umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 6


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 6

In the grand tapestry of God's divine plan, the three stages of work stand as pillars, holding the essence of God's entire administration. Within these stages, God's disposition and His very essence are laid bare for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. Without comprehending the intricacies of these three stages of God's work, one remains in the dark, unable to grasp the profound ways in which God expresses His divine nature and carries out His mission of salvation for mankind.

The three stages of action form the cornerstone of God's endeavor to save humanity. Without an understanding of these stages, one remains oblivious to the manifold methods and principles guiding the Holy Spirit's work. Indeed, those who cling rigidly to a single stage of God's action unwittingly confine God within the narrow confines of their own understanding, limiting the breadth and depth of their faith.

Only through the three stages of God's actions can God's disposition be fully revealed, and His intentions for the salvation of mankind laid bare. It is through these stages that God triumphed over Satan and bestowed His grace upon humanity, thereby showcasing His victory and the entirety of His divine nature.

Yet, for many, God's work remains shrouded in mystery, with only a fragment of His divine plan comprehended. God's nature is often misconstrued and confined within the narrow confines of human comprehension. God, who is infinite and eternal, is reduced to a mere caricature, bound by the limitations of human understanding.

Those who fail to grasp the multifaceted nature of God's work often find themselves at odds with the Holy Spirit, resisting His guidance and hindering His divine plan. Their knowledge remains superficial, their arrogance unchecked, as they seek to impose their own limited understanding upon God's boundless wisdom.

But true wisdom lies in humility, in recognizing the vastness of God's divine plan and the limitations of human comprehension. As one delves deeper into the mysteries of God's work, they find their judgments tempered, their arrogance subdued. They come to realize that God's work is vast and multifaceted, spanning millennia and defying human logic.

In the presence of God's divine wisdom, human knowledge pales in comparison. Only by humbling ourselves before God can we hope to grasp even a fraction of His divine nature. For it is through humility that true understanding is attained, and it is through understanding that true wisdom is found.

In conclusion, let us strive to delve deeper into the mysteries of God's work, to embrace the three stages of His action with open hearts and minds. For it is through these stages that God's divine plan unfolds, revealing His boundless love and mercy for all mankind.

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