umn ministry

How to Begin a Quiet Time in 5 Easy Steps (Hebrews 12:11) - Your Daily Bible Verse - August 6

4 minute read

How to Begin a Quiet Time in 5 Easy Steps (Hebrews 12:11) - Your Daily Bible Verse - August 6

Over time, it becomes a habit that is easily repeated. Even better, it will soon become the best and most productive part of your day.

1. What does it mean to “quiet time”?
 Quiet time is a time set aside each day where we take some time out of our busy lives to spend time alone with God. We do this by reading His Word, praying, meditating, and spending time with Him.
 2. Why should I have quiet time?
 God wants us to spend time with Him every single day! He created us to live in community with others, but He also wants us to spend time alone with Him. When we spend time with Him, we gain wisdom, peace, joy, and perspective.

 3. How can I begin my quiet time?
 There are many ways to begin your quiet time. You could read His word, pray, listen to music, or just sit quietly and think about what you need to learn from God. Whatever works best for you is fine.

 4. Where should I go to begin my quiet time?
 You can start anywhere you want! Just make sure that you are not doing anything else at the same time. If you are working, then you may want to find somewhere private to work. If you are studying, then you might want to study in a room without any distractions.
 5. What should I do while I am beginning my quiet time?
 While you are beginning your quiet time, you should try to stay focused on God. Try to avoid being distracted by things around you. You don't necessarily have to do something specific; just focus on God.

1. Read the Word of God
 Read the word of God daily. If you don't have time to read the entire bible each day, then at least read the New Testament. You'll find that the Old Testament contains many of the same principles that we need today.

 2. Pray
 Prayer is the best way to connect with God. When you pray, you're not just talking to yourself; you're actually talking to God. He wants to hear what's going on in your heart.
 3. Meditate
 Meditation helps us slow down our thoughts and focus on the present moment. We should spend some time each day thinking about nothing else but God.
 4. Give Thanks
 Give thanks to God for everything. Thank Him for His blessings and ask Him to help you live a good life.

 5. Ask God To Help You Live A Good Life
 Ask God to help you live a godly life. Ask Him to give you wisdom and understanding. Ask Him to protect you and keep you safe.

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