umn ministry

How many chapters in Revelation


How many chapters in Revelation

The Bible is divided into two parts; the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the book of Revelations we find John writing about the end times and what he calls the Great Whore. He says she was dressed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold jewelry and pearls. 
She had 12 names written on her body and on each name was a short description of what made her special. I believe these descriptions represent different types of people who will be involved in the coming tribulation period.

 Chapter 1 - Purple and Red
 This chapter describes the woman as having 12 names written on her skin. These names describe her character traits, attributes, and behaviors. She is described as being purple and red. The color purple represents royalty and wealth while red represents war and bloodshed. Purple is often associated with royalty, power, and authority.

 Chapter 2 - Gold and Silver
 She is also described as wearing golden jewelry and precious stones. The gems represent wisdom and knowledge, while the gold represents purity and holiness.

 Chapter 3 - Names Written On Her Body
 On her body were twelve names inscribed. Each name represented a person who would be at the right hand of God's throne. These people would be given great honor and power in the kingdom of heaven.

 Chapter 4 - Short Descriptions Of Her Character Traits And Attributes
 Each of these names also have a short description describing their personality, appearance, and characteristics.
 John goes on to say that the number of hairs on her head was equal to the stars in the sky and the number of teeth in her mouth was greater than the sand grains on the seashore.
 I am not sure how much weight John puts into these numbers, but I think they are some type of code that lets us know something about his time period and where he lives.

1. 1st chapter - The first four verses describe the creation of man, the garden of Eden, the fall of man, the flood and Noah's Ark.

 2nd chapter - The second verse describes the birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem, his baptism by John the Baptist, and the beginning of his ministry.

 3rd chapter - The third verse describes the birth of John the Baptist, Jesus' temptation and the beginning of His public ministry.

 4th chapter - The fourth verse describes the miracles performed by Jesus, His resurrection and ascension into heaven, and the establishment of the Holy Church in Jerusalem.

 5th chapter - The fifth verse describes the return of Jesus Christ to earth after His Ascension and the beginning of His visible return.

 6th chapter - The sixth verse describes the judgment of the world and the end of time.

 7th chapter - The seventh chapter describes the final battle between good and evil, and the eternal salvation of mankind.

 8th chapter - The eighth chapter describes the last judgment and the eternal punishment of the wicked.

 9th chapter - The ninth verse tells us that we have only 9 years left before the Apocalypse begins.

 10th chapter - The tenth chapter describes the last days, the rapture, and the tribulation.

 11th chapter - The eleventh chapter describes the second coming of Jesus Christ, the millennium, and the general resurrection.

 12th chapter - The twelfth chapter describes the final judgement, the reign of God over the earth, the future destruction of the ungodly, and the New Heaven & New Earth.
13th chapter - The thirteenth chapter describes the marriage supper of the Lamb and the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.

 14th chapter - The fourteenth chapter describes the sealing of the 144,000 (the Church) and the seven seals of Daniel's prophecy.

Umn ministry 

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