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God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 7


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 7

In exploring the three stages of works, we delve into the profound narrative of God's entire work. These stages aren't merely a narrative but rather a record of God's salvation for mankind. They're not born out of imagination but are tangible realities. To truly comprehend God's complete disposition, one must traverse through all three stages of His work. Skipping any step would be a disservice to those seeking to know God.

True knowledge of God is not a fabrication of man's mind. It isn't a figment of imagination nor a special endowment of the Holy Spirit upon individuals. It's a knowledge acquired through experiencing God's work, particularly the truths embedded within the three stages. This knowledge isn't instant; it's deeply personal, emerging from firsthand encounters with God's workings.

At the core of these three stages lies God's salvation for mankind, expressed through various modes and means. This complexity is what often eludes human recognition and understanding. The division of ages, shifts in God's work, alterations in work locations, and changes in recipients—all encapsulate the three stages of work. Notably, variations in the Holy Spirit's manner of work and alterations in God's disposition, likeness, name, and identity are integral components of these phases.

A phase verb confines itself to a specific region, delineated within certain boundaries. It doesn't encompass age divisions or the myriad changes in God's work. This distinction is evident and crucial.

The three stages of work constitute God's comprehensive endeavor to redeem mankind. Understanding God's work and disposition within this salvific framework is paramount. Without this understanding, one's knowledge of God is superficial, mere rhetoric devoid of substance. Such knowledge lacks conviction, failing to align with reality. It may sound pleasing, but if it contradicts God's inner disposition, it's futile. God doesn't overlook flippant words regarding Him; He seeks sincerity. Speaking of God requires reverence, for He is beyond human judgment or casual praise.

Despite linguistic prowess, human descriptions of God pale in comparison to the truth spoken by those with profound experience. Accurate and truthful knowledge of God surpasses mere linguistic eloquence or vocabulary richness. The chasm between human knowledge and divine understanding is vast, with the latter transcending all earthly sciences.

Knowing God isn't a pursuit for the faint-hearted. It's a realm accessible to a select few who earnestly seek truth. It's not an endeavor for the casually curious or the superficially inclined. Excelling in worldly affairs doesn't guarantee success in understanding God's truth. The pursuit of truth and knowing God presents challenges unparalleled in any other endeavor.

For many, following the truth proves arduous, and understanding God's ways even more so. This is not just an individual's struggle; it's the collective challenge of humanity. Among those who make strides in knowing God, few meet the requisite standards. Knowing God isn't a task for the mediocre; it's a pursuit demanding utmost sincerity and dedication.


In unraveling God's daily words and comprehending the three phases of action, we embark on a journey of profound significance. Each stage represents a facet of God's redemptive plan for humanity. To engage with these stages is to partake in a divine narrative, one that transcends human imagination and comprehension. It's a journey that demands sincerity, humility, and an unwavering commitment to truth. As we navigate through these stages, we inch closer to a deeper understanding of God's nature and His unfathomable love for mankind.

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