umn ministry

Following Jesus Christ - English Short Message


follow the inner voice


Truth for the week this week's topic

following Jesus Christ Bible verse Mark

chapter 8 verse 34. whoever desires to

come after me let him deny himself and

take up his cross and follow me this

week's message

we know that when we follow Jesus Christ

we are in the way to heaven because

Jesus has said that I am the way John

Chapter 14 verse 6 we read it now to

follow Jesus Christ he has set three

conditions firstly we have to deny

ourselves now to deny ourselves doesn't

mean that we have to hate our creation

hate our talents and our Beauty in fact

we have to thank God for our creation

for our life because we are fearfully

and wonderfully made by God

but to hate ourselves or deny ourselves

means that we have got lot of Desires in

this world we have desires to earn money

to earn wealth property to earn

positions Fame in this Society we have

desires of our flesh which want to have

pleasures of this world we have desires

of our flesh which are evil a lot of

things like this now these things

obstruct us from understanding the

desire which God has for us or to

understand the will and greater purpose

which God has for us so only if we are

able to set these things aside and allow

God more than all these things in fact

love got more than our parents more than

our children only then we will be able

to understand the will of God for our

life the purpose which God expects out

of our life Matthew chapter 19 was 21

and 22 and Matthew chapter 10 verse 37

we read about these things that only

when we set aside our desire we will be

unable to understand God's Great will

and follow God Philippians chapter 3

verse 4 to 8 we read about Saint Paul

the greatest Apostle he writes that he

had lot of recognizations he had a lot

of degrees he had greater fames and

citizenships but still he considered all

those things as waste so that he can

gain Christ we may have lot of Fame in

this world but only when we are able to

set aside and deny ourselves we will be

able to follow Jesus Christ secondly we

have to cheerfully take up the cross

that is given to us when we are ready to

deny ourselves we will be able to see

the cross which Jesus is giving for us

now the cross is was considered as a

symbol of curse when Jesus Christ took

up the cross when he shed his Precious

Blood on the cross the cross which was a

symbol of curse was turned into a symbol

of blessing

now we read this in Galatians chapter 3

and verse 13.

so if we have to take up this cross

first of all we have to desire the cross

which Jesus is giving to us and then we

should also give up our burdens upon the

cross of Jesus Christ we have lot of

burdens we have burdens coming out of

our sins burdens that are coming out of

our personal problems the sickness the

peacelessness the depressions we go

through we should lay our burdens upon

Jesus Christ because Jesus is bearing

our burdens every day he bore all our

burdens our sin our sickness and burdens

on the his cross and he crucified them

and if we are able to lay our burdens on

to Jesus Christ then we will be able to

take up the Yoke the cross which Jesus

give to us Matthew chapter 11 verse 28

to 30 Psalms chapter 68 verse 19 says

this and also when Jesus gives up the

cross take it up joyfully there may be

struggles in this world we suffer for

the name of the Lord there may be

challenges we go through difficult paths

we travel but then if it is because of

the Cross which Jesus has given us take

it up joyfully and cheerfully because

this is for a blessing there won't be

any guilt in it but rather there will be

joy in it because God's name will be

glorified and moreover God's purpose is

getting fulfilled

so Colossians chapter 1 verse 24 to 29

Psalms chapter 116 verse 12 and 13 we

read that we should never give up the

cross which Jesus is giving us but

rather take up the Yoke which God is

giving us in a cheerful way

finally we have to follow Jesus Christ

and that's the third condition which

Jesus kept

to follow a person means to look closely

upon the person to see the actions

performed by that person to see the

directions taken by that person now to

follow Jesus Christ we have to look

closely upon the life of Jesus Christ

look closely upon the teachings of God

and his ways and instructions and the

Bible says that the scriptures are the

testimony for life of Jesus Christ John

chapter 5 verse 39 we read it the Holy

Bible is the truth and it has got the

instructions and ways we have to follow

so if we are paying careful attention to

look upon it to carefully read it and

Obey in our lives we will be able to

follow Jesus Christ may God bless us

through these words let's pray dear Lord

help us to deny ourselves take up

cheerfully the cross you are giving us

and follow you all the days of our life

continue to speak with us in Jesus name


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