umn ministry

Hebrews to Revelation - Part 1


Hebrews to Revelation - Part 1

open your Bibles this morning Romans chapter 11 you also want to find Acts chapter 7 and you also want to find Hebrews chapter 1 Romans 11 acts 7 Hebrews chapter 1 last week we did a message on rightly dividing

 the word of truth and we went from time passed but now and ages to come now last week we did not focus on the ages to come because I wanted to show you how that the Gentiles were not part of God's program until God saved Saul of Tarsus who became

 the Apostle Paul today I want to begin showing you from Hebrews through revelation part 1 and I want to show that after the rapture of the church God in fact

 did begin dealing with Israel again right where he stopped dealing with them in Acts chapter 7 I'm sure you remember this chart from last week among many things this chart also shows you that God is not the author of confusion God is organized God is

 detail-oriented God does everything decently and in order and it's God who makes these divisions in his word these divisions were not made by me they were not made by man they were made by God

 and the beauty of these divisions is this you don't need a PhD in theology to understand this you don't need a degree from the Christian higher schools and higher schools of Education to understand this I know these are highly regarded amongst fundamentalist

 these days but you don't need those you remember when Jesus Christ in the Gospels in John chapter 7 for us verse 14 we read now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught and the Jews marveled saying how Noah's this man letters having never learned they were amazed he's

 never he did not go to the first Jerusalem Bible Church or a Bible school how know is this man all these things and he's never learned and they were guilty of regarding education as a necessary credential to be accepted among the religious leaders and

 teachers of his day they weren't the only ones guilty of that in the book of Acts we read in acts 4:13 now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men

 they marveled they marveled that they were ignorant and unlearned and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus they marveled but I submit to you that God has never put a premium upon education God never said that education was

 criteria to be a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ then put that criteria upon it then put that essential premium on it but God never did that the very ones who said that Jesus Christ had never learned implying

 that he wasn't qualified to teach are those of whom Jesus Christ said in Luke chapter 11 verse 52 woe unto you lawyers now lawyers back here are not lawyers like today okay they're not they weren't defending people in cases they're these lawyers were lawyers of

 the law they were law keepers law teachers law of Moses the first five books of Genesis they had memorized they knew the law he said woe unto you lawyers for ye have taken the key of knowledge he entered not in yourselves and them that war entering in ye

 hindered those who are entering in they hinder you know it's the same today the teachers aren't entering in and those who want to enter in to a deeper understanding

 of the Word of God they hinder them the very ones who are supposed to be teaching these wonderful truths of the Word of God are the very people who are holding back the key of knowledge from those who want to learn it for example I was in the in the home of our family that I used to fellowship

 with at another church and I was sharing with them the things of the Word of God rightly divided and I asked them when God broke the 400 year silence between Malachi and Matthew with the voice of one crying in

 the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord John the Baptist when John the Baptist arrived on the scene why was he baptizing people in the Jordan River where did he get his instructions to baptize those people did he come up with that on his own surely they

 weren't baptizing people before that why was he doing it what was the purpose for what he was doing it that's the question I asked them well unbeknownst to me they're

 13 or 14 year old son was in the other room listening to me and the following week I went back to see those people and this is

 what they told me our son went to the Christian Academy and was in the class that the pastor teaches and during the class he raised his hand and he said pastor when John the Baptist was baptizing people in the

 Jordan River why was he doing that what was the purpose of it and the pastor said if you want to ask me questions like that you ask them after the class and I'm going to tell you that after the class the pastor did not answer the question and those people are

 very upset that they did not get an answer from their pastor about that question now I gave them the answer to the question the following week and so I'm helping them to understand this truth but you see here's a

