umn ministry

The Origin of the Cross


The Origin of the Cross

series today we're really going to focus

on the origin of the Cross this is a

huge huge huge one we're going to have a
lot of information today so bear with me
but it's very very important that we
learn the true origins of where this
symbol came from because there's tons of

people who have it tattooed on their bodies who have it wrapped around their  necks with the cross necklace all of the
churches seem to have them everywhere so  we're going to really dive deep into the

origin of the Cross today but of course  before we do I just want to shout out the Facebook group that we do have going
it is growing and it is awesome and I'm  really excited to see where it continues

to go and you know incra excited to see  all of you ladies continue to join the
Facebook group the link for that is

going to be in the description box below and for anybody who is new hello if you
are please do hit that

possible to get out as much information  as possible and so I definitely suggest
that you subscribe because there's a lot  more videos coming your way and so just  to preface all of 

share you know I do like to say the
names of who I'm referring to and so  that you know so when I refer to our God

or creator our Father I call him by his  name yahuwah so that you will always  know who I'm referring to when I say
yahuwah or his shortened version of the  name which is yeah so whenever I say

yeah or Yahoo I'll just know I'm

referring to our Father our Creator our  God and then for our Messiah I even will  call him by his title of Messiah but
most times 95% of the time I will refer  to him by his name his Hebrew name

Yahoo Shah and I know that there's  variations of how people pronounce it
but just so you know how Who I am  speaking about whenever I say Yahoo sha

I'm referring to our Messiah and context  so anytime you see any type of blue
lettering with in parentheses that is   italicized always know that that is not

adding to scripture I take that very
seriously we're told in the Bible not to  add or subtract from Scripture so I  would never ever do that so just so you
know it is literally just contact so

it's a way for me to explain the

scripture as we read through it and so
that you can see it for yourself as I
read through and explained the
scriptures so that's all the context is therefore it is not part of the
scripture it is not me adding to
scripture or taking away from scripture

in any way shape or form so let's jump

into the information so we're going to

talk about the crosses Tambu so we know

that Tammis was the second member of the

pagan babylonian trinity he was the  incarnation of God in the flesh
he's the false messiah of the religion
created by Semiramis which is the
mentioned in Revelation so this false
religion is the not the Maryam is
necessarily yahuwah has commanded us his

people to come out of her and to cease  prostituting out the worship of the one
true God to others the symbol of the son  of the Lord God bale in the pagan  religion of Babylon was a cross so this
is a symbol of Tammuz because he was the

son of the Lord which we know Lord in  the Hebrew means Bale so it's called the
cross of Tammuz the cross was born on  the headdresses of the Babylonians and
the breastplate of the priests which you

can see to the right and warriors alike in honor of Tammuz the cross was a
representation of the tea in Tammuz and
his symbol the X or the cross the cross is a tradition of the church which our

fathers have inherited and is where we
adopted the words cross and crucified
these words are nowhere to be found in
the Greek versions of the New Testament
which is really interesting we're going
to dive into that these words are mich

translations a later rendering of the
Greek words da rose and star woo which
means stake and to entail on a state so
according to vines expository dictionary
of New Testament words says star rose

denotes primarily an upright pole or
stake both the noun and the verb star
ooh to fathom to a state or Pole are
originally to be distinguished from the
ecclesiastical form of the two beams
cross the shape of the latter had its

origin and

khaldiya or babylon and was used as the
symbol of the gods Hammes being in the
shape of the mystic tao or the initial
of his name by the middle of the 3rd
century AD at the council of messiah the
churches had either departed from or had
travesty of certain doctrines of the
cwfaith found in the Bible so in order to

increase the prestige of the apostate
ecclesiastical system known today as Christianity pagans were received into
the church apart from regeneration by
faith and were permitted largely to
retain their pagan signs and symbols so
basically these pagan people were
allowed into the church they didn't have

to be born again in the face they didn't
have to follow the Messiah they were
able to bring all of their old pagan
symbols and celebrations with them into
the church the Tao or the tea in its
most frequent form with the crosspiece
lowered was adopted and to this day
remains the symbol of Jesus or Tammuz or

the ex the most commonly encountered

Cristo Graham in english-speaking

countries in modern times as the XR more
abbreviation Xmas for Christmas which
represents the first letter of the word
Christ so very very interesting because
I grew up definitely like in middle
school in high school always saying

