umn ministry

Memorizing the Word

4 minute read

By: Jenifer Metzger

I have treasured Your word in my heart
so that I may not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11 CSB

Why should we memorize Scripture?

The short answer: To know and serve God better.

Memorizing the Word #Bible #Scripturememory

These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.
Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in
your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie
down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand
and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the
doorposts of your house and on your city gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Also read :Inward Beauty

Memorizing Scripture does four powerful things in our lives:

Memorizing Scripture saturates our heart and mind with truth. In this world, we are continually faced with evil, immorality, chaos, pain, trauma, heartache, loneliness, temptation, and so much more. When we memorize the Word of God, we saturate our heart and mind with truth from God to combat whatever we face. When these troubled times come, we can recall truth.

Memorizing Scripture prepares us for spiritual warfare. We know from Scripture that there is a spiritual battle continually going on around us. A warfare we cannot see. Attacks that are not coincidental, but instead are attacks straight from our enemy. When we memorize the Bible, we can recite Scripture in the heat of battle. Reminding the enemy of who God is and where our protection comes from.

Memorizing Scripture prepares us for witnessing. Witnessing, telling others of the Good News of Jesus, is a necessary part of being a Christian. When we memorize Scripture, we know why we need to witness, we know what to share when we witness, and we are better prepared for questions that might come up when we witness.

Memorizing Scripture helps us know the heart of God. The more we read, study, and memorize Scripture, the more we know the heart, plan, and will of God. When faced with situations, we can know if what is happening is lining up with Scripture, we can know which path to take, we can know more of what God would want, all because we better know the heart of God.

He answered, “It is written: Man must
not live on bread alone but on every word
that comes from the mouth of God.”
Matthew 4:4
Also read :He Is Risen!!

We must live by the Word of God and to fully live by the Word, we need to know it deep in our heart and mind.

Years ago I used to go and sit with a family friend who had dementia. She would tell me the same stories over and over. Not realizing she told me the same story just minutes before. It didn't bother me, I understood. But while she couldn't remember the stories she told or if she had even eaten lunch, what she did know was Scripture. Prior to her dementia diagnosis, she memorized Scripture and it was treasured in her heart. No matter what left her memory, God's Word was there.

Let's be women who read, study, and memorize the Word of God.


Throughout January of 2024 we are hosting a Scripture Memory Challenge! On Facebook and Instagram, each Monday, beginning January 1st, we we will post one Scripture passage to memorize that week. Then each Wednesday, we will post a method for Scripture memory from one of our writers. By the end of January you will memorize five Scripture passages and have new methods and encouragement for memorizing Bible verses. Join us in memorizing the Word of God!

1. Do you intentionally memorize Scripture?
2. If yes, what method of memorizing helps you? If not, are you ready to begin?

from Woman to Woman
Umn ministry

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May 27, 2025