Wisdom, perspective, and theological understanding from Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Indonesian writers.

In 2021, we published more than 800 translations of Christianity Today articles into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Indonesian, Korean, and Russian. We’re excited that so many of our essays and news stories have resonated with readers around the world. As we open 2022, we’re delighted to be sharing pieces originally written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Indonesian with our English readers.
Last year, we announced a contest for those who write in these languages and received more than 100 submissions. These essays were meticulously reviewed by our language editorial teams and then assessed anonymously by a team of judges. A big thank you to these judges for their time and thoughtfulness. And thank you to everyone who submitted an essay for deeply engaging your faith and the world.
We’re currently entering our third year of building out CT Global’s language ministries. If you’re interested in assisting us in growing this work, here’s where you can learn more about our translation and social media roles.
Any feedback you’d like to share with us, please send here. Thank you for reading!
—Morgan Lee
Global media manager
Editorial director: Maria Fennita, Indonesia
- Casthelia Kartika: president of Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Amanat Agung (Great Commission Theological Seminary), Jakarta
- Jimmy Setiawan: founder of WOW (Wonders Of Worship) Ministry, Jakarta
- Wahyu Pramudya: lead pastor of Gereja Kristen Indonesia Ngagel (Indonesian Christian Church Ngagel), Surabaya, and founder of ributrukun.net
Editorial director: Léo Lehmann, Belgium
- Maxime Pierre-Pierre, Haiti: pastor, teacher, Séminaire de Théologie Évangélique de Port-au-Prince (Evangelical Theological Seminary of Port-au Prince)
from Christianity Today Magazine
Umn ministry