Word of God 

 man who's supposed to be teaching this who's supposed to understand the Word of God he has the key of knowledge supposedly and those that would hit those that would enter in he's hindering now you don't need a

 degree to understand the Word of God you don't need a Bible School education to understand the Word of God as a matter of fact it has become apparent to me these days

 that a Bible school education will hinder your ability and will you from understanding the Word of God now last week we basically got up to the fall of Israel in Acts chapter 7 showing that the Gentiles

 were not part of the economy of God and that God had set up a middle wall of partition from Genesis all the way to Acts chapter 7 and had excluded the the Gentiles

 now you notice today I've got a fine line on the chart coming all the way down here can you see it this line is the line of demarcation that separates time past from but now people have offered wondered where did time past N and where did but now begin

 time pass ended in Acts chapter 7 when they stoned Stephen and it began after Acts after 7 when God raised up the Apostle Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles now you'll notice that

 where this line of demarcation nation comes down there's Acts chapter seven this line here represents Acts chapter seven to Acts chapter 28 and you will notice that the dispensation of grace overlaps overlaps from

 Acts 7 to Acts chapter 28 this is a very important period of time because there is a transition that takes place from Acts chapter 7 to Acts chapter 28 and it's a transition that takes us from the law and introduces the

 dispensation of grace to both Jews and Gentiles because until this time neither Jews neither Gentiles understood anything about grace the Jews were under the law and the Gentiles had no part in the economy of God and now here's two groups of people who all

 of a sudden have been added to something that neither of them ever existed in before and therefore they need to be taught now Romans chapter 11 which is where you're at now Romans chapter 11 you'll want to find

 the Acts chapter 7 also and Hebrews chapter 1 Romans 11 X 7 and Hebrews chapter 1 but in Romans chapter 11 verse 11 the Apostle Paul says I say then have they stumbled that they should fall no share have they stumbled

 where did they stumble they stumbled at the cross we read or I mentioned last week first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 that the Jews require a sign we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling-block so Israel stumbled at the cross but a stumble is not a fall you recover from a stumble and

 the Apostle says have they stumbled that they should fall will God forbid there was a whole year from the cross to axschat seven a one-year period of time where God extended mercy towards Israel and trying to get them

 to repent and get right with God and get their house in order so in Romans 11 11 I say that have they stumbled it they should fall god forbid but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy salvation came to the Gentiles when according to that verse after the fall of Israel through their fall

 salvation is come to the Gentiles verse 12 now if the fall of them be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness now the diminishing of Israel took
 place on this chart represented by this line right here the Domitian diminishing of Israel took place from Acts chapter 7 this line that

 comes down if it came all the way down through the age of grace that's the diminishing of Israel which took place all the way till Acts chapter 28 now I'm going to

 show you a chart that will help us to understand the diminishing of Israel this chart takes us all the way from Acts chapter 9 to Acts chapter 28 in Romans chapter 11 verse 12 the Apostle Paul talks about the diminishing of Israel being the riches of the

 Gentiles well what does that mean well in Acts chapter 9 when the Apostle Paul is saved God reveals to him a secret that was hid in God and there are many secrets that were revealed to Paul there's the mystery of

 the rapture there the mystery of the body of Christ that God revealed to Paul the the gospel of grace itself a gospel that had been unknown until that time when God saved

 the Apostle Paul but when the Apostle Paul was saved God began in a new program that began at Ground Zero there was none of this program ever in existence in Acts chapter

 that's where it began right here in the bottom corner but when Israel fell upon the stoning of Stephen Israel begin to diminish so as you progress forward 

in the book of Acts Israel is diminishing they're getting smaller and smaller and smaller and God's other program that he has

 started now the dispensation of grace the body of Christ begins to grow as the body of Christ grows Israel diminishes and that's why you read in Romans chapter 11 about if the fall of them be the the diminishing of them or the fall of them be the riches of the

 world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles that's the diminishing of Israel that we find in the book of Acts so God was temporarily setting aside the nation Israel and while they were diminishing he was bringing forth this brand new program called the dispensation of grace now Paul's

