Was Geoffrey Rallings murdered?

A new podcast is calling attention to the disappearance of an obscure evangelist who went missing in Australia 26 years ago.
Geoffrey Rallings was a short man with a long beard, an accordion, and a deep love of Scripture. He would busk for money at a mall, invite people to talk about God, and then use the money to rent a room for Bible studies. According to one man who was baptized by Rallings, he was shockingly successful at bringing people to Jesus.
“God only knows how many people he converted,” Erik Peacock wrote in a memoir about homeschooling, Christianity, and environmental activism. “I don’t really believe in such things but in odd moments I wonder whether God took him.”
Rallings has not been seen since a few days after Christmas Day 1995.
In the past 26 years, family, friends, police, and media have not been able to locate a trace of evidence to indicate what happened to him.
Amber Wilson, a crime reporter who wrote and produced the eight-part podcast, The Lost Ones, says an inordinate number of people have similarly disappeared in Tasmania, the remote island state located more than 150 miles south of the Australian mainland.
“Tasmania has become known as much for its secrets as it is for its beauty. Out of the 169 people who’ve gone missing on the island since the mid 20th century, dozens of those have entered the Tasmanian wilderness—never to be seen again,” Wilson writes.
“Why do people seem to fall off the edge of the world here?”
The first episode of the podcast is focused on Rallings. He moved from England to Tasmania in 1960, in part so he and his wife could educate their kids at home. Rallings had been a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church, ...
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