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Book of Daniel chapter 4



Book of Daniel chapter 4

1. King Nebuchadnezzar's dream

 King Nebuchadnezzer was a king who ruled over Babylon and he had a dream about a statue of gold. In his dream, the statue spoke to him and said, “Nebuchadnezzar, we have been ordered to tell you what will happen to you if you do not obey our commands.” Then the king woke up and immediately called for advisers to interpret the dream for him. He told them, “If you give me advice, I will listen to you. But if you do not, then tell me the truth anyway.” The advisers interpreted the dream for him and said, ‘This is what the dream means: You will be driven away from people and live alone in a foreign country. There you will eat grass like cattle until you know everything about human beings.’” (Daniel 4:30-33)

 2. Daniel's interpretation

 After hearing the dream, Daniel went back home and prayed to God. He asked God to show him how he could help the king understand the dream. After praying, Daniel got down on his knees and began to pray again. When he finished, he stood up and praised God. He said, “I am certain that no wise man, enchanter, magician, diviner, or interpreter of dreams can explain the things I have explained to you unless God gives him understanding. So now let the matter rest!” (Daniel 4 34-35)

 3. Daniel's explanation

 God gave Daniel the answer to the king’s dream. Daniel said, “The image in your dream represents four kingdoms. The first kingdom will be strong and powerful but will eventually be destroyed. The second kingdom will be weaker than the first but will last longer. The third kingdom will be even stronger than the first two but will fall after a long time. The fourth kingdom will be even stronger and more powerful than the others. It will rule over all the other kingdoms and will endure forever.” (Daniel 4 36-37)

 4. Daniel's prophecy

 When Daniel told the king about the dream, he realized that Daniel knew something that he did not know. He asked Daniel to explain the meaning of the dream to him. Daniel told the king that he would be able to conquer three other countries before he died. Daniel said, ‘You will be driven away from the people and live alone in the land of Persia. There you will eat food from the ground until you know everything about humans.’”(Daniel 4 38-39)

 5. Daniel's warning

 Before Daniel left, he warned the king that he would soon die. He said, ‘Know that the law of the Medes and Persians will be put in effect in the whole world. All peoples, nations, languages, and kings will serve the Medes and Persics.’” Daniel predicted that the king would lose his power and be killed. He said, ” Your kingdom will be divided and given to someone else. A nation greater than yours will arise.” (Daniel 5 40-41)

 6. Daniel's prediction

 After Daniel left, the king sent for Daniel to return and ask him to explain the

1. The Lord says these words to Nebuchadnezzar after he has dreamt a dream about a great statue that represents four kingdoms. 2. He tells him that there is a God who created everything that exists and it will not exist without its creator. God gives the people insight into his plans and they should praise him because he holds all things under control.

 3. To interpret the dream, the king orders everyone in the land to bow down before his throne. But no one obeys because they do not want to look at their idols. These idols represent the gods of Babylon. They have been worshiped since ancient times.

 4. King Nebuchadnezzer himself bows down before the statue and puts on a necklace. When his counselors tell him not to remove the crown and robe of honor, he does so.

 5. However, he gets upset when he sees that the head of the statue is pure gold, its chest silver, its belly bronze, its thighs iron, its legs stone, its feet clay, 

6. and the hair of its head was gray but the headdress that is on its head was purple and sparkling. The hair on the head was white like woolen cloth; and the face of the image looked like someone’s face.

 7. As soon as Nebuchadnezzor saw this, he fell facedown and said, “I am terrified! My end has come! I am being punished for all my sins that I did in the past, for my violence against the laws of heaven and earth. 

8. I will tell the story of what happened to me. In days of old there were three men; and a fourth came along later.

 9. The first man was called Belteshazzar, the second Shadrach, the third Meshach, and the fourth Hananiah. 

10. After I had become powerful and attained authority, I turned away from the law of our God and treated his regulations with contempt. 

11. I put a ban on Jerusalem and led her into captivity, bringing disaster on the city. I destroyed its fortifications by digging a ditch around them. 

