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The Ancient Egyptian Legume: Learn About Daniel and his God-given contribution to the world


The Ancient Egyptian Legume: Learn About Daniel and his God-given contribution to the world

Image Source: FreeImages

Ancient Egypt is celebrated for its ancient legacy of astronomy, science, and The Ancient Egyptian technology. But the ancient country also had a rich culinary culture that revolved around staples like lentils and chickpeas. The Egyptian people consumed these legumes in abundance. They were so important to their diet that they even developed several different varieties of them. The most common legume cultivated by the ancient Egyptians was the black-eyed pea or Vigna mungo (Figure 1). In addition to being consumed fresh as whole peas or shelled, black-eyed peas were also used to make flatbreads called pitos or rice cakes called tahel. Black-eyed peas are still an important part of modern Egyptian cuisine today. Take a look at how you can eat like an Egyptian and learn about Daniel’s contribution to this ancient culture with this article.

What is the origin of the name “black-eyed peas?


Modern black-eyed peas are a cross between red kidney beans and black-eyed beans. The Egyptian term for these peas is idt uru shotey ma, which translates to “the legume of the gods.” The ancient Egyptians believed that these peas were a gift from the gods.

How black-eyed peas are made

Black-eyed peas are a type of eye-shaped legume that are grown in pods. The beans inside the pods are harvested when they ripen and turn black. Black-eyed peas are also called blackeyed peas, Virginia peas, field peas, or cowpeas. Black-eyed peas are grown throughout the Northern and Midwestern parts of the United States. But black-eyed peas can also be grown in regions of the south like California and Texas. Black-eyed peas are a nitrogen-fixing crop. Nitrogen-fixing crops are plants that can take nitrogen from the atmosphere and put it into the soil where it’s available for other crops to use.

Health benefits of black-eyed peas

Black-eyed peas have been eaten throughout history for their nutritional value. Black-eyed peas are a great source of potassium, iron, manganese, and selenium. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps balance water and salt levels in the body. Electrolytes are elements in the body that allow nerves and muscles to send messages to each other. Potassium is needed for muscle contraction and relaxation, and helps regulate blood pressure. Iron is important for building new red blood cells and oxygen transport. Manganese is a mineral that helps with metabolism, metabolism, and the production of amino acids. Selenium is important for healthy immune function. Black-eyed peas are also high in protein, fibre, and fat. The fibre in black-eyed peas has been shown to improve bowel health, prevent constipation, and decrease bloating. Black-eyed peas are also a great source of Vitamin A, which is important for healthy eyesight, as well as Vitamin C, which helps with immunity and iron absorption. Vitamin A is also helpful for healthy skin.

Daniel’s story: Why it’s important to eat black-eyed peas

+About +Daniel

In the Bible, Daniel is a Hebrew prince who is given a vision about two sacred stones. He is then able to interpret the meaning of the stones and reveal the king’s sin to him. Eventually, the king is so impressed by Daniel’s interpretation that he has Daniel fed with black-eyed peas every day. This practice of feeding a person with nutritious food like black-eyed peas is called “fooling the wise” in the Bible. People fed with nutritious foods are thought to have insight into the food consumed. This practice is also common in ancient Chinese culture. Black-eyed peas are a great source of protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, and potassium. Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of epithelial tissues in the body, including skin, and aids in the prevention of oxidative stress. Iron is necessary for the metabolism of oxygen in the body and is a mineral necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen in the blood. Potassium helps regulate the amount of water in the body and prevents muscle cramps.


Black-eyed peas are a nutrient-rich legume that were highly valued by the ancient Egyptians for their nutritional value. Black-eyed peas are also a nutritious food that helps balance blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, increase vision, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Black-eyed peas are a nutrient-rich legume that were highly valued by the ancient Egyptians for their nutritional value. Black-eyed peas are also a nutritious food that helps balance blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, increase vision, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

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