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Book of Revelation Summary Chart


Book of Revelation Summary Chart

1. The Book of Revelation is about Jesus Christ's return to Earth after his crucifixion and resurrection. He returns to Earth to establish His kingdom.
 2. The book begins with John writing about the events surrounding the death of Jesus.
 3. After the death of Jesus, he was buried in a tomb.
 4. Three days later, Jesus rose again from the dead.
 5. When Jesus rises from the dead, he appears to many people who were present at the time of his crucifixion.
 6. These people then write down what they saw and heard.
 7. These writings are called the Gospels.
 8. The first gospel written is Matthew.
 9. Mark is the second gospel written.
 10. Luke is the third gospel written.
 11. John is the fourth gospel written.
 12. The fifth gospel is the Book of Revelations.
 13. The sixth gospel is the Book of Acts.
 14. The seventh gospel is the Book of Letters.

1. Book of Revelation Summary Chart

 The book of Revelations is a collection of messages given to John by Jesus Christ. These messages were written down by John after he received them. The book was originally written in Greek and then translated into Latin. The original text was then translated back into English. The book contains many different messages about God's plan for humanity and what we should do to prepare ourselves for his coming.

 2. Chapter 1 - 

The Apocalypse of St. John
 Chapter 1 begins with a vision of a woman who is pregnant with a child. She gives birth to a son who is called the Lamb. He is described as being white and having a crown of 12 stars. He is given power over the nations and he rules them with an iron rod. His rule lasts for 1000 years.

 3. Chapter 2 -

 The Woman at the Golden Gate
 In chapter two, the woman is standing at the golden gate of heaven. She is told not to go through the gate until she has brought forth her Son.

 4. Chapter 3 - 

The Seven Churches
 Chapter three tells us about seven churches located throughout Asia Minor. Each church is described in detail. The first church is Pergamos. The second is Thyatira. The third is Sardis. The fourth is Philadelphia. The fifth is Laodicea. The sixth is Hierapolis. And the seventh is Colosse.

 5. Chapter 4 - 

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
 Chapter four describes four horsemen riding out of the east. Their names are Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence. They ride across the earth causing great destruction.

 6. Chapter 5 - 

The Fifth Trumpet
 Chapter five talks about the fifth trumpet. A star falls from the sky and kills everyone on Earth. Then a huge mountain is thrown into the sea. After that, people start dying from the plague.

 7. Chapter 6 - 

The Sixth Trumpet
 Chapter six talks about the sixth trumpet. There is a loud noise heard around the world. All the suns in the sky turn black. People die from the plague again.

1. Introduction

 The Book of Revelation was written by John the Apostle around 90 AD. He wrote it after the fall of Jerusalem and before the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. The book is a prophecy about Jesus Christ's return to Earth and his final judgment upon humanity.

 2. Chapter 1 - 

The Apocalypse of John
 Chapter 1 begins with John writing about how he saw a vision of Jesus Christ. In the vision, Jesus tells John that he is going to die and then resurrect again. John writes that he saw a white horse with red eyes and a rider who had a bow and arrow. The rider shot at the horse, killing it, and then took out a crown of thorns and placed it on the horse’s head. The rider then rode off the earth and went back to heaven.

 3. Chapter 2 - 

The First Trumpet
 In chapter 2, John describes the first trumpet. It sounds on the Day of Judgment, and it is followed by seven trumpets. Each trumpet represents a different punishment God gives to humans. The first four trumpets represent the plagues that God sends to kill people. The fifth trumpet represents the great earthquake that kills many people. The sixth trumpet is the second coming of Jesus Christ. The seventh trumpet represents the battle between Satan and Jesus Christ.

 4. Chapter 3 -

 The Second Trumpet
 John describes the second trumpet in chapter 3. It is a loud blast that causes fire to rain down from the sky. The fire burns up everything that is green, including grass, trees, and bushes. When the smoke clears, only dead things remain.

 5. Chapter 4 - 

The Third Trumpet
 Chapter 4 describes the third trumpet. It is similar to the second trumpet, except that the fire does not burn up everything that is green. Instead, it turns everything black. The fourth trumpet is similar to the third trumpet, except that the blackness covers the entire world.

 6. Chapter 5 - 

The Fourth Trumpet
 Chapter 5 describes the fourth trumpet. It starts with a voice from heaven saying “Come!” Then, a star falls from the sky and hits the earth. A huge mountain splits apart and swallows the star. The earth shakes violently, and the sun darkens. People begin to feel intense pain in their stomachs, and they vomit blood.

 7. Chapter 6 - 

The Fifth Trumpet
 Chapter 6 describes the fifth trumpet. It is a loud blare that makes everyone deaf. Everyone who hears it dies instantly.

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