merry xmas to people versus Christmas

and I never really realized until now

honestly even when I did research on
Christmas I never realised that X
literally was the first letter of the
word for Christ and so it has so much
correlation and then so to the right you
see obviously the Chi letter or the X
from the Greeks and then above you can
see that you have the stake then you
have an actual X then you have a cross
and then you also end with a cross so

just so you're seeing all these

different portrayals but we know that
the first image of the stake is the
correct one did I read all of that yeah
okay so we've seen that the cross is not
in the Bible at all but rather predates

the New Testament in all pagan religions
so dr. Bollinger and the companion Bible
States crosses were used as symbols of
the Babylonian Sun God Tamil

constantine was a Sun God worshiper the
evidence is complete that Yahoo sha was
put to death upon an upright state not
on two pieces of timber so you can see
another depiction of what it would look
like for him to have been put on a stake

versus on a cross

Reverend Alexander Hislop in the two
babylons on page 197 to 205 said states
this frankly calls the cross this pagan
symbol the Tao the sign of the Cross the
indisputable sign of Tammuz the false

messiah the mystic tao of the cow jeans
or Babylonians and Egyptians the true

original form of the letter T the

initial of the name of Tammuz the

Babylonian cross was the recognised
emblem of Tammuz the Encyclopedia
Britannica the 11th edition vol 14 page
273 reads in the Egyptian churches the
cross was a pagan symbol of life
borrowed by the pagan Christians and
interpreted in the pagan manner jacob
grimm and his doots mythology says that
the Teutonic or germanic tribes had
their idol sword symbolized by a hammer
while the Roman pagans had their troops
or cross it was thus somewhat easier for

the Teutons

to accept the Roman cross so to the

right you see the top image is the

Egyptian ankh the bottom image is going
to be the hammer of Thor and then to the
right you're going to see the different
variations of the cross that the Greeks
and the Romans kind of had and so you're

able to really see the similarities of

different versions of the cross so Greek
dictionaries lexicons and other study
books also declare the primary meaning
of stauros to be an upright pale pale
pole or stake the secondary meaning of
cross is admitted by them to be a later
rendering to accommodate Rome very
interesting at least two of them do not
even mention cross and only render the

meaning as polar stake

so in spite of my strong evidence and
proof that the word Starro should have
been translated fake and the verb star
root to have been translated in pale
almost all the common modern versions of

the scriptures persist with the Latin
Vulgate crooks or cross a fallacious
later rendering of the Greek so why then
was this cross or crooks brought into
the space and why are our modern English

Bibles implicit in this lie again

historical evidence points to

constantine as the one who had the major
share in uniting sun worship and the
messianic faith into a modern-day
version of the mystery religion of
Babylon so we're going to go a bit more
in depth of the history and evolution of
Christianity in the next series and it's
going to go pretty deep so I'm really
excited about that so Constantine famous
vision of the Cross which you can see
depicted to the right superimposed on
the Sun in the year 312 is usually cited

writers ignorant of the fact that the
cross was not to be found in the New
Testament Scriptures puts a lot of
emphasis on this vision as the onset of
the so-called conversion of Constantine

so they try to basically say hey

Constantine converted to Christianity
because he saw a cross in the sky in a
vision but unless Constantine had been
misguided by the Gnostic manichaean hath
Christians who indeed use the cross in
their hybrid religion this vision of the

cross superimposed on the Sun could only
be the same old cosmos religion the

astrological religion of Babylon the

fact remains that that that which

Constantine thought is lower to actually
be found in Scripture but rather was a
common symbol of his God the Sun God
Constantine had had just a few years

prior converted to the cult of Sol

Invictus Constantine worshipped Christos
Mithras and the followers of Mithra were
called Christians so looking up to his
Sun God seeing the cross of Tammuz
should have been expected and understood

for what it really was there was a

reason why he was bowing down to the Sun

in the first place

Constantine did not convert to the

Jewish high priest in messiah yahushua
he converted the world to his existing

religion that was known as

timeis Christianity we read in the book
of Johannes Gascon the last days of
greco-roman paganism on page 319 that
even after 314 ad the coins of
Constantine show an even arms cross as a
symbol for the Sun God this is the
symbol of all sun-worshipping religion
as we've seen throughout the ages or

