umn ministry

Ephesians 5 - Commentary


Ephesians 5 - Commentary

Unveiling the Spiritual Kingdom (5:5)

In Ephesians 5:5, the discourse unfolds into the realm of the Spiritual Kingdom. Here, we encounter the profound concept of God's dominion, the reign of Christ, His Son. It's a realm where the children of God are destined to inherit. Within this sacred domain, there is a resolute stance against the pursuit of that which does not belong to God, labeling it as fornication. The sanctity of this kingdom is emphasized as its inhabitants are called to mirror the holiness of God Himself. They are urged not to enslave themselves to the transient allure of man-made constructs.

Nurturing the Spiritual Family (5:22-6:4)

Transitioning into Ephesians 5:22-6:4, we delve into the intricate dynamics of the Spiritual Family. Here, the familial ties within the spiritual community are explored, portraying a likeness to a spiritual church. Remarkably, even a solitary individual within the family structure can sow the seeds of a spiritual lineage.

A. A spiritual wife:

  1. Be submissive to your (own) husband in all things as you would obey God.
  2. Accept your husband as your leader and savior from all hardships - act accordingly.
  3. Be reverent.

B. A spiritual husband:

  1. Loves his wife as Christ loves the church.
  2. Makes his wife blameless, pure, glorious, self-sufficient, and powerful.
  3. Treats his wife as his own body (equal to himself).
  4. Earns and protects his wife's children.
  5. He should accept his wife as part of his body and flesh and bone of his flesh, and her will as his will.
  6. Avoids mixing or comparing his wife with other relations to prevent division.

C. Spiritual Children:

To nurture spiritual children, the directive is clear: obey parents in the Lord, honoring them, and fulfilling God's commands, irrespective of parental nature.

D. Spiritual Parents:

  1. Avoid provoking children.
  2. Raise them in godly discipline and instruction, fostering transparency in communication.

The essence of this familial paradigm is underscored by the imperative to cultivate a culture pleasing and acceptable to God. It's a sacred union where each member contributes to the spiritual edification and well-being of the whole, mirroring the sublime relationship between Christ and His church.

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