umn ministry

Experience God with the Experiencing God Bible Study



Experience God with the Experiencing God Bible Study

experiencing god bible stu

Experiencing God is a popular Bible study program created by Henry Blackaby and Claude King. The program is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God by understanding and experiencing His presence in their lives. Here are some key aspects of the progra

Know God: The Experiencing God study emphasizes the importance of knowing God intimately through reading the Bible, prayer, and obedienc

Experience God: The study encourages individuals to seek out God's will for their lives and to follow His lea

Love God: The program emphasizes the importance of loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and developing a deep and meaningful relationship with Hi

Obey God: The study stresses the importance of obeying God's commands and following His plan for our lives, even when it may not make sense to u

Join God: The program also emphasizes the importance of joining God in His work, which may involve stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting in His guidanc

The Experiencing God program is typically offered in small group settings, and includes a workbook, video sessions, and discussion questions. It is a great resource for those who want to deepen their relationship with God and experience His presence in their daily live

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