umn ministry

A Prayer to Live in Love - Your Daily Prayer - August 6

2 minute read

A Prayer to Live in Love - Your Daily Prayer - August 6

I pray for a day full of love,
 For each person I meet,
 To feel their warmth,
 And know they're not alone.
 I pray for peace,
 For those who have none,
 That God's grace may abound,
 And bring them hope again.
 I pray for joy,
 For those who've lost it,
 That Jesus' name may reign,
 And fill us with His power.
 I pray for healing,
 For those who suffer,

Prayer To Live In Love
 Dear God, I pray today for those who have lost loved ones. Help them to find peace in their hearts. Give them comfort in their sorrow. And help us all to live in love. Amen.
Prayer to live in love - your daily prayer - August 6
 Dear God, I pray today for those who have no hope. Help them to find their way back home. Give them courage to face the challenges they may encounter along the path. Help them to know that You care about them. In Jesus' name, amen.

Umn ministry 

Also read :October 5, 2021

Living in love, as John wrote in the verse above, releases us from the burden of alibis and stewing over injustice and hurt.
Also read :the

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