umn ministry

Here is a article on the theme The Multitude from Every Nation

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Here is a article on the theme "The Multitude from Every Nation":

The Multitude from Every Nation 

The book of Revelation paints a glorious picture of the multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language worshipping before the throne of God (Revelation 7:9). This diverse multitude reflects the expansive scope of God's redemptive plan, which encompasses people from all corners of the earth. Though coming from different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds, this multitude is unified in their praise and adoration of the Lamb who was slain. Their diversity does not divide them, but rather displays the all-encompassing grace of God.
This beautiful vision was hinted at long before Christ walked the earth. God told Abraham that through him all peoples on earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). The prophets spoke of a day when people from nations around the world would stream to Jerusalem to learn of God's ways (Isaiah 2:2-3). God's heart has always been for the nations, not just one exclusive ethnic group. He chooses and uses people from all tribes and tongues to accomplish His purposes and display His glory.

The coming of Jesus served as the catalyst to initiate the formation of this diverse, multiethnic multitude. No longer bound or defined by ethnicity, social class or gender, the Gospel unites believers into a new humanity, the body of Christ (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:14-15). With His death and resurrection, Jesus broke down the dividing wall of hostility, providing access to God for people from every nation.
The apostle Paul grasped this vision of the multitudes brought near through Christ. A former Pharisee and persecutor of the church, Paul went on to become the greatest missionary in history, proclaiming the Gospel across the Gentile world. His radical ministry reached across traditional ethnic boundaries to include many nationalities in God's covenant family. Though a Jew by birth, Paul understood that in Christ, God's love and salvation transcended ethnic limits (Romans 10:12). 
Paul's ministry foreshadowed the fulfillment of Christ's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Over the past 2000 years, the Gospel has spread across the globe, taking root in diverse cultures, languages and geo-political landscapes. Missionaries have traveled to the farthest reaches of the planet, sharing the good news of Christ's love and establishing churches. As a result, the church now thrives globally, encompassing ethnicities from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and beyond. 

Today, the diversity of the church enriches our understanding of God and deepens our unity in Christ. When believers from contrasting cultures worship together, there is power and beauty in blended songs, prayers and testimonies coming from every tongue. God's heart for the nations becomes tangible when we fellowship across ethnic lines, finding common ground at the foot of the cross. Even heaven's portrait in Revelation 7 displays multicultural worship, with people from all tribes and languages joining as one to praise the Lamb.
As citizens of God's kingdom, we look forward to the day when this diverse multitude will fully gather around Christ's throne. Until then, may we prayerfully labor to expand God's multiethnic family, overcoming walls of division. May our churches on earth mirror the diversity of our coming heavenly assembly. And may we strive to display the power of the Gospel to unite people from every nation into one body, one faith, one Lord.

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May 31, 2025