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What King did God turn into a beast?



What King did God turn into a beast?

The most famous sufferer of this condition was King Nebuchadnezzar, who in the Book of Daniel “was driven from men and did eat grass as oxen”. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 605BC to 562BC. According to the Bible, he conquered Judah and Jerusalem and sent the Jews into exile. He was also credited with building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God for boasting about his achievements, lost his sanity and lived like an animal for seven years, according to Daniel, chapter 4. When his sanity was later restored he praised and honoured God.

Aside from boanthropy, other explanations for his behaviour include porphyria (a group of enzyme disorders that manifest with neurological symptoms including hallucinations, depression, anxiety and paranoia) or general paresis or paralytic dementia caused by syphilis.

The porphyrias are a group of rare inherited or acquired disorders of certain enzymes that normally participate in the production of porphyrins and haem. They manifest with either neurological complications or skin problems, or occasionally both.

The metamorphosis of humans into animals is known as therianthropy, the best known form of which is lycanthropy — transformation into a wolf or werewolf. The term “cynanthropy” dates back to ancient Greece and is applied to shapeshifters who alternate between human and dog form.

A therianthrope, however, is a being that is part human, part animal. The best known examples are the animal-headed gods of ancient Egypt, such as Bast (with the head of a cat) or Anubis (with the head of a jackal). The word combines the Greek therion, wild animal, with anthropos, human being.

1. A man named King was born in the city of Bethlehem. He grew up in the house of his father David. His mother's name was Bathsheba. She was married to Uriah the Hittite. When King was old enough he became a soldier in the army of King David.

 2. One day King went out hunting with his friends. While they were out hunting, King saw some beautiful deer. He shot at them and killed two of them. After killing the deer King took the bloodied clothes off of the dead animals and put them under his arm. Then he returned home.

 3. As soon as King got back home he told his wife about what he had done. Bathsheba asked him if he had killed any people while he was out hunting. King said no. Bathsheba then asked him if he had seen anyone else while he was out hunting? King replied yes, he had seen someone else who looked just like him.

 4. Bathsheba told her husband that she wanted to go out and look for herself. So she left the house and went out looking for the person who looked like her husband. She found the same man lying down on the ground. She asked him where he came from. He replied, “I am from Bethlehem”.

 5. Bathsheba asked the man how he got hurt. He told her that he was trying to kill some deer and accidentally hit himself instead. Bathsheba told him that she would take care of him. She gave him water and food and sent him home.

 6. King David heard about what happened and he was furious. He called together all of his men and told them that whoever could find the man who looks like him should bring him to him. King David ordered his men to cut off the wounded man’s head and bring it to him.

 7. The soldiers brought the man to King David. King David asked the man who he was. The man told him that he was from Bethlehem. King David asked him where he lived. The man told him he lived in Bethlehem. King David asked the injured man where he lived. The injured man told him that he lived in Bethlehem.

 8. King David asked the wounded man how he got hurt and the man told him that he tried to kill some deer and he accidentally hit himself. King David asked him again where he lives. The man told him again that he lives in Bethlehem. King David then asked him again where he lived. The wounded man told him again that his home is in Bethlehem.

 9. King David then asked the man where he was going. The man told him, “I am going home.” King David asked him why he was going home. The man told him why he was going to Bethlehem. King David asked again where he lived. He told him again that he lived in Bethlehem and he was going home.

 10. King David asked

1. A man named king was given dominion over all the land. He took his son and sacrificed him to the god Moloch. Then he had two hundred and fifty priests take the boy's blood and mix it with olive oil. They poured the mixture out onto the ground and said, "Behold the blood of the covenant between Yahweh and the people Israel."

 2. When the king saw what they had done, he was furious. So he called together all the elders of his kingdom and said, "As surely as I live, whoever says anything bad about the king shall die!" But the people were saying nothing.

 3. The king asked them, "Have you no sons or brothers?" And he took an oath from them and said, "Anyone who speaks badly of any member of my family dies!" But still the people spoke nothing.

 4. Then the king became even angrier and commanded that all the men should be killed. His advisers told him, "This is a great risk! All Israel knows that the king is not able to govern without the Lord. If we kill all these men, the Lord will become angry with us and destroy us."

 5. The king turned away from them and said, 'I have sinned against the Lord and committed wickedness. Yet please consider me just a little while longer before you do something rash.'

 6. The king ordered the men who knew the law to bring him a scroll containing the words of the law. He had the high priest read it aloud to the people.

 7. When the people heard the reading, they shouted, "Great is Yahweh our God! He has shown us his love for us and given us a ruler who governs justly."

 8. Then the king gave orders to restore the lives of the men whom he had condemned to death. He also canceled the decree that he had issued to put to death all the people of Jerusalem.

 9. Instead, he set apart three days each year to praise Yahweh, as long as he lived.

 10. Now the king had been reigning over Israel forty years.

 11. One day he stood up and said to the leaders of Judah and Benjamin, "You know the word of Yahweh, which he spoke by the hand of his servant Moses, when Yahweh brought Israel out of Egypt.

 12. "Go to the priests," the king instructed them, "and say to them, 'Yahweh's time for bringing Israel up from Egypt has come, and this is what he commands regarding the Passover sacrifice.' Tell them to make ready for their fellow countrymen to celebrate the Passover at its proper time."

 13. The priests went to the people and said, "Yahweh's command is that we tell you to prepare for the Passover sacrifice today." So they prepared it according to the command of the king.

 14. That same night the king of Egypt died. The priests then explained to the people, "Today is a sacred Sabbath rest, so you should not work. Go home, eat what remains of the food left over from yesterday's celebration, and go back to your own homes."

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