throughout this series this equidistant
cross is the cut out of the center of
the zodiac many scholars have doubted
the conversion of Constantine because of
the wicked deeds that he did afterwards
and because of the fact that he only
requested to be baptized on his deathbed

many years later in the year 337 so to
the right you can see in certain areas
where there's a cross so in the top coin
images you can see it in the left coin
or the front-facing coin with
Constantine's head on it you can see
towards the bottom of his head there's
actually a cross there and then in the

bottom coin you can see directly next to
the man that's depicted on the left side
you can see a X or a cross a minute on
the right side you actually see a fall
out just regular cross so just wanted to
point that out if you're trying to look
and find the crosses so his coins to the
day he died read Sol Invictus Committee
were committed to the invincible Sun the
Catholic Encyclopedia even admits that
Constantine's conversion was a legend

and should be stricken from our

literature entirely so reading from the
Catholic Encyclopedia the Farley edition
it says the smooth generalization which
so many historians are content to repeat
that Constantine embraced the Christian

religion and subsequently granted

official toleration is contrary to

historical fact and should be erased

from our literature forever

so simply put Constantine was already a
Christian he was a follower of Christos
Mithras and the church acknowledges at
the tail of his conversion in baptism
are entirely legendary so completely

false so if the vision of the Cross

impressed him and was used as a rallying symbol it could not have been in honor of yahushua our messiah because
constantine continued paying homage to the Sun deity into one of the Sun deity

symbols the

us until the day he died this

continuation of Sun worship by
Constantine was demonstrated by the
images of the Sun deity on his coins that were issued up by him up to the
Year 323 secondly the fact of his
motivation to issue his sunday-keeping edict in the year 321 which was not done
in honor of yahushua our messiah but was done because of the venerable day of the

invincible sun the edict is proof of

Constantine's continued allegiance to Sol Invictus and here I have an image  that I found that I was like really

really excited about and it quotes from

the Edict of 3:21 so what did

Constantine's law required says let all the judges and town people and the occupation of all trades rests on the venerable day of the Sun but let those  who are situated in the country freely

and at full liberty attend to the

business of agriculture because it often happens that no other day is so fit for sowing corn and planting vines less the critical moment being let's split let's slip mention loose the commodity is
granted by heaven so that's quoted from

the Edict of March 7th ad 321

note this edict issued by Constantine under whom the Christian Church and

Roman state were first United in a

manner supplied the lack of a divine command for Sunday observance and may be
considered the original Sunday law and the model after which all sunday laws

since then so just very very very

interesting when I was you know trying to find images and things and I came across this and I was like whoa I mean that was right in your face so where did
the cross come from then JC Cooper of an illustrated encyclopedia of traditional

symbols on page 45 summarizes it by  saying cross a universal symbol from the most remote times it is the cosmic symbol part excellence so exactly the  cross is the mark or cosmic symbol of  the zodiac of all pagan Sun worshipping

religions par excellence other

authorities also call it a sign symbol

of Babylonian Sun symbol and

astrological Babylonian Assyrians and  kept even Sun symbol also in the form of

an encircled cross referred to as a

solar wheel in many

other varieties of crosses and we know  that the cross of the Sun in the background is taken directly from the centre of the zodiac we learned that in the zodiac series which if you haven't watched I highly suggest you do it's in the playlist section of this channel so
the symbol of the Sun from the centre part of the zodiac is the exact symbol of Christianity and we see this on many

many steeples many many churches to this day also the cross represents the Tree of Life the age old fort early fertility symbol combining the vertical male and horizontal male principles especially in Egypt either as an ordinary cross are better known in the form of the crooks and sada the Egyptian ankh sometimes

refer sometimes called the Tao cross which had been carried over into our modern-day symbol of the female well known in biology the indisputable sign

of Tamil is the mystic Tao of the

Babylon Babylonians and Egyptians was  brought into the church chiefly because of Constantine and has since been adored with all of the homage due only to the Most High the Protestants have for many years refrained from undue adoration of
or homage to the Cross especially in  England at the time of the Puritans and the 16th or 17th centuries but lately

this unscriptural symbol has been

increasingly accepted in Protestantism and is now widely believed to be the symbol of the Messiah so we previously talked about the  Weeping of Tammuz or weeping for Tammuz and the similarity between the Easter

resurrection and the return of the

rising in the return or rising of Tammuz Tammuz was the young Incarnate son the son divinity incarnate this same Sun deity known amongst the Babylonians as Tammuz was identified with the Greek ad an Adonis or Adonis and with the

