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What is the best way to study the Book of Revelation

2 minute read

What is the best way to study the Book of Revelation?

Here are some tips for studying the Book of Revelation:

1. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Revelation is a complex book with much symbolism. Ask God to help reveal His truth.
2. Read Revelation in context. Try to understand the original intent and meaning to the first readers. Know the historical background and genre (apocalyptic literature).

3. Compare Scripture with Scripture. Look for connections to Old Testament prophecy and other biblical themes and imagery. Let the Bible interpret itself.
4. Focus on the big picture. Don't get overwhelmed trying to interpret every detail. Seek to understand the overall messages and trajectory.

5. Look for what is clear and unambiguous. There are disputed interpretations over obscure passages, but the major themes are reasonably clear. 
6. Study with humility. No one completely understands Revelation. We all see "in a mirror dimly" to some degree (1 Cor 13:12). Hold interpretations with open hands.  

7. Let it inspire worship and trust. More than just special knowledge about the end times, Revelation is intended to reveal Jesus and prompt a response of awe, praise and faith in Him.
The aim should be to read Revelation in faith, guided by the Spirit, to better understand Jesus and the gospel. The best interpretations let Scripture interpret Scripture in context.

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May 28, 2025