umn ministry

What are the 3 types of revelation?


What are the 3 types of revelation?

In religious and spiritual contexts, there are generally three types of revelation:

1  Natural revelation: This type of revelation refers to the knowledge of God and spiritual truth that can be gained through observing the natural world. This includes things like the beauty and complexity of the universe, the intricacies of living organisms, and the wonder of human consciousness. Natural revelation is considered accessible to all people, regardless of their religious background or beliefs.

2   Special revelation: This type of revelation is considered to be more direct and specific than natural revelation. Special revelation refers to the belief that God or a divine being has communicated with humans in a more direct way, such as through prophets, sacred texts, or personal experience. Examples of special revelation include the revelations received by the prophet Muhammad in Islam, the visions experienced by the prophet Joseph Smith in Mormonism, and the teachings of Jesus Christ in Christianity.

3   Mystical revelation: This type of revelation refers to the belief that spiritual truth can be directly experienced through a mystical or ecstatic experience. This can include things like visions, dreams, or altered states of consciousness induced through meditation or prayer. Mystical revelation is often considered to be the most personal and subjective type of revelation, as it is often difficult to describe or share with others.

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