umn ministry

Ukraine and Bible Prophecy


Ukraine and Bible Prophecy

well are for the most part mindful of what's going on over in the ukraine at this moment

uh they're enduring an onslaught from russia and
individuals have posed the inquiry
is there any importance to all of this

prophetically let me pull the camera


furthermore, say this I accept we're living in
the last days I accept christ could
return at any second there are signs

of the times the book of scriptures advises us to be
searching for and truth be told jesus compared it

work torments in a lady who's prepared to
conceive an offspring the thought being the nearer
they draw together the nearer you are to

the birth and as we see more signs more
things happening they're reminding us
christ is returning again we should go to

matthew 24. what did jesus say in the

last days there'll be wars and gossipy tidbits about

wars so this is

war and a scale we have not found in a

long time

in any case, let me take a gander at something else in matthew 24 it discusses plagues being

about us around us somewhat recently if
the Covid isn't a plague I don't

know what it is a worldwide plague additionally I
would add that the holy book cautions of a

world pioneer that will come and overwhelm
furthermore, delude individuals at last however

eventually uncover his genuine nature and
he's known as the antichrist I accept a
part of this bureaucratic power grabbing

forcing themselves on their kin I is
an indication of what will come
some other time when antichrist arises on the

scene however how about we come to the circumstance in

the ukraine


numerous book of scriptures researchers put stock in ezekiel

38 as it discusses magog assaulting
israel that that is current russia I
could proceed to discuss that for you

know 30 minutes why they trust that is
genuine I end up concurring with them however it says in ezekiel that the jewish individuals

will be dissipated and once again assembled in our land again we know uh during universal conflict

ii after the holocaust jewish individuals
from around the planet started to return
to their territory and israel formally


a country on may 14 1948 so that piece of

the prediction has been satisfied however at that point

sacred text says a country from the limit
north of israel will walk on her called

gog and magog assuming you look on any guide
you'll see that is the geological region

of russia ukraine used to be a piece of
the russian realm they severed in

1991. are they going to be important for
russia again could be nevertheless the a certain something

that I consider is the point at which I see the
animosity of russia or magog if you

will an update that is what
we will see
when magog assaults israel so jesus said
whenever you see these things start to

happen blow a gasket since you're dead
no he didn't say that

he said when you see these things start
to happen gaze upward for your reclamation is

gravitating toward here's the primary concern and

remove truth

book of scriptures predictions are being satisfied in

our lifetime it appears as though we're seeing
more things occur progressively nearer

together as the sacred text said they
would be so what would it be advisable for us we do we ought to

gaze upward and we ought to recollect that god
is in charge and we've perused the last

page of the good book the last page of
disclosure and we win in the end let me

add this we should all be petitioning God for the


of the ukraine they're going through a

season of extraordinary experiencing right currently ask
for them implore that god provides for our

pioneers shrewdness uh as they're making vital


in the not so distant future

God bless you 

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