umn ministry

What does the word “Daniel” mean?



1. What does the word “Daniel” mean?

 The name Daniel means “God is my judge”. Daniel was a man who lived in Babylon (an area now known as Iraq) around 600 BC. He was taken captive to Babylon after being accused of treason. In the book of Daniel he had visions about the future of Israel and the world.

 2. Why did God choose Daniel to have these visions?

 God chose Daniel to have these visions because Daniel was faithful to him even though he was in captivity. Daniel was a good example of someone who would not give up his faith no matter what happened to him.

 3. How did Daniel interpret his dreams?

 In Daniel 2:19-23 we read that Daniel interpreted his dream. Daniel said that the four great beasts were kingdoms, and the horn was a kingdom that would rise up out of the sea. Then Daniel saw a vision of a ram with two horns coming up out of the sea, and he told King Nebuchadnezzar what he saw. Daniel said that the first horn was a little horn, and then the second horn was larger than the first one. Daniel said that the smaller horn was Greece and the larger horn was Rome.

 4. Who were the three kings?

 King Belshazzar was king of Babylon at the time of Daniel's visions. Daniel says that the third king was Darius the Mede. Darius ruled over Persia.

 5. What did Daniel say about the fourth beast?

 The fourth beast was Grecia. Grecia was a Greek empire.

 6. What was the fifth beast?

 The fifth beast was the Roman Empire.

 7. What was the sixth beast?

 The sixth beast was the Muslim Empire.

Umn ministry 

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