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Is John the Baptist the author of the Gospel of John?


Is John the Baptist the author of the Gospel of John?

Who Was John the Baptist?

I think the role of John the Baptist can

be viewed from a variety of angles what,angle historically I mean John is a,pretty significant historical figure

mentioned even by Josephus and so forth,and Jesus's connection to him is one of

the most indisputable parts of the
gospel tradition that that Jesus was,baptized by John is considered to be,
really uh indisputable and the reason

for that is this caused something of an, embarrassment to the early church

historically what that tells us

something very significant about Jesus, so that Jesus was connected to a sort of

a Reformation and renewal movement, within within Judaism because there's no

doubt that that was what John was was, proclaiming repent and prepare for God's, the arrival of God's kingdom so very

very significant in terms of Jesus's

purpose and role and what who he
associated with in that regard
theologically John is enormous ly
significant as well he's throughout the, gospel tradition he is the beginning of

the gospel all four Gospels see John's, ministry is sort of launching the whole, the whole Jesus Movement and John is

portrayed as a fascinating figure

because he's very much an Old Testament

figure a prophetic figure he comes

dressed like Elijah he comes fulfilling

the role of the end time or the

eschatological Elijah and yet he's Paul, so part of the New Age he kind of has, one foot in the age of promise and one, foot in the age of fulfillment so he's a

crucial a key transitional figure

between the Old Covenant and the new and, as as this transitional figure he bears
testimony to who Jesus is and so he is

the last and the greatest of the Old

Testament prophets pointing forward to, cwthe coming of Jesus and confirming the
identity that these prophecies these, promises of the Old Testament are now

coming to fulfillment in Jesus the

Messiah so a crucial both historical, figure and also key theological figure

in terms of who Jesus is and what he

came to accomplish

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Why Did John the Baptist Ask the Disciples If Jesus Was the Son of God?

John was in prison at the time I don't, know I've never been in prison I know, people who have been I know people now

that aren't in prison but they are

they're sick I mean they've been sick, for months or years and and I've watched

people struggle when their physical body, is struggling the whole person struggles
and and and I'm by no means saying that

John you know because he was in prison,that gave him license to doubt who Jesus, was but I mean certainly he had to you

know find himself okay waking up day in, and day after day in this in this prison

shackled thinking that they were on the, verge of the Kingdom coming that here's, the whole the Lamb who takes away the
sin of the world and now I'm in prison

and nothing's changing so you know if he, cwwasn't doubting maybe he was impatient

more than likely though what was

happening is is John knew the Redeemer. was coming he knew that that God's

Messiah was coming so he expected this
Messiah to come and set up his kingdom

now Jesus would or the the Messiah would, be this this conquering Savior who would

rule with a iron rod and when that

didn't happen John had to back up and, rethink things at least surely he was, doubting somewhat Jesus sends word back

to him and he quotes from Isaiah the the,lame or he'll the Deaf can hear the dumb

can speak the dead or raised from the, grave he says but then the greatest of, these the gospel has preached to the, poor that had to resonate with John so

so yeah it was doubting a little bit but

I think his understanding wasc clouded as


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