 gospel in Paul's gospel of grace at acts chapter 9 replaced the gospel of the kingdom this transition period is a period of time approximately 30 years there are 30 years from Acts chapter 9 to acts chapter 28 approximately and the fall of Israel when Israel fell they were under the law but when they fell that put the brakes on the law and after they fell God just dropped the dispensation of grace right smack dab into the middle of that interrupted their program postpone their program dropped grace right

 smack dab into the midst of Israel and introduced the Apostle Paul so after the diminishing of Israel began we were now in a full blown-out dispensation of grace and one day the dispensation of grace is going to be raptured out of here and God is going to resume his dealings with Israel in the tribulation period and he's going to resume his dealings exactly with them where they were right here when they fell and that's why there are many similarities and many

 parallels between this period of time here when they fell and the reintroduction of Israel's program after the rapture of the church when God resumed his dealings with Israel after the rapture these people are going to go through a troublesome time on this earth they're going to need a body of doctrine that is written exclusively for them and exclusively written with them in mind

 and that body of doctrine is Hebrews through revelation Hebrews through Revelation was written for these people going through the tribulation period and as they wrote these books they wrote with the tribulation and the second coming of Jesus Christ in view they did not write these books with the dispensation of grace in view when God wrote the books to the dispensation of grace Romans to Philemon he used the Apostle Paul who had in his view the body of Christ but when these people wrote the book of Hebrews through revelation they were

 writing to another group of people who are going through a time of trouble like the world has never seen before so open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 1 and you know it's so fitting that since God after the rapture will resume his dealings with Israel that he names the very first book after the rapture the book of Hebrews that's a good title for a book considering that the body of Christ will be out of here and it's so obvious when you arrive at the book of Hebrews that the scenery and the landscape immediately begins to change if you could play music

 along with this you'd be in the dispensation of grace and you'd have some nice soft nice classical violins playing nice and soft and then all of a sudden after the rapture you'd go to the jaws thing II think because all of a sudden trouble is back trouble is back and that's why as a Christian before you understand the Word of God rightly divided

 you read those epistles and you knew there was something scary about them you knew there was something that didn't jive right with your spirit you knew that there was just like well this is I'm not comfortable for me but then you came over here to Paul and you read being confident of this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ until the day of Jesus Christ until the rapture but

 then after the rapture right so when you arrive to the book of Hebrews you are introduced to concepts and ideas that are Israel oriented exclusively now this may sound strange to some of my listeners ears but these writers the writers of the book of Hebrews revelations at the time they wrote really did not understand the doctrines of grace that had been given to the Apostle Paul and if that sounds strange to you and I know from personal experience that it sounds strange to people who are not familiar with

 the word of God rightly divided it sounds strange to them because their pastor never taught them those things their pastor never said these things about the book of Hebrews through revelation and so it sounds strange to them when we say those epistles aren't for you they're written to another group of people but thing is this I'm not responsible

 for what another person's pastor teaches them I am responsible for what is taught from this pulpit and I want you to see and understand that the Word of God makes absolutely clear who these books are written to matter of fact I take a minor detour just for a second into Galatians chapter 2 and we'll come right back here Galatians chapter 2 keep your finger in Hebrews chapter 1

 Galatians chapter 2 because going to read a couple of verses and you can look at these yourself in more detail Galatians chapter 2 verses 7 through 9 this is the Apostle Paul at the Jerusalem Council verse 7 but contrariwise when they that's the Apostles

 when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles

 and when James Cephas that's Peter and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace that was given unto me they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship why that we should go unto the heathen and they unto the circumcision so Peter James and John those men who wrote

 these books agreed with Paul that Paul would minister to a certain group of people and they would write to the circumcision to Israel so if the Word of God itself tells you who someone is writing to don't you just

 think that it would be wise for you to believe the words on the page and stop listening to what somebody says that's contrary to that because that's what the Bible says that's not what I said it's what the Word of God says so since you're in Galatian keep your finger in Hebrews 1a now turn to Acts chapter 7 but after the rapture of the

