question When a situation needs to be corrected I feel a burden to speak up about it in order to correct it. I feel a special concern for less mature Christians and feel compelled to care for them spiritually. I find it easy and enjoyable to spend time in intensive Bible study. I am able to help others identify problems and offer solutions. I don't understand why others don't give as much and as freely as I do. I am comfortable visiting people who are sick and disabled. I have greater desire than most to witness to non-Christians. If there is no leadership in a group I will step up and take charge. I enjoy being called upon to do special jobs around the church. When issues are being dealt with in a group, I speak up rather than just listening. I find myself especially concerned that newer Christians will be influenced by false teachers and be harmed in their spiritual growth as a result. Others sometimes accuse me of being too technical or detail-oriented. I would rather talk personally with someone rather than refer them elsewhere. I find myself looking for opportunities to give my money without being asked to give. I have a tendency to think about things for a while before making a decision. Witnessing to non-Christians comes easily to me. I enjoy handling the details of organizing ideas, people, resources, and time in order to have more effective ministry. I feel that I am not specifically skilled, but I enjoy doing what needs to be done around the church.