umn ministry

The Gift of 2020: Perspective

3 minute read

What have you learned in 2020 that you're bringing into 2021?

I’ve said it, and I’ve heard countless other people say it as well, “2020 has been a very trying and difficult year.” I’m sure all of us cannot wait for the ball to drop and usher in 2021.

However, before we leave 2020 and enter into 2021, I want to challenge us to think deeply about 2020.

When I think about 2020, I’m reminded of Joseph in Genesis 50. In his exchange with his brothers (who had sold him into slavery years earlier) Joseph shares, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Gen 50:19–20).

As Joseph contemplated his life, God gave him the gift of perspective. What the brothers saw through their eyes, Joseph saw through the eyes of God. Similarly, looking back over 2020, I would say God brought the same gift this year, perspective. [There may be some irony in this, given the year—20/20.]

In looking through the eyes of God, here are five areas from 2020 that God has given me a deeper more divine perspective.

The year of loss.

2020 was filled with loss—loss of jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment, daily/yearly rhythms, and the death of loved ones.

The loss of livelihoods and people we love affect us deeply. Loss brings about grief and sorrow, and if not dealt with in a healthy manner can lead to a host of unhealthy manifestations—some including anger, resentment, and depression.

Jesus declared when tempted by Satan that “man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4). Jesus directs man’s attention to the most important facet of life—God. Job also did ...

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May 13, 2025