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Characteristics of the book of Revelation


Characteristics of the book of Revelation

1. A Vision
 The book of revelation is not merely a description of what happened at some point in history. It is meant to give us a warning and prophecy about the future. It is written in poetic language, and it's purpose is to show how God will judge the world. In this way, the book serves as a guidebook for Christians today.

 2. Prophecy
 In the book of revelations, Jesus says that he will return to earth soon after his death. At the time of his coming back, he will wipe out everything except those who have accepted him as their savior. He warns people who do not believe in him that they will suffer eternal damnation.

 3. Judgment
 Jesus tells us that he will judge the whole world. He will hold everyone accountable for their actions. He will punish anyone who does evil and reward those who do good.

 4. History
 Revelations gives us information about the past and present. It talks about things we should know about our own lives. We learn about the end times, when many people will die and go to hell.

 5. Parable
 Revelations is filled with parables that teach us lessons. When Jesus speaks in riddles, it means that he wants us to think deeply about the message behind them. God uses these stories to help us understand difficult concepts.

The Book of Revelation was written by John of Patmos around 90 CE. 

It's a prophecy about what would happen after Jesus return to earth. Revelations is often referred to as the final book of the Bible. However, some scholars believe that Revelations is actually the first book of the New Testament.
 In the book of Revelation, John describes seven seals that have been broken. These seals were opened by God in order to cause various catastrophies across the world. Each seal contains a particular message from God. In the following video I provide an overview of the characteristics of the book of revelations.
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