12. And the sword went throughout the land until no one could buy or sell anything. 

13. There was no farmer in Judah or anyone who would work the ground except those who grew crops for money. No one supplied any food for both animals and humans.

 14. All was desolation, famine and bloodshed everywhere. 

15. Then I set fire to the wooden house of the temple of the god Bel. I thought he could protect me from harm. 

16. But while I was watching the flames I felt something unusual happen. A hand touched me. Someone spoke to me.

 17. He told me, ‘Do not be afraid, O King, for your reign will last forever. You are a ruler that has been chosen for eternity.

 18. Your kingdom will never perish; you will rule over the kingdom forever. 

19. Your people will not be put to death, nor will any

Daniel was taken to Nebuchadnezzar's court where he was made fun of for his refusal to bow down to images of gold and silver. He refused to worship golden idols instead worshipping God alone and was thrown in prison.

 4:1-8 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai calling aloud: "Gabriel, make this man understand what he ought to say." 2 So the angel came forward and said to me: "Make known to Daniel why he is here." 3 Then I told him, saying: "The prince of Persia called thee up before me today, and charged me to tell thee, O king, that thou art a god and not a man. 4 Inasmuch as neither in the past, nor at any time since thou madest thy realm prosper, didst deal justly, but rather hast been given to violence and done according to thine own wickedness,

 5 therefore now the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath raised thee up unto this moment, 6 that he might deliver thee into the hands of them that seek after thy life, and afflict thee, as the word of the Lord hath spoken. 7 Behold, these men set themselves up against the Lord of heaven; they take away the daily sacrifice, and set up abominable laws for themselves, 8 and burn incense and profane the temple of God, contrary to all law. Give heed, keep the commandment, do judgment and justice. Blessed be the Lord, whose kingdom ruleth over all kingdoms, and his dominion is highest."

Daniel 4:26-27 And he said, Go thy way; for the dream of the night is these things: and he went forth, and talked with them that stood by, and came even unto me, and made known unto me the vision. 27 Then said I, O Lord, thou hast given food unto them that fear thee, and have eaten of the fat of the land; therefore cursed be the day wherein I was born, In the generation of my father Israel, that am a Hebrew of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! (Daniel 4:28)

 Chapter 4:8-16 After this Nebuchadnezzar fell into an deep sleep with his face to the ground. 9And Belteshazzar the chief of the magicians saith, Wherefore doeth the king sleep? and why is his vexation changed to joy? and verily this is what the holy God we serve speaketh, whose voice thine ear did hear, and yet hath he sent him again to deliver thee from the lion's mouth. 10Forasmuch then as thou art desirous to know the law, and to investigate what shall be done to thee, behold, here it is, O King Nebuchadnezzarb king of Babylon, and in the name of thy god, whom thou servest continually, and worshipest day and night before him.

 11I will shew thee the decree: and there is hope that they might repent: for they are returned unto thee again, and I perceive that God is with them. 12Now when ye had brought the king unto Jerusalem, and set his throne above the mount of Olives, 13then began he to send forth the commanders of his host, and their servants out of Juda to encamp in Bethhoron, and in Azekah, and in Bayoth, which is in Ascalon, and in Sepharvaim, and in Hena, and in Ivah, 14and in Lod, and in Mahanaim, in Besemoth, and in Ono, 15and in Mibareth, Medeba, and in Hormah, Zaphon, and in Libnah, 

16Judea and Samaria did put up tents toward the east border, to look towards Bethhoron. So ran their course till they came near Jerusalem to David's gate. 17And John got up early in the morning, and went out unto meet the bridegroom. 18But, lo, the maidens were crying about him, To take away the maiden that was beloved of them. 19And when the bridegroom heard the noise of the women concerning him, he went out to defend himself.

 20But Jesus called him, and said unto him, Behold, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. 21Kiss the damsel, and let her go. Amen I say to thee, to whomever it shall please me, save the people, the prince of the kingdom." (Daniel 4:24-33)

 Chapter 5:19 "Then spake tht prophet Jeremiah unto all the people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 20For though a man think to bring his offerings, and sacrifice meat sacrifices unto idols, howbeit he eateth swine's flesh, strangleth oxen, breaketh

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