umn ministry

Revelation Chapter 2 - Church Of The Chimes


Revelation Chapter 2 - Church Of The Chimes

Revelation Chapter 2 contains a series of messages from Jesus to seven churches in Asia Minor. One of these churches is the Church of the Chimes, also known as the Church of Thyatira.

In the letter to the Church of Thyatira, Jesus commends the church for their love, faith, service, and perseverance. However, he also rebukes the church for tolerating a false prophetess named Jezebel, who was teaching and leading his servants astray. Jesus warns the church that unless they repent and turn away from her teachings, they will suffer severe consequences.

Jesus then promises rewards to those who overcome and remain faithful to him. He promises them authority over the nations and the morning star, which represents himself.

The message to the Church of the Chimes teaches us the importance of remaining faithful to Jesus and not tolerating false teachings or teachers. It also reminds us that we will be rewarded for our faithfulness and obedience to Jesus, even in the face of adversity.

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