son, flee from all evil and from all that is like unto M it ; 2 be not inclined to anger, for anger leadeth
Ley. xix. z6.
to murder ; neither be a zealot, nor quarrelsome, nor
passionate ; for of all these things come murdefs. 3 **y son, be not lustful, for lust leadetli unto fornication ;
neither be of foul speech, nor of lofty eye ; for of all these things come adulteries. 4 My son practise not augury, inasmuch as it leadeth unto idolatry ¡ nor be an user of charms, nor an astrologer, nor an user of purifi- cations, neither desire to look upon them ; (or f all these things cometh idolatr . $ My son, be not a liar ¡
inasmuch as lying leadeth unto theft , neither a money-
lv OI
vain-glorious ; for of all these things come
6 My son, be not a murmurer, inasmuch as it z COF. ¥. EO.
leadeth’ unto blasphemy , nor stubborn, nor evil-mindcd ; for of all thcse things come blasphemies. y Out be meek,
for the meek shall inherit the earth ; 8 be long-suffering, Ps. jy i i, Matt. v. 5.
and merciful and guileless and peaceable, and good, and always in fear of the words which thou hast heard.
9 lion Shalt not exalt thyself, neither shalt thou give
arrogance to thy soul ; thy soul shall not be joined with
the lofty, but with the just and lowly shalt thou converse.
i 6
2 3
Margin yerr§8Evzn Alexandria
Hosanna &c. should be printed wit la next
receive 6 but withholdeth them for giving.J If thou hast it in thy hands thou shalt give a ransom for thy sins.§ y Thou shalt not hesitate to give, neither when thou givest shalt thou murmur || ; for thou shalt know who is
or ‘•\•/hen* asked to
§ or ' if thou hast, thou shalt give with thy hanas.’
Dan. iV. 7•
the fair recompenser of the reward. 8 Thou shalt not ]| or ‘ grudge.’
turn away from him that is in need, but thou shalt share all things with thy brother and shalt not call anything
thine own , for if ye are sharers in that which is incor- ruptible, how much more in the things which are cor- ruptible ! 9 Thou shalt not take away thy hand from thy
son or from thy daughter, but from their youth up thou
Matt. v. z6.
Luke xii. J9.
Matt. xix i 8, i 9
i. zo.
and he shall not come out thence till he have paid the uttermost farthing. 6 But about this also it hath been said, Let thine alms sweat into thy hands until thou discernest unto whom thou givest.
OW the second commandment of the teaching is 2 Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not corrupt child ren, thou shalt not commit fornication, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not use magic arts, thou shalt not use sorcery, thou shalt not
son, flee from al evil and from all that is like unto M it ; 2 be not inclined to anger, for anger leadeth
Lev. xiz. z 6.
to murder ; neither be a zealot, nor quarrelsome, nor passionate ; for of all these things come murders. 3 I\4y son, be not lustful, for lust leadeth unto fornication ; neither be of foul speech, nor of lofty eye ; for of all these things come adulteries. 4 My son practise not augury, inasmuch as it leadeth unto idolatry ; nor be an user of charms, nor an astrologer, nor an user of purifi- cations, neit her desire to look upon them ; formfra il these things cometh idolat . 5 My son, be not a liar ;
inasmuch as 1} ing leadeth unto theft ; neither a money- lover, nor vain-glorious ; for of all these things come
thefts. 6 My son, be not a murmurer, inasmuch as it i Cor. K› IO‹
leadeth’ unto blasphemy , nor stubborn, nor evil-minded ; for of all these things come blasphemies. y But be meek, for the meek shall inherit the earth ; 8 be long-suffering, and merciful and guileless and peaceable, and good, and always in fear of the words which thou hast heard. p Thou shalt not exalt thyself, neither shalt thou give arrogance to thy soul , thy soul shall not be joined with the lofty, but with the just and lowly shalt thou conversc. i o The operations [of God] that befall thee shalt thou accept as good, knowing that without God nothing cometh to pass.
Y son, night and day shalt thou remember him that speaketh unto thee the word of God ; and thou
shalt honour him as God, for where * the power of the • lit. • whence.’
Lord † is proclaimed there is the Lord. z And thou shalt seek out day by day the faces of thc saints that thou
mayest rest upon their words. 3 Thou she.It not desire
or ’ the Lordship.’
division, but thou shalt makc peace between them that Comp. Matt. v. 9.
are at strife : thou shalt judge rigliteously, thou shal t not respect persons in reproving for transgressions. 4 Thou shaft not waver in spirit whether it shall be yea
or no. $ Be not one that stretcheth forth his hands to Comp. Prov. xvi. 6.
receive 6 but withholdeth them for giving.$ If thou hast it in thy hands thou shalt give a ransom for thy sins.§ y Thou shalt not hesitate to give, neither when thou givest shalt thou murmur || ; for thou shalt know who is
or ‘ when asked to
§ or • if thou hast, thou she lt give wi th ‹1:y hands.'
the fair recompenser of the reward. 8 Thou shalt not || or ‘ grudge.'
turn away from him that is in need, but thou shalt share Comp. ii Cor. in. y.
all things with thy brother and shalt not call anything thine own , for if ye are sharers in that which is incor- ruptible, how much more in the things which are cor- ruptible ! Q Thou shalt not take away thy hand from thy son or from thy daughter, but from their youth up thou
shalt teach them the fear of God. io Thou shalt not in thy bitterness lay commands upon thy bo ndman or thy maidservant who hope in the same God ; lest at any
time they cease to fear H inn who is the God over
E pm. wi. 5.
both. row He cometh not to call men according to out- ward appearance, but to those whom the Spirit hath made ready for Him. i I And ye servants be subject unto your masters, as unto an image of God in shamefastness
and fear. i z Thou shalt hate all hypocrisy and all that is not pleasing unto the Lord. i 3 TlioU shalt not forsake the command ments of the Lord, but thou shalt keep what thereto thou hast received, neither adding nor taking;
Comp. Deut. iv. 2, and away. i 4 9"hou shalt confess thy sites in the congrega-
* or ‘ to the place of tion, and thou shalt not come to thy pra) er * with an evil
prayer’ zs in Acts conscience. This is the \Vay of life.
UT the Way of Death is this : first of all it is evi) and full of cursing, murders, adulteries, covetous desires, fornications, thefts, ido1atries, witchcrafts, sorceries, plun- derings, false witnessings, hypocrisies, duplicity, guile, arrogance, malice,
stubborrniess, greed, foulncss of speech, envy, insolence, pi‘ide, boasting ; 2 persecutors of the good, hating truth, loving falsehood ; not e.cknowledging th c reward of righteousness, not cleaving to th:it which is good neither to righteous judgment ; watchful † not toward good but toward evil ; from whom meekness and patience are for removed ; loving vain things, seeking after recompense,
not pitying the poor, not sor- rowing with the sorrow-laden, not acknowledging their Maker ; murderers of children, destroyers of the image of God, turning away from the needy, grieving the aPlicted ; advocates of the rich, lawless judges of the poor ; wholly given to sin. May ye be delivered, my children from all