Phoenician Adoni

and the Roman Mithras all of them son  deities or Sun gods being slain in the

winter than being wept for in their

return being celebrated by a festivity in spring while some had it in summer  according to the myths of pagan idolatry
the evidence for its pagan origin is so convincing that Catholic Encyclopedia admits the sign of the Cross represented and its simplest form by a crossing of 2

that right angles greatly antedates in

both east and the west the introduction
of Christianity it goes back to a very remote period of human civilization so you have even the Catholic Encyclopedia

admitting that the cross was there

before Christianity was even created they promote period that they fail to actually identify we know it's Babylon  and so to the right you actually see an  image of a statue a portrayal of Nimrod
and so you see where it's outlined in  yellow that he has a cross around his  neck in the necklace same cross that you
see in Catholicism on their clothing and  then there's also this is just a side  note that six pointed star who are not  six pointed that's what that weird star  that they tend to wear on the center of

their mitre hat so just very very

interesting stuff that they're they're

pulling stuff from way back when in  Babylon so the Catholic Encyclopedia then continues reverence to the Tao cross of the pagan Egyptians saying in

later times the Egyptian Christians

attracted by its form and perhaps by its symbolism adopted it as the emblem of the cross that is because the Egyptian god Horus with another incarnation of Tammuz further proof of its pagan origin  is the recorded evidence of the Vestal  Virgins of pagan Rome having the cross

hanging on a necklace and the Egyptians doing it to as early as the 15th century

BCE so this isn't a to the right a

picture of Horus or anything but I just wanted to be able to showcase that there is you can see the ankh throughout the

the relics so that's all I wanted to

show was the Egyptian ankh just if

you're wondering in your leg that's not Horus yeah it wasn't for Horus it was for the ankh okay so the Buddhist and numerous other sects of India also used the sign of the Cross as a mark on their followers heads the cross was widely worshipped or regarded as a sacred emblem was the unequivocal symbol of

Bacchus or Tammuz the babylon babylonian messiah for he was represented with a headband covered with crosses which is what you see to the right it was also the symbol of the Jupiter for Paris and Rome for the more every read of the


top of the temple of Serapis the Sun deity of Alexandria which wasn't amorous once the Greek I mean in Egypt when the Greeks and Romans had taken over Egypt to the right you see Tamils whom the greeks called Bacchus with the crosses on his headband so after Constantine had

the vision of the cross he and his army promoted another variety of the cross

the Chi Rho or labrum the identical

symbols were found as inscriptions on a rock dating from the Year Serkis 2500 BC the time of Babylon great being interpreted as a combination of two Sun symbols the axe or hammer symbol of the
Sun or sky deity is the ancient symbol

of the Sun these signs having a sensual or fertility many meaning as well as in the cult of Babylon so up on the top you see the labrum or the Chi rose symbol and on the bottom I actually went even further back and got a Sumerian image
and so you see in the circle here where the three men are and there you know

leaning the first man is kind of leaning on this table and above it there's like a circle you see the similar symbol it's just not a P but it's like the lines are exactly the same oh great so another

proof of its pagan origin is the

identical symbol found on a coin of Potamus the third from the year 247 to 222 BC as a well known Encyclopedia
describes the labrum or Eiichiro as the labrum was also an emblem of the Cal Dean or Babylonian sky guide and in Christianity it was adopted Emperor and
Constantine adopted this labrum as the Imperial inside and thereby succeeded in

uniting both division of his truths

pagans and Christians in common worship and so you actually see any image to the right the coin to the right right below the bird you see that same symbol the

labrum or cheerio symbol right in

between its legs so according to Susur the word labrum came into use in the

reign of Hadrian and was probably
adopted from one of the nation's
conquered by the Romans it must be

remembered that Hadrian

in the year 76 to 138 that he was a
pagan Emperor worship the Sun deity service when he visited Alexandria which again was in Egypt and was vehemently
anti Judaism being responsible for the final near destruction of Jerusalem in the year 130 and so you see the symbol again on the coin on the right image of

