umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Part 5


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Part 5

The work of governing mankind is divided into three phases, and the work of saving mankind is divided into three phases. These three phases do not include the creation of the world, but include the three phases of the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. The act of creating the world was the act of creating the entire human race. It was not a work of saving mankind, it had nothing to do with the work of saving mankind. Because when the world was created, mankind was not corrupted by Satan, so there was no need to do the work of saving mankind. The work of saving mankind began when man was corrupted by Satan, so the work of governing mankind also began when mankind was corrupted. In other words, God's administration of man began as a result of the act of saving mankind, not from the act of creating the world. The administrative function came into play only after mankind acquired a degenerate state of mind. Therefore, instead of four phases or four yugas, the action of governing mankind involves only three parts. This is the proper way to refer to God's management of mankind. When the end times come to an end, the work of governing mankind will have come to a complete end. The end of the administration means that the work of saving all mankind is completely finished and then this phase of the first human race is over. Without the work of saving all men, there would be no work of governing mankind, nor any of the three stages of work. The corruption of mankind was the exact reason for this. Because mankind was in urgent need of salvation, Jehovah finished creating the world and began the work of the Age of Law. It was then that the work of managing mankind began, i.e. then the work of saving mankind began. Government of mankind does not mean directing the life of newly created mankind (and still degenerate mankind) on earth. Rather, it means the salvation of a human race corrupted by Satan, which means the transformation of this corrupted human race. This is the meaning of Management of Mankind. The work of saving mankind does not include the work of creating the world, so the work of managing mankind does not include the work of creating the world, but only three phases of work separate from the creation of the world. To understand the work that governs mankind, it is necessary to know the history of the three phases of work. All must know this to be saved. As God's creatures, you must know that man was created by God. Also, the root cause of mankind's corruption, as well as the process of man's salvation, must be known. If you only know how to act according to the teachings in an effort to gain God's favor, and have no knowledge of how God saves mankind or the root cause of mankind's corruption, this is what you lack as a creature of God. You must not be content with understanding only those truths that can be observed when you are largely ignorant of God's administrative work. If you are satisfied like that, you are very sad. The story of God's management of men, the coming of the gospel to the whole world, and the great mystery among all men are the three stages of action, and these are the foundations of evangelism. If you focus only on the simple truths of your life and know nothing of these great secrets and visions, is your life like a defective product that serves nothing but to be seen?

If man were to focus only on practice and see God's work and what man should know as secondary, wouldn't this be a little unwise and foolish for him? You must become aware of what you need to know; You must abide by what you ought to abide by. Only then will you be one who knows how to follow the truth. When the day comes for you to spread the gospel, you can only say that God is a great and righteous God, that He is a great God, that no great man can be compared, that He is a God above all.

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