 church in Hebrew Oh actually let's read Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 let's read that verse Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets after the rapture of the church the very first verse immediately immediately introduces you to people to whom the prophets had been speaking to

 well listen folks the prophets weren't speaking to us the prophets weren't speaking to the Gentiles the prophets were speaking to Hebrews to the Jews that's who the prophets were speaking to we looked at that very clearly last week so now you're introduced to a group of people to whom the prophets have been speaking to why is that well the church has been raptured out of here you're dealing with Israel again which makes sense God should be speaking to them because we're going out of here all right and also you also know that when the prophets did speak back here they weren't speaking about the church the body of Christ because that was a

 secret that was hidden God all right now they spoke to the fathers Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 7 we looked at this last week but we didn't really have a chance to stop and smell the roses so to speak we were moving kind of quickly when we arrived at this point Hebrews chapter 7 verse 51 Stephen is talking he says he's stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your father's

 did who did the prophets speak to Hebrews chapter one unto the father's and what did they do they resisted the Holy Spirit verse fifty-two which of the prophets have not your father's persecuted that's who the prophets were speaking through the prop

 the father's that's what Hebrews one said and the father's what knit to the Prophet they persecuted them and and they have slain them which showed before the coming of the just one of whom ye has been now the betrayers and murderers turned back to Hebrews chapter one God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time

 past unto the father's by the prophets God did speak to them by the prophets but they were so stiff necked they didn't listen to God so when God did speak in time passed over here to Israel they rejected what the father had to say to them which is a very important note to make here is important thing to take note of that they didn't listen to the father because verse 2 says hebrews chapter 1 verse 2 says hath in these last days spoken

 unto us by his son where does this verse say these people are in the last days where did Peter say these they wore in Acts chapter 2 and our last days so what happened if they were in the last days in Acts chapter 2 and they're in the last days in Hebrews chapter 1 what happened the last days were interrupted that last days were interrupted

 by a nun prophesied program called the dispensation of grace and then once you after the rapture of the church you are now back in the last days because that's what the tribulation period is it's a resuming of the last days because once you start back after the rapture you are beginning here where they left off here they were in the last days here it was interrupted the church is raptured out of here the last days will resume one more one more now before we

 continue in Hebrews there is an important doctrine that is embodied within these first two verses God spake in time past unto the father's hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son when did God the Son speak to Israel during his earthly ministry Matthew to John in the four Gospels recorded for us there that's why that's what he spoke to them while he was here Jesus Christ said these words in Matthew chapter 12 verse 31

 listen wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost

 it shall never be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come now in the old economy in the Old Testament it was God the Father back here Genesis to Malachi it was God the Father who spoke to Israel they rejected his words God sent his son the son came and the son said if you speak against me it will be forgiven you so they rejected what God the Father said to them he said the son they took the son and killed him and on the cross he said Father forgive them in John chapter 7 verse 38 Jesus Christ had

 said these words he that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet

 given because that Jesus was not yet glorified in other words in the Gospels they could not blaspheme the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit was not given until the day of Pentecost after Jesus Christ was glorified he was send it up into heaven he sent the Holy

 Spirit and it was only at that point that the people to whom the Holy Spirit was given could have blaspheme de gainst him but Jesus Christ said if you blaspheme against him there will be no forgiveness okay now in Acts in Acts chapter 7 when they stoned