the coin with the man that's further to the left and he has his hand out on a  pole and then right above that is the  symbol of Ichiro or the labrum so we'll go into more detail about the mark of the beast but we're going to talk about it quickly right now just because it is
very interesting and it really does have
to do with the cross of Tammuz but again

like I said we're going to go deeper

into it in a later series in a later

so this mark of the cross of Tammuz which represents the babylonian trinity was the mark of that religion on their foreheads this mark of PMO's was depicted on the forehead of Aphrodite which is some ramus some other of Tammuz  and this is the image that you see to the right so you see the mark of the  Cross of Tammuz on the forehead of the goddess Ishtar dating back to Babylon

and of course this image is really an  image of like Aphrodite but we know that

Aphrodite is Ishtar just in another

culture what is the mark of the beast of which we read in revelations 13 14 15 16
19 and 20 the mark on people's foreheads  and on their right hands revelation 14:11 reveals the mark to be the mark of his name or the beasts name so have we

not read about the mystic tile the

letter T the initial of Pam mooses name his mark this same letter T or tau was written in Egyptian hieroglyphics and in old Semitic languages as representing  the cross and so this image to the right  cwactually shows you the cross and many

different cultures and so you see it

you'll be Egyptian ankh you can see you  know just a regular cross but you can

also see this how you can see all

different kinds of crosses and how it  really evolved in different cultures  so this is the mark literally made on  the foreheads of Christians in the Catholic Church we're led as sheep to the slaughter into the Babylonian worship of Tammuz in the image and name
of Jesus

this practice takes place in many

protesting Catholic or Protestant

churches across the world on Ash

Wednesday following and the Babylonian tradition each year as they mark their followers with the same mark on their

forehead so let us use the true one

rendering of the scriptural words

stauros and star room namely speak and  impale and eliminate the unscriptural

cross and crucify the early church

fathers attested to the use of the sign of the Cross and that it is the seal of  the mark of Christianity the mark that  opposes the Shema so according to  Tertullian he described the Communists
of the sign of the Cross and all our
travels and movements and all our coming  in and going out and putting on our
shoes at the back at the table and
lighting our candles and lying down and  sitting down whatever employment
occupies at the mark our foreheads with the sign of the Cross then you have st.

Cyril of Jerusalem and his catechist this is gonna take me a little while but

in his lectures I said let us then not

be ashamed to confess the crucified be the cross at our seal made with boldness

by our fingers on our brow and in

everything over the bread we eat and the cups we drink in our comings and our
goings out before our sleep when we lie down and when we awake when we're traveling and when we're at rest and

what I found interesting was when I  looked at st. Cyril of Jerusalem this image continues to pop up and it's funny because this is the same hand symbol that that Jesus when they depict Jesus tends to make with the whole halo around

his head and it's just like everything  is really starting to just make perfect sense so gradually the sign of the Cross was incorporated in different acts of mass such as the threefold signing of

the forehead lips and heart Ash

Wednesday is the first day of Lent which is the Babylonian ritual of weeping for Tammuz occurring 46 days before Easter

which is the sacrifice of a pig and

honor of the death of Pam booze at masses and services of worship on Ash Wednesday ashes are imposed on the
foreheads of the faithful and I just
really wanted to have you guys really get you know all races all cultures who

are part of the catholicism sex or

christianity sex as Protestants

some Protestants do this as well the whole marking of the forehead on Ash Wednesday putting the cross on your

literally the mark of the beast on your  forehead so Jeremiah 10 to 3 for again says learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them for the customs of the people are

vain for one cuts a tree out of the

forest the work of the hands of the

workman with the axe they deck it with silver and with gold they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it moved not so with that my sister I encourage yo t
to dive even deeper into the origins of the cross but you can see that it's a

lot of these these doctrines these

symbols these things that we did or that I practice that least as a Christian I'm finding now had all pagan origins and you know it's not enough to just say oh what we took them and we Christianize
them so that we can make them holy you

can't do that you're supposed to do what yah tells you to do in his word not go and take something from a pagan and say well we've made it holy by worshipping y'all with it you can't do that because if you got it is how you to worship Him

that way or to obey Him in that way then you're really being lawless and you're not listening to him so with that I'm going to tell you to keep seeking him a

coati my sister I will see you in the

next Reed 

God bless you 

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