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God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 18

7 minute read


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 18

In Jehovah's work for the Israelites, a distinct earthly space emerged for God's appearance amidst mankind. This locale was deemed His holy place, where He chose to manifest His presence. His actions were confined to the people of Israel, demonstrating a deliberate limitation of His sphere of influence. Initially, His ministry did not extend beyond Israel; instead, He selected the populace deemed suitable to narrow the scope of His work. Israel holds paramount significance as the birthplace of Adam and Eve, and it is from this very soil that Jehovah fashioned man. Thus, this territory formed the cornerstone of His endeavors in the world. The Israelites, being not only the descendants of Noah but also tracing their lineage back to Adam, constituted the human foundation for Jehovah's divine interventions across the globe.

During this phase, the focal points of Jehovah's work in Israel revolved around inaugurating His divine mission throughout the world. These endeavors gradually transcended to encompass the Gentile nations, with Israel positioned at the epicenter. This principle underpins His work across the universe, serving as a blueprint for expansion until the Gospel reaches every corner of the world. The original Israelites, descendants of Noah, had only received the breath of life from Jehovah. While they grasped the rudimentary necessities for survival, they remained oblivious to Jehovah's nature, His divine will for mankind, or the appropriate manner of worshipping the Creator of all things. The progeny of Adam lacked comprehension regarding the duties owed by the created to the Creator, the laws to abide by, or the solemn oaths to uphold. Their knowledge was limited to the notion that husbands must toil diligently to provide for their families, while wives must dutifully obey their husbands to perpetuate the human race fashioned by Jehovah.

In essence, these individuals, recipients of Jehovah's breath and life, were bereft of the knowledge required to fulfill God's oaths or satisfy the Creator of all things. While devoid of malice and discord, with infrequent occurrences of envy or strife, their understanding of Jehovah, the Supreme Lord, remained scant. They partook of Jehovah's provisions without comprehending how to worship Him or recognizing Him as the sole entity worthy of their reverence. Consequently, they cannot be deemed His true creations. Would not Jehovah's proclamation, "I created man in my own image," be rendered futile if the humans fashioned by Him failed to glorify or represent Him? Could these words not be manipulated by the malevolent Satan to denigrate Jehovah's creation, transforming it into a symbol of disgrace?

Following the creation of mankind, Jehovah refrained from offering explicit guidance or instruction from the era of Adam to that of Noah, completing this phase of His work. It was only after the Great Flood devastated the world that Jehovah commenced formally leading the Israelites, the descendants of Noah and Adam. His actions and teachings guided the Israelites within the borders of Israel as they commenced their existence throughout the land. Through these actions, Jehovah showcased His ability not only to imbue life into man, enabling him to derive vitality from Jehovah Himself and arise from the dust, but also to exercise authority over mankind, administering blessings or curses as He deems fit.

Thus, mankind witnessed Jehovah's capacity to orchestrate human existence and to communicate and intervene among humanity according to the rhythms of day and night. These demonstrations aimed to enlighten Jehovah's creations regarding their humble origins, tracing back to the dust from which they were formed by Him. Moreover, other peoples and nations, though ostensibly distinct from Israel, being descendants of Adam and Eve, received Jehovah's gospel through Israel, thereby disseminating it throughout the universe.

This dissemination of Jehovah's gospel served to bridge the apparent divide between Israel and other nations, emphasizing their inherent connection rooted in the common ancestry of Adam and Eve. Despite their geographical and cultural distinctions, these nations remained inexorably linked to Israel, serving as conduits for Jehovah's divine message to permeate the far reaches of the universe.

The progression of Jehovah's work unfolded in three distinct phases, each marked by its own set of objectives and manifestations. The initial phase encompassed the period from Adam to Noah, characterized by Jehovah's creation of mankind and His observation of their development. During this era, Jehovah refrained from actively leading or guiding mankind, allowing them to navigate their existence with minimal divine intervention. However, the Great Flood marked a pivotal juncture, signifying the culmination of this phase and heralding the commencement of Jehovah's formal leadership over humanity through the Israelites.

The second phase of Jehovah's work centered on His chosen people, the Israelites, whom He selected as the primary vessels for the dissemination of His divine will. Through a series of deeds and teachings, Jehovah guided the Israelites in their daily lives, imparting knowledge of His laws and expectations. This phase served to establish Israel as the focal point of Jehovah's divine mission, from which His message would radiate outward to encompass the entire world.

In the final phase, Jehovah's work transcended the confines of Israel, extending to encompass all nations and peoples. Through the agency of Israel, Jehovah's gospel permeated the farthest reaches of the globe, illuminating the hearts and minds of humanity with divine truth. This phase represents the culmination of Jehovah's plan for mankind, wherein His message of salvation and redemption is made accessible to all who seek it.

Throughout these phases, Jehovah's actions were guided by a singular purpose: to reveal Himself to humanity and establish a relationship with His creations. From the creation of Adam to the dissemination of His gospel throughout the world, Jehovah's overarching goal remained unchanged. He sought not only to bless and guide His people but also to draw them closer to Himself, fostering a deeper understanding of His divine nature and purpose.

In conclusion, "God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 18" illuminates the progression of Jehovah's work throughout human history, tracing His divine plan from its inception to its fulfillment. Through the Israelites, Jehovah established a foundation for His mission in the world, ultimately extending His blessings to encompass all nations. This timeless narrative serves as a testament to Jehovah's unfailing love and unwavering commitment to His creations, guiding them through the trials and tribulations of life toward a brighter future filled with hope and redemption.

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May 31, 2025