 Stephen they resisted the Holy Spirit the last time they were cut off and God turned to the Gentiles in other words they rejected the father they were forgiven they rejected the son they were forgiven but when they rejected the Holy Spirit when they blaspheme against the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 7 WHAM Israel was cut off and there was no forgiveness for that sin for them and that's how we got in that's how we got into the dispensation of grace and now at this juncture where we are right now we're almost at the end of this and we're almost ready to be raptured out of here we don't know when it will be it could be soon it could be later we don't know any speculation is wrong Hebrews chapter 1 and get Acts chapter 2 Hebrews chapter 1 and because I want to show you how how much of a parallel we run into when we arrive at the tribulation epistles it's going to be amazing we can only do a little bit today but our next messages are really going to develop these themes it's really interesting it's really interesting Ebru Acts chapter 2 I'm sorry in Acts chapter 2 Peter stands up on the day of Pentecost guess what I hear a lot of preachers today preaching on those subject they have a clue with that with what that's talking about but you know what Peter knew what was going on in those days Peter knew a kingdom was coming he knew that Peter knew that the kingdom had been prophesied back here was on their doorstep because Jesus Christ had said repent for the kingdom is at hand it's here Acts chapter 2 verse 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his Sepulchre is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ why to sit on his throne Peter says hey the reason that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead is not to start a church is not to start a body of Christ it's so that he will sit on his throne that's what Peter said because Peter knew that they were covered that they were in the last days and Peter said this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel Joel spoke of day of the Lord day of darkness the day of wrath so they knew they were going into the tribulation period but that was interrupted and the concept of the throne was postponed just like the last days were postponed and resumed here guess what the throne that Jesus cried that Peter said Jesus Christ was raised to sit on the throne that was postponed to on the stoning of Stephen the whole prophetic program was postponed but when you arrive at Hebrews chapter 1 not only are you introduced to a group of people of whom the prophets have been speaking to look at Hebrews chapter 1 verse 6 and again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and let all the angels of God worship Him and of the Angels he saith who make his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire but unto the son he saith thy throne O God is for ever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom in that throne there is a scepter the scepter is what the King held and if he touched you you could approach him and if he didn't touch you you were dead like Esther the Queen approached the King and he held out the golden scepter which represented the deity of Jesus Christ the gold represented the deity and he touched Esther and she was able to come into his presence well now you're back in Hebrews and the throne is the scepter of God's righteousness it's being reintroduced why it was stopped here it's being introduced again that's clear isn't it oh yeah it's clear so we're going into the Tribulation Period once you hit the book of Hebrews and then into the millennial reign of Christ and the very first thing that the Holy Spirit inspires the right of the right is the throne of the son you're introduced now to the real concept of where you're headed you know Paul doesn't talk about a throne Puddle never even mentions a throne your than Paul ever says about a throne it says that all things in Colossians chapter 1 all things were created by him which are in heaven and earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things exist yeah Paul's mentioned the throws that all the thrones were created by him all the Thrones in the universe Satan's original throne the thrones that will possess in the heavens after the rapture all those but not he never mentions the throne of the Sun every time Paul talks about Jesus Christ up there he says seated at the right hand Jesus Christ seated at the right hand not sitting on a throne Jesus Christ is not seated on a throne now I said that when you arrive at the book of Hebrew the scenery and the landscape begin to change it's completely different than when you're in Paul's writings look at verse 10 Hebrews chapter 1 verse 10 and thy Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thy hands they shall perish but thou remain us and they the heavens shall wax old as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they the heavens shall be changed but thou art the same in thy years fell not these verses are the fulfillment of a prophecy made in Psalm 102 verse 25 that said of old has thou laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure yay all of them shall wax old like a garment and as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall have no end

 why is the writer to the Hebrews speaking like this because that's going to happen in Israel's prophetic program these writers are looking into the tribulation period they're looking toward the Tribulation Period and the second coming of Jesus Christ not at the body of Christ in the dispensation of grace those things aren't going to happen today God's not going to fold up the heavens and that doesn't happen in the dispensation of grace that happens after the church is raptured out of here and the context of Hebrews put makes it very clear that you are now gone when they start writing about these things see that notice also verse 13 Hebrews chapter 1 verse 13 but to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy

 footstool you know the doctrine of making his enemies his footstool is the doctrine from the Psalms of the Tribulation Period where Jesus Christ makes his enemies his footstool his enemies are not the Gentiles his enemies are the very people who stone Stephen the religious leaders of Israel who rejected their Messiah those are the enemies those enemies by the way when the rapture happens are already in the earth let me give an example of one about a month ago we had a man in this building who took our stick out of our door back there and he threw it out in the field and I went over and I spoke to him and as I spoke to him I realized he was of the house of Israel and his problem wasn't what the security in this

 building afraid that somebody would break in that's what he was saying money here and I don't want anybody break-in don't leave that stick in the door and when I told him that the front door was open all the time he still continued focusing on that back door like but that wasn't his problem his problem wasn't about the security his problem was that he's a Christ hater and he's a Christ rejecter and he's a Christ persecutor that was his problem and when the rapture happens if that man has not trusted Jesus Christ to save him Jesus Christ will make his enemies his footstool that's what that verse is talking about those are his enemies guys like that notice verse 14 talking about angels are they

 not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation now let me ask you this when do angels show up again you know I know there's a lot of books out right now know your angels name and your own personal angel and you know all this forgive my vernacular but airheaded talk about angels the only thing that angels are doing in the dispensation of grace is they are learning from they are looking down at the body of Christ and they are we are teaching them things that they never knew until the body of Christ came into existence you'll find that in Ephesians chapter 3 verse 10 okay angels today are not functioning like they were under Israel's program today you don't have

 the angels of the Lord and camp round about them that fear him you don't have angels encamped around about you okay you don't have angels hovering over your cars you're going down the road watching you that's not no you've got the omnipotent Holy Spirit living inside of you you don't need an angel okay you don't need an angel there are no angels angels show back up in the Tribulation Period you open to that book of Revelation which Hebrews the revelation it's all the tribulation period but here evolution gives you insight he brews doesn't it's like the Gospels they give you each gospel gives you insight the other one didn't because they're all looking at it from a different vantage point you could be standing around the mountain all looking at

 the same mountain but everybody who writes about what they're seeing will write something different because they're they're all looking at the mountain from a different vantage point and that's how many of the books in the Word of God are they're looking at the same subject but they're looking at it from a different vantage point and they're helping you understand it from the way they're seeing it the writer to the Hebrews is not looking at the tribulation period the way that John the Apostle who writes the book of Revelation is looking at the tribulation period John the Apostle in Revelation chapter 1 was caught up in the spirit on the Lord's Day the Lord's Day is not Sunday as you all know the Lord's Day is the day of the Lord John was caught up in the spirit 2,000 years into the future and he hovered above the day of the Lord and he looked at 

the day of the Lord the Tribulation Period and he wrote what he saw from his vantage point up there looking down but when the writer of the Hebrews looks at he looks at it from a linear of you he's looking at it from here out into the Tribulation Period and these angels they show up that's why in the Revelation the seven churches have what and the angels blow the seven trumpets and the seven vials in the seven bowls on the earth angels show up and what are they doing when they show up notice the verse are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation shall be listen folks you're a member of the body of Christ you are not a shall be an heir of salvation you are not an heir of salvation you already have your salvation when you trusted Jesus Christ to save you you got your salvation by faith it was a gift now you have part of an inheritance in Christ but that's not an heir inheritance of salvation you have your salvation you already have that but Israel as a nation after the rapture of the church is

 looking forward to a salvation that was promised to them way back here in Abraham that is going to be fulfilled way out there in the future they're the heirs they're going to inherit their salvation and all the Gentiles will come to their light when they're under the headship of their Messiah so that's angels are now showing up you know what angels were back here angel came and let Peter out of jail remember that angels were there they're showing up again okay Hebrews chapter two verse three the writer to the Hebrews this is going to give us a little glimpse here of who

 that writer is not his name but who he is all right ain't Paul I know a lot of people think Paul wrote Hebrews Paul didn't write Hebrews if Paul wrote Hebrews he's a liar

 because he writes in one place being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it and then over here in Hebrews chapter 10

