the opening verse:

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)

This verse reveals several key truths about God:

1. Existence - The fact that God created the heavens and the earth logically implies that God exists. This is the foundation.

2. Power - The act of supernaturally creating the entire universe out of nothing in itself demonstrates that God has immense power beyond human comprehension. This creative act required infinite power.
3. Precedence - The statement "In the beginning God..." establishes that God existed before the universe and time itself. He stands outside of His creation, not dependent upon it.

4. Will/Agency - By choosing to create the heavens and the earth, this shows God has a will, or the ability to desire, think, and act. He CHOSE to create by His wisdom and design.

So in summary, even in this very first verse of Genesis, quite a bit is revealed about who God is - He exists, has awesome power, preceded all things, and acts with will or agency. The rest of the Bible will unpack these truths much further. But it starts by establishing there is in fact a all-powerful Creator who stands over the cosmos.

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May 14, 2025