umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Part 4


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Part 4

In the grand tapestry of divine intervention, all the work of God's administrative plan unfolds under the meticulous guidance of the Almighty Himself. Each phase, meticulously orchestrated, bears the indelible mark of divine intervention, setting the stage for the culmination of His ultimate purpose.

The Divine Architect: Creator and Redeemer

The first stage — the creation of the world — stands as a testament to the omnipotent hand of God, who crafted the very fabric of existence with His divine breath. Without His sovereign touch, the universe would remain but a barren void, devoid of life and purpose.

The second stage unfolds as the saga of redemption unfurls before the eyes of humanity. In this divine drama, the protagonist is none other than God Himself, descending from the lofty heights of heaven to walk among mortals. Through His sacrificial love, He offers redemption to all who would dare to believe.

It is the third stage, however, that beckons with a sense of urgency and anticipation. Here lies the culmination of God's master plan, the final act in the divine symphony of creation and redemption. Here, God's works to end all things shall be executed with the precision and grace that only the Creator Himself can muster.

Divine Impersonation: The Incarnation of God

Redeeming, conquering, gaining, and perfecting the entire human race—these monumental tasks are not delegated to angels or intermediaries. Instead, they are the solemn charge of God Himself, who dons the mantle of humanity to walk among His creation.

For man cannot represent His identity or know His work if He does not personally grace the stage of human history with His divine presence. To defeat Satan, to reclaim the hearts of mankind, to bestow upon them a normal life on earth—these are endeavors that demand the personal touch of the divine.

Yet, if man perceives God solely as a dispenser of earthly happiness, his understanding remains lamentably shallow. The depths of divine wisdom elude those who fail to grasp the magnitude of God's purpose and plan.

The Divine Mandate: Personal Intervention

The ineffable mystery of redemption unfolds as God first became flesh to walk among His creation, bearing the weight of human sin upon His shoulders. His mission: to redeem all men from the shackles of sin, to purify their souls, and to grant them forgiveness beyond measure.

The task of overcoming among men is not one that can be delegated or outsourced. It is a divine mandate that demands the personal involvement of God Himself. For in the cosmic battle between light and darkness, only the divine can emerge victorious.

The Uniqueness of Divine Intervention

In the annals of history, the age of the word bears witness to God's personal involvement in the affairs of humanity. Unlike the prophets of old, who served as conduits for divine revelation, God Himself steps into the fray, wielding the power of His spoken word to overcome the forces of darkness.

During the time of the Law, Jehovah delegated certain tasks to His chosen vessels, allowing them to speak and act on His behalf. Yet, with the dawn of a new era, the divine strategy shifted. God's first act was to lead mankind, laying the groundwork for the impending conflict with Satan.

The Dawn of Redemption: God Incarnate

The dawn of redemption heralds the official commencement of the war against Satan. The incarnation of God, culminating in the sacrificial act of crucifixion, dealt a decisive blow to the forces of darkness. It was a victory won through the blood of the Lamb, marking the first successful phase of the cosmic conflict.

As God continues to work among men, the war rages on, with each soul won for the kingdom of heaven representing another victory in the ongoing struggle against evil. The first battle may have been won on Calvary's hill, but the war for the souls of humanity wages on, with God Himself leading the charge.

In retrospect, Jehovah's initial phase of work pales in comparison to the grandeur of His subsequent endeavors. It was but a prelude to the epic saga of redemption, a precursor to the divine drama that continues to unfold to this day.

In conclusion, the three phases of God's action—creation, redemption, and ultimate victory—bear the indelible mark of divine intervention. From the dawn of creation to the culmination of all things, God's personal involvement remains the driving force behind the unfolding drama of human history.

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