 which we'll look at in a few moments if you sin willfully there remains no more sacrifice for you same guy didn't write those two things in one book ah but that's irrelevant

 doesn't matter who wrote it but we get a hint here of who did Hebrews chapter 2 how shall we escape verse 3 hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so

 great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord well wait a minute the salvation that began to be spoken by the Lord back here in the Gospels is the salvation that is associated with the gospel of the kingdom which has to do in Israel when Jesus Christ is talking about salvation back

 there he has also said don't go to the Gentiles so that salvation doesn't have you in mind right there it has Israel in mind so how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be

 spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him was confirmed unto us by them that heard him well kay let's figure this out alright who heard him his disciples it was confirmed unto us by them

 that heard him the US is the little flock those that are gathered in the upper room there's a hundred 20 of them and they're gathered up there and they're praying and then the Holy Spirit follows and then the signs and the wonders how did they confirm the word to these people to the US the little flock the little

 flock is the believing remnant in Israel that Jesus Christ had come to call out of that corrupt an apostate nation how was it confirmed verse four God also bearing them

 that's the disciples witness both with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will when did God bear witness to his disciples with signs and wonders and diverse miracles of the Holy Ghost when the God do that in the Gospels they performed a

 few miracles there but he was with them after his resurrection he sent the Holy Spirit and in the first chapters of the book of Acts is where God performed signs and wonders in

 the midst of that corrupt nation Israel and why were they why were they doing those miracles to prove and to verify the claims of their Messiah the miracles were to confirm to Israel that Jesus Christ was who he said he

 was because you remember in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 22 the Jews require a sign and God gave them their signs that's why they're called signs and wonders because that's what God gave them because

 they were going into the prophesied program now look as we continue Hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 for unto the Angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come where of we speak the writer to the Hebrews

 says I'm talking about the world to come where is the world to come right here that's the world to come and the writer to the Hebrews says for under the angels had he

 not put in subjection the world to calm whereof we speak you don't have to guess what the writer to the Hebrew is speaking of

 he just told you he told you he's talking about the world to come which is the millennial reign of Christ as I said the writers of the Tribulation Period are looking at the Tribulation Period and they're looking

 at the second coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the Tribulation Period that's what they're looking at you know the second coming of Jesus Christ has another anybody guess what it is the second coming of Christ has another name the last book of the Bible

 is all about the Tribulation Period and the second coming of Jesus Christ what's it called the revelation of Jesus Christ is what the last book of the Bible is called you knew that it's called the revelation of Jesus Christ when

 Jesus Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation Period turn to act Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 because in this chapter the writer to the book of Hebrews again lets you know who he's writing to as I said the return of Jesus Christ is also called

 the second coming but in this epistle in Chapter 9 it's called the second time when he comes the second time Hebrews 9 verse 28 notice the writer the Hebrew says so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he

 appear the second time without sin unto salvation Jesus Christ when he appears the second time guess who's not there you and me why not well we've been raptured out of here so the writer to the Hebrews again lets

 you know he's writing to these people who will be alive because until them that look for him shall he appear the second time now there is a lot of information we could look at

 but in closing let me share with you something from Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 again shows you tribulation period Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves

 together as the manner of some is you know what that's a trans dispensational truth you can apply that to the body of Christ like that because we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the

 manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see the Day approaching the writer to the Hebrews is looking to the Tribulation Period says hey

 you need to gather more he's talking to these people as you see the day what day the day of the Lord but notice verse 26 he says for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins let me ask you this what happened to these people

 in the first chapters of the book of Acts the apostles of Christ were preaching the Word of God with signs wandering God signs following God confirmed his word to these people here these people heard the truth about Jesus Christ that he had been crucified

 for them they knew who he was because of the disciples and their miracles in their midst they had no reason not to believe they had no reason to reject their Messiah because God proved to them who he was with the signs and the wonders but they

 stoned Stephen and at the same time that they stoned Stephen they were rejecting the one sacrifice for their sins and the writer to the Hebrews writes if you sin willfully after that you have received the knowledge of the

 truth if you sin after you've received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice there remains no more sacrifice doesn't that sound exactly like what Jesus Christ said blasphemy against the son will be forgiven but blasphemy against the

 Holy Spirit will not be forgiven there remains no more sacrifice so now that they've committed the unpardonable sin by stoning Stephen and rejecting the Holy Spirit blaspheming against the Holy Spirit and rejecting the sacrifice of their one Messiah what do they have for what do they have to

 look forward to verse 27 but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation you know what that is the judgment and the fiery indignation John the Baptist preached this who has warned you to

 flee from the wrath to come he said what wrath Tribulation Period the wrath that the Prophet spoke about who hath warned you to flee from that he said the one that cometh after me is mightier than I the lachen of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose and

 he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost Pentecost and with fire the Tribulation Period that's what he's going to baptize you with who warned you to flee from this because that was coming when Peter stood

 up on that Pentecost the latchet of who shoes I'm not worthy he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost Pentecost and with fire they thought they were going into the tribulation period and then he says verse 27

 which shall devour the adversaries what shall devour the adversaries the judgment and the fiery indignation which will be demonstrated tore Israel in the tribulation

 period when he makes his enemies his footstool this will devour his adverse Aries verse 28 he that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose ye

 shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace where did they despite the spirit of

 grace Stephen said he always did resist the Holy Spirit like your fathers and they stoned him and he says of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the

 spirit of grace what do you think is going to happen to them 10 verse 34 we know him that hath said vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompense saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people notice that

 word again it means again the Lord in other words he's judged them before now we haven't looked at this yet but there are five courses of punishment that Israel goes through in their history there are five once

 you get to the book of Hebrews you are in the fifth course of punishment that Israel will go through so they've already been through four courses of punishment and the

 writer of the Hebrews says and again and again the Lord will judge his people his people Israel again and so in the book of Hebrews we are now reintroduced to a concept that was made clear back here but

 was interrupted and the dispensation of grace was introduced and God raised up Paul gave him the revelation of a secret that had been hidden God the church is raptured

 out of here and then we're back to where they were right there and next week not next week the following week we will continue oh you know what I had one thing I wanted to show you there's a chart here this

 charge is by Clarence Larkin and this chart is that called the mountain peaks of prophecy and it shows a prophet looking out into the future and notice this on this chart

 he sees the birth of Christ that's Malik Malachi chap Noah Micah Micah chapter 5 verse 2 and that old Bethlehem though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come who shall be ruler unto me that's the birth of Christ they see the death of Christ that's Isaiah 53 Psalm 22 a lot

 of passages talk about the death of Christ and then he's got the valley of the church here because they didn't see the church and it goes on to the Antichrist after the church is

 raptured out of here the thing I don't like about this chart is this it implies that when the prophets were looking out there in the future that the church was there as though it

 had belonged there I don't like that because I'm going to tell you what that church it ain't there that's the tribulation period they saw that that's all they saw that church that was a secret hidden God up here it wasn't down

 there it's not like they overlooked it because it was there but they couldn't see it no it wasn't there it was a secret it was in and God that's why I don't like that chart I think that

 chart does a disservice to the way that the Word of God teaches this doctrine but one of the churches is raptured out of here the church will be raptured out of here and then the tribulation period will come and then all these things will be fulfilled so we won't be

 here next week but the following week we'll be here all right let's pray our gracious God and our Father we're thankful that we could spend this time in the Word of God we're thankful that we can understand the Word of God rightly divided thank you for those

 that are here today I pray that their hearts will be blessed and encouraged as they know that there are some things that are written specifically for us that will establish us give us an inner fortitude strengthen our inner

 man from our Apostle the Apostle to the Gentiles who said I speak to you Gentiles we pray for these things today in that name that is above every name the name of our Lord and our Savior Jesus 

God bless you 



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