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A statue representing the goat-like beast from Daniel 7

3 minute read

A statue representing the goat-like beast from Daniel 7

The Book of Daniel is a biblical book that tells of what happened to Jews in the exile. The book opens with King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about an idol made of gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay. The statue had a stone in its mouth and some other figures were breaking and destroying the statue. Nebuchadnezzar could not figure out what it meant until he summoned Daniel to interpret it for hm. 

Daniel said that because the head was gold, chest of silver, lower parts bronze, iron legs with clay feet; there would be different world empires which would take turns ruling over Ancient Israel. He also said that God was able to create all this out of nothing and that He could call

The Bible book of Daniel 7 is a book in the Old Testament. It is thought to be written by a Jew called Daniel who lived in the 6th century BC. The book tells the story of Daniel’s life.

In the Book of Daniel 7, God reveals to Daniel that four kingdoms will rule on Earth before his people, Israel, will finally have their own king and religion.

The first kingdom is Babylon, which ruled from 625-539BCE and was represented by a lion with eagles wings (7:4). The second one was Medo-Persia, which ruled from 539-331BCE and was represented by a bear (7:5). The third one was Greece, which ruled from 332 BCE-168 BCE and was represented by a

Daniel 7 tells the story of Daniel's dream. God reveals to Daniel the history of world kingdoms, including Babylonia and Media.

In this book Daniel sees four beasts coming up out of the sea who represent four kingdoms that will arise from the earth. The first is an animal with a lion's head, a bear-paw, and a human torso with two wings in place of arms. The second beast is like a leopard with four wings and four heads. The third beast has iron teeth and ten horns on its head, it looks like it has been trampled by something large that cannot be identified from the text described as "a small horn" or "little horn". The fourth beast is said to be different than all others before it because there are ten horns on its head instead of